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Apply product conditions

Out-of-the-box, product conditions can be set on Page Builder's Product content type to define which products you want to display based on a variety of product attributes. For example, if you only want display products in a category with a price greater than $50, you would set up a condition for the product as shown here:

product conditions

This topic describes how you can apply the conditions mechanism to your own custom content types.

Add an attribute to the content type

To add an attribute within your custom content type:

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<attribute source="data-myconditions" name="myconditions"/>

Add the conditions

To add the conditions form element to the form UI component:

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<htmlContent name="myconditions" template="Magento_PageBuilder/form/element/widget-conditions">
<class name="admin__field">true</class>
<block name="myconditions" class="Magento\PageBuilder\Block\Adminhtml\Form\Element\Conditions">
<argument name="formNamespace" xsi:type="string">my_form_namespace</argument>
<argument name="attribute" xsi:type="string">myconditions</argument>
<argument name="label" xsi:type="string" translate="true">My Conditions</argument>

Create a custom form data provider

To create a custom form data provider for the edit form:

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<dataSource name="mycomponent_form_data_source">
<argument name="data" xsi:type="array">
<item name="js_config" xsi:type="array">
<item name="component" xsi:type="string">Magento_PageBuilder/js/content-type/mycomponent/form/provider</item>

The preceding code is an example of how to add a custom form data provider. Replace these values with the values specific to your custom content type and component.

Include the conditionsDataProcessor and attribute

To include the conditionsDataProcessor and accompanying attribute in the data provider file, view/adminhtml/web/js/content-type/mycomponent/form/provider.js:

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], function (Provider, conditionsDataProcessor) {
'use strict';
return Provider.extend({
save: function () {
var data = this.get('data');
conditionsDataProcessor(data, 'myconditions');
return this._super();
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