*************** betty-ActionBar *************** ``.betty-ActionBar`` is an extension of coral-actionbar to satisfy the requirement of Betty Actionbar. Markup ====== .betty-ActionBar ---------------- Indicates the root of the component. Selector Rule:: coral-actionbar.betty-ActionBar .betty-ActionBar-item --------------------- Indicates the item of the ActionBar. By default `.betty-ActionBar-item` is assumed to be Coral.Button, where its padding is used as part of the calculation of the gap between items. So if there is a need to create a different item type, most likely effort is to have the same horizontal padding as Coral.Button. Selector Rule:: coral-actionbar-item > .betty-ActionBar-item Variants ======== .betty-ActionBar--large ----------------------- The variant to represent Shell3 specific of the ActionBar. Selector Rule:: .betty-ActionBar.betty-ActionBar--large .betty-ActionBar--overlay ------------------------- The variant that is required to be used in overlay scenario. Selector Rule:: .betty-ActionBar.betty-ActionBar--overlay Example ======= .. code-block:: html Relationship Graph ================== .. graphviz:: digraph "betty-ActionBar" { rankdir=BT; "betty-SimpleBar" -> "betty-ActionBar" [label="similar to"]; }