************************* foundation-workflowstatus ************************* An element to unify the workflow status information. It displays the number of workflows on the items with details in tooltip. Markup ====== foundation-workflowstatus ------------------------- The root element to represent the workflow status. Selector Rule:: foundation-workflowstatus [variant] --------- Indicates if there is any error in workflow: ``default`` (default), ``error``. Selector Rule:: foundation-workflowstatus[variant] foundation-workflowstatus-item ------------------------------ The element representing single workflow. Selector Rule:: foundation-workflowstatus > foundation-workflowstatus-item [author] -------- Represents author name that started the workflow. Selector Rule:: foundation-workflowstatus-item[author] [timestamp] ----------- The timestamp when the workflow was started in ISO 8601 format. e.g. ``1994-11-05T13:15:30Z``. Selector Rule:: foundation-workflowstatus-item[timestamp] --------- The content of the element represents the title of the workflow. Example:: Workflow 123 DOM API ======= ``foundation-workflowstatus`` element supports the following interface: .. code-block:: ts interface FoundationWorkflowstatus { /** * Indicates if there is any error in workflow: ``default`` (default), ``error``. */ variant: string; } ``foundation-workflowstatus-item`` element supports the following interface: .. code-block:: ts interface FoundationWorkflowstatusItem { /** * The user that started the workflow. */ author: string; /** * The workflow title. */ content: string; /** * The timestamp (in ISO 8601) when workflow was started. */ timestamp: string; } Example ======= .. code-block:: html Workflow Name Workflow Name #1 Workflow Name #2