
There are many avenues to get the support you need for Adobe APIs and services and the tools to access those services. Find where to ask questions, report bugs, make feature requests, and spark discussions for Adobe Developer products. Select one of the product-specific forums or contact emails below to get support for the specific product you are working on.

Creative Cloud APIs & services support

Adobe After Effects

Adobe Fonts

Adobe Framemaker

Adobe Stock

Adobe Animate

Adobe XD

Adobe Audition

Adobe Bridge

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Camera Raw

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Lightroom Classic

Common Extensibility Platform (CEP)

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Dreamweaver

Document Cloud APIs & services support

Adobe Sign

Adobe Document Services

Experience Cloud APIs & services support

Experience Platform Places Service

Adobe Experience Platform Launch

Experience Platform SDK

Adobe Target

Cloud Manager

Journey Orchestration

Adobe Experience Platform

AEP Privacy API

Smart Content


Adobe Accessibility