************************** foundation-content-history ************************** Markup ====== [data-foundation-content-history] --------------------------------- Indicates the anchor element is used to manipulate browser history via :doc:`foundation-content ` API, instead of normal behaviour of anchor. The value is JSON with the following structure: .. code-block:: ts interface FoundationContentHistoryConfig { /** * The action to be performed. * push (default) is calling FoundationContent.pushState, while replace is calling FoundationContent.replaceState. */ action?: string; /** * The title to be passed to title param of FoundationContent.replaceState or FoundationContent.pushState. */ title?: string; /** * The data to be passed to data param of FoundationContent.replaceState or FoundationContent.pushState. */ data?: any; } The anchor’s ``href`` attribute is used as the URL param of ``FoundationContent.replaceState`` or ``FoundationContent.pushState``. Selector Rule:: a[data-foundation-content-history] Relationship Graph ================== .. graphviz:: digraph "foundation-content" { rankdir=BT; "foundation-content-control" -> "foundation-content" [label="controls"]; "foundation-content-history" -> "foundation-content" [label="controls"]; }