OpenPrompt ========== .. granite:servercomponent:: /libs/granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/form/responses/openprompt ``OpenPrompt`` is success response handler that shows a prompt to the user to open a resource. This is mainly used in creation form, where the user is given a choice to open the newly created resource. It is implemented in the client by :doc:`../../../clientlibs/foundation/js/form/response/ui/success/`. It has the following content structure: .. gnd:gnd:: [granite:FormResponsesOpenPrompt] > granite:commonAttrs /** * The URI Template to open the resource. */ - open (StringEL) /** * The URI Template for redirection. */ - redirect (StringEL) /** * The title of the prompt. */ - jcr:title (String) i18n /** * The text of the prompt. */ - text (String) i18n Example:: + myform - sling:resourceType = "granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/form" - method = "post" - action = "/my/new/resource" - foundationForm = true + successresponse - sling:resourceType = "granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/form/responses/openprompt" - open = "/bin/wcmcommand?cmd=open&_charset_=utf-8&path={Path}" - redirect = "/sites.html${granite:encodeURIPath(requestPathInfo.suffix)}" - jcr:title = "Site Created" + items + field1 + field2