Adobe Analytics view in Assurance

The Adobe Experience Platform Assurance integration with Adobe Analytics provides a richer view of SDK events to users debugging and validating their Adobe Analytics implementation. The view now shows lifecycle and action/state events sent to Adobe Analytics from the Adobe Experience Platform SDK. The view also features “response” detail that provides information on how the events were processed after the application of each respective report suite’s processing rules.

Getting started

Before continuing, please ensure you have the following services:

To learn how to install Assurance in your application, please read the implementing Assurance guide.

Post-processed status

After the SDK makes a network request with Adobe Analytics, the status will tell you if Assurance was able to retrieve the post-processing information for the Adobe Analytics request.

Please note that in order to retrieve post-processing information, the logged-in user must have access to the corresponding report suite.

The network request is fetching the post-processing information.
The network request was successful, and the post-processing information is received.
The maximum number of requests retries to fetch the post-processing information has been exceeded.
An error caused the network request to fail. More details about the error are displayed in the event details view.
The user does not have access to the Adobe Analytics report suite.
The Adobe Analytics request does not have a corresponding AnalyticsResponse event.
No Debug Flag
The current Adobe Analytics or Assurance SDK version might not support the Analytics Debugging feature. For more information, please read the Troubleshooting guide.
The AnalyticsTrack or LifecycleStart event is older than 24 hours.

Event details view

For an Analytics track event, the detailed view contains the following valuable parts:

  • An originating SDK Analytics request event.
  • OOTB meta and context data from the request, such as report suite ID, SDK extension versions, OOTB context data, and so on.
  • Post-processed information on the Analytics event that contains the mapping of revars, evars, props, and so on.