Creative Cloud Developer Champion Program: Terms, Guidelines and FAQ

Creative Cloud Developer Champions are Adobe Community Experts

The Developer Champion program operates as a subset of the Adobe Community Experts program. As such, Developer Champions are expected to abide by the following:

Specific to Developer Champions

In addition to the above, Champions, like anyone developing for Adobe products, are expected to follow:

This is not an exhaustive list of rules.


New Champions may be nominated by Adobe Employees, Adobe Community Experts, other developers, or the general public. Current Champions and Community Experts will have the opportunity to vote for nominees.

To start, we will name new Champions on a quarterly basis, but the frequency of inducting new Champions may be different in the future.

Champions must join the Adobe Community Experts program if they are not already members of the program.

Year-by-Year Badges

Each year we will name Developer Champions who receive that year’s badge. Champions that have not been active year-over-year may not receive a new badge; this is subject to voting, points earned in the Community Experts program, and the discretion of Adobe.

🏅Developer Champion 2024🏅


What is the process of becoming a Developer Champion?

Nominees who are not already a part of the Adobe Community Expert program will be onboarded to the program. After completing the Expert onboarding, Developer Champions will receive the badge assets and a listing in the Champion Directory on this page.

What is the Adobe Community Experts Program?

Read about it on Experts share their product expertise, have a passion for fostering creativity, support their peers, and solve problems.

Must I be an Adobe Community Expert in order to become a Developer Champion?

Yes, for the time being. We will continue to iterate on the program year-by-year. If you are a Champion, please be sure to take our Champion surveys so we know how the program is going.

What is the difference between a Community Expert and a Developer Champion?

Community Experts may or may not have written code or developed a plugin or add-on. Developer Champions have all developed a plugin, add-on, or other extensible solution, and they’ve gone above and beyond by building tools for other developers, contributing to code samples or libraries, and/or hosting meet-ups or workshops specific to developers.

Community Experts are welcome to participate in Developer Corner challenges or host meet-ups as a way to work towards a Champion nomination.

When can I expect to hear back about my nomination?

Please give us up to four weeks to respond, but generally you can expect to hear from us in two weeks.

What if I don’t get enough points per quarter to remain an Expert? Can I still be a Developer Champion?

This will be decided on a case-by-case basis. Generally speaking, you can keep your yearly Champion badge indefinitely. If you don’t earn enough points to stay in the Experts program year-over-year, you may not get a new Developer Champion badge the following year.

What support will Adobe provide me as a Developer Champion?

Champions are invited to chat in private Slack channels with Adobe employees and are granted access to moderator areas for forum platforms. A limited amount of funding per quarter is available for Champions to host meet-ups and work on developer tools.

A hand holding a string attached to a cloud and wheel.

Nominate a Champion

Do you know someone who is a good fit for our program? Nominate a Champion here.

Nominate a Champion