
foundation-content is a concept where there is an element that acts as content area in the page. It understands browser history and manipulates it using pushState and replaceState, while listening to the popstate event as well.



Indicates the container for the content. The child elements of this element act as the body of the content. Only the child having foundation-content-current class is displayed, the rest of the children is hidden or detached. There MUST be at maximum one .foundation-content in the page at any time.

Selector Rule:



Indicates the content that is currently displayed.

Selector Rule:

.foundation-content > .foundation-content-current



This event is triggered after the loading process of a new content is completely finished—i.e. when no further action is performed by foundation-content. This event is only triggered for a new content—via FoundationContent.go() directly or indirectly, not when the content is switched. The event has the following parameters:

interface FoundationContentLoadedEvent {
   * @param status <code>true</code> when the operation is a success; <code>false</code> otherwise
   * @param replace <code>true</code> when it is a replace operation; <code>false</code> when it is a push operation
   * @param xhr The normalized jQuery XHR object. It is only available during error.
  (status: boolean, replace: boolean, xhr? JQueryXHR): void;

History Behaviour

During popstate event, if the state is created by foundation-content by mean of FoundationContent.push(html, historyConfig) or FoundationContent.replace(html, historyConfig)—either directly or indirectly—then the content associated with that state is restored to .foundation-content-current; otherwise the event is deemed irrelevant to foundation-content.

AdaptTo Interface

returned type
interface FoundationContent {
   * Loads the given url&mdash;using {@link #go}&mdash;and pushes the given data onto the session history stack
   * with the specified title and url.
   * @param data The data to be pushed
   * @param title The title to be set
   * @param url The url to fetch
   * @returns The promise returning the token after the content is displayed
   * @see
  pushState(data: any, title: string, url: string): Promise<string>;

   * Loads the given url&mdash;using {@link #go}&mdash;and updates the most recent entry on the history stack
   * to have the specified data, title, and, url.
   * @param data The data to replace the existing one
   * @param title The title to be set
   * @param url The url to fetch
   * @returns The promise returning the token after the content is displayed
   * @see
  replaceState(data: any, title: string, url: string): Promise<string>;

   * Fetches the content from the given url and display it.
   * If there is a pending request, the existing request is aborted and the new request is used to show the content.
   * @param url The url to fetch
   * @param replace If <code>true</code> then it behaves as {@link #replace}, otherwise it is a {@link #push}.
   * @param historyConfig The config object to configure the history
   * @returns The promise returning the token after the content is displayed
  go(url: string, replace = false, historyConfig?: FoundationContentHistoryConfig): Promise<string>;

   * Goes to the state represented by the given token.
  goToToken(token: string): void;

   * Refreshes the current content. It will use current document.location to fetch the new html.
   * @returns The promise returning the token after the content is displayed
  refresh(): Promise<string>;

   * Displays the given html. All the next content elements after previous <code>foundation-content-current</code> element are removed.
   * This is similar behavior to web browser when navigating to a new document.
   * Triggers <code>foundation-contentloaded</code> event.
   * If historyConfig.title is not given (falsy), then this method will try to parse from the &lt;title&gt; of the html.
   * @param html The html string to be pushed
   * @param historyConfig The config object to configure the history
   * @returns The token that can be used to go to that state
   * @see #goToToken
  push(html: string, historyConfig?: FoundationContentHistoryConfig): string;

   * Replaces the current element with the given html. Triggers <code>foundation-contentloaded</code> event.
   * If historyConfig.title is not given (falsy), then this method will try to parse from the &lt;title&gt; of the html.
   * @param html The html string to be pushed
   * @param historyConfig The config object to configure the history
   * @returns {String} The token that can be used to go to that state
   * @see #goToToken
  replace(html: string, historyConfig?: FoundationContentHistoryConfig): string;

   * Goes back one step. If there is no previous content, this method do nothing.
   * @param refresh The flag to indicate to refresh the previous content
   * @returns The token that can be used to go to that state
   * @see #goToToken
  back(refresh = false): string;

   * Goes forward one step. If there is no next content, this method do nothing.
   * @param refresh The flag to indicate to refresh the next content
   * @returns The token that can be used to go to that state
   * @see #goToToken
  forward(refresh = false): string;

interface FoundationContentHistoryConfig {
  url?: string;
  title: string;
  data: any;

Relationship Graph

digraph "foundation-content" { rankdir=BT; "foundation-content-control" -> "foundation-content" [label="controls"]; "foundation-content-history" -> "foundation-content" [label="controls"]; }