
Paginator is a utility class for the purpose of infinity scrolling.

AdaptTo Interface

window object
returned type
Constructor of type FoundationUtilPaginator
interface FoundationUtilPaginator {
   * The container element that the scroll event and dimensions are registered and measured.
   * @readonly
  el: Element;

   * Indicates if the paginator is currently loading.
   * @readonly
  isLoading: boolean;

   * Indicates if there is more item to be loaded.
   * @readonly
  hasNext: boolean;

   * The current offset.
   * @readonly
  offset: number;

   * The page size.
   * @readonly
  limit: number;

   * Instanciates a new paginator.
  new(config: FoundationUtilPaginatorConfig);

   * Starts the pagination process:
   * - The scroll event handler is registered.
   * - Start loading items when there is available space.
   * @param offset The initial offset. Set this param when there is existing items.
   * @param hasNext <code>true</code> to indicate if there is more item to be loaded; <code>false</code> otherwise.
   * @param forceFirstLoad <code>true</code> to force doing the first load regardless of available space.
   * @param delay The delay, in millisecond, when to start the process.
  start(offset = 0, hasNext = true, forceFirstLoad = false, delay = 0): void;

   * Restarts the pagination process:
   * - Start loading items when there is available space.
   * This method is usually used when the items are added or removed by external party.
   * Hence the paginator internal state needs to reflect that new items.
   * Aborts the loading process if the paginator is currently loading.
   * @param offset The initial offset. Set this param when there is existing items.
   * @param hasNext <code>true</code> to indicate if there is more item to be loaded; <code>false</code> otherwise.
   * @param forceFirstLoad <code>true</code> to force doing the first load regardless of available space.
  restart(offset = 0, hasNext = true, forceFirstLoad = false): void;

   * Destroys the paginator. The instance MUST NOT be used anymore.
  destroy(): void;

interface FoundationUtilPaginatorConfig {
   * The container element that the scroll event and dimensions are registered and measured.
  el: Element;

   * The page size. Default is 20.
  limit?: number;

   * Returns a URL for the given paginator values (offset and limit).
   * The URL is used to fetch the next page.
  resolveURL(paginator: FoundationUtilPaginator): string;

   * Processes the returned response.
   * @returns A promise of the length of new items; and if more item to be loaded.
  processResponse(paginator: FoundationUtilPaginator, response: any): Promise<FoundationUtilPaginatorResponse>;

   * Shows a wait mask.
  wait?: (paginator: FoundationUtilPaginator) => FoundationUtilPaginatorWait;

   * The callback when the new page is loaded and the paginator's states are updated.
   * It is called after <code>#processResponse</code>.
  onNewPage?: (paginator: FoundationUtilPaginator) => void;

interface FoundationUtilPaginatorWait {
   * Clears the wait.
  clear(): void;

interface FoundationUtilPaginatorResponse {
   * The length of new items.
  length: number;

   * <code>true</code> if more item to be loaded.
  hasMode: boolean;


var Paginator = $(window).adaptTo("foundation-util-paginator");

var paginator = new Paginator({
  el: scrollContainer,

  resolveURL: function(paginator) {
    return URITemplate.expand(src, {
      offset: paginator.offset,
      limit: paginator.limit

  processResponse: function(paginator, html) {
    var deferred = $.Deferred();

    var processed = Granite.UI.Foundation.Utils.processHtml(html, undefined, function() {
      var el = $(processed);
      var items = getItems(el);
      deferred.resolve(items.length, items.length >= paginator.limit);

    return deferred.promise();

  wait: function(paginator) {
    var wait = getWait(table);;

    return {
      clear: function() {
