Lesson 4: Integrate and Use the Custom Worker in AEMaaCS

When the custom workers are done, you could deploy it onto I/O Runtime serverless platform to make it ready for integration in AEMaaCS. Execute the command aio app deploy, which will output all the endpoints of your custom workers in this format https://1234-projectA-workspaceB.adobeioruntime.net/api/v1/web/dx-asset-compute-worker-1/worker-name.

Next, in AEMaaCS, go to Tools -> Assets -> Processing Profiles to create a new processing profile. Give it a name, then under the Custom tab, configure the processing service to map the custom worker endpoints to corresponding renditions.

Processing Profile

After saving the new profile, you need to apply it to a DAM folder.

Apply folder

Finally, you can test your custom workers by uploading any image to the applied folder. It would take a few seconds for the image processing, then you can see the new renditions including the "cutout" generated by the custom worker.


Photo courtesy of gudellaphoto on Adobe Stock.