*************** betty-SimpleBar *************** ``.betty-SimpleBar`` is a CSS component to satisfy the requirement of Betty ActionBar. The difference between this component and :doc:`actionbar` is that this component doesn't have the reflowing behaviour. Because of this, only a simpler scenario where there is a main item (that is maximized) and a few buttons makes sense. Markup ====== .betty-SimpleBar ---------------- Indicates the root of the component. Selector Rule:: .betty-SimpleBar .betty-SimpleBar-region ----------------------- Indicates the region or group of the item. You can have maximum two regions. Selector Rule:: .betty-SimpleBar > .betty-SimpleBar-region .betty-SimpleBar-region--maximized ---------------------------------- Indicates that the region will be maximized to cover the available space. Exactly one region MUST be maximized. Typically the first region (the left) is maximized. Selector Rule:: .betty-SimpleBar-region.betty-SimpleBar-region--maximized Supported Item ============== The item of SimpleBar can be anything, although the following are supported OOTB: 1. Coral.Button 2. ``.betty-SimpleBar-title`` ``

My Title

`` The item type to represent the title. e.g. It can be used for the title of the application. It requires the title to be Coral Heading 2. Variants ======== .betty-SimpleBar--large ----------------------- The variant to represent Shell3 specific of the Betty ActionBar. Selector Rule:: .betty-SimpleBar.betty-SimpleBar--large Example ======= .. code-block:: html

Select Path

Relationship Graph ================== .. graphviz:: digraph "betty-SimpleBar" { rankdir=BT; "betty-ActionBar" -> "betty-SimpleBar" [label="similar to"]; }