


Indicates the control to manipulate layout.

Selector Rule:



Indicates the config when the control is activated. The value is JSON with the following structure:

interface FoundationLayoutControlConfig {
   * The action to be performed. Valid values:
   * - <code>switch</code> is calling <code>FoundationLayout.switchLayout</code>.
  action: string;

   * The selector to the layout element (element having <code>[data-foundation-layout]</code>).
   * If this property is missing, the closest layout element is used (<code>control.closest("[data-foundation-layout]")</code>).
  target: string;

   * The config object to be used by the layout. This is same value as <code>[data-foundation-layout]</code>.
  config: FoundationLayoutsConfig;

Selector Rule:


Relationship Graph

digraph "foundation-layout" { rankdir=BT; "foundation-layout-control" -> "foundation-layout" [label="controls"]; }