LazyStep ======== .. granite:servercomponent:: /libs/granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/wizard/lazystep The component to render the lazy loaded step. Use this component when branching of the steps is needed that is usually depending on the user input in the preceding steps. It has the following content structure: .. gnd:gnd:: [granite:WizardLazyStep] /** * The wizard step title. */ - jcr:title (String) mandatory i18n /** * ``false`` to skip validation for this particular step. Otherwise the validation is performed when step change is about to occur. */ - validation (Boolean) = 'true' /** * The action component (e.g. button, hyperlink) to go to the previous step. */ + prev /** * The action component (e.g. button, hyperlink) to go to the next step. */ + next /** * The actual content of the step. */ + content mandatory Example Given the example below, only "Step 1" is rendered. Only when the next button is clicked, the new steps ("Step2" and "Step 3") are loaded and added lazily:: + /apps/mywizard - sling:resourceType = "granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/wizard" + items + step1 - jcr:title = "Step 1" - sling:resourceType = "granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/container" + items + field1 - sling:resourceType = "granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/form/textfield" - name = "field1" + parentConfig + prev - sling:resourceType = "granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/anchorbutton" - granite:class = "foundation-wizard-control" - text = "Cancel" + granite:data - foundation-wizard-control-action = "cancel" + next - sling:resourceType = "granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/button" - granite:class = "foundation-wizard-control" - text = "Next" + granite:data - foundation-wizard-control-action = "next" - foundation-wizard-control-src = '${granite:uritemplate("/apps/mylazysteps.html{?field1}")}' + /apps/mylazysteps - sling:resourceType = "granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/container" + items + step2 - jcr:title = "Step 2" - sling:resourceType = "granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/wizard/lazystep" + prev - sling:resourceType = "granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/button" - granite:class = "foundation-wizard-control" - text = "Back" + granite:data - foundation-wizard-control-action = "prev" + next - sling:resourceType = "granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/button" - granite:class = "foundation-wizard-control" - text = "Next" + granite:data - foundation-wizard-control-action = "next" + content - sling:resourceType = "granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/container" + step3 - jcr:title = "Step 3" - sling:resourceType = "granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/wizard/lazystep" + prev - sling:resourceType = "granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/button" - granite:class = "foundation-wizard-control" - text = "Back" + granite:data - foundation-wizard-control-action = "back" + next - sling:resourceType = "granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/button" - granite:class = "foundation-wizard-control" - text = "Next" + granite:data - foundation-wizard-control-action = "next" + content - sling:resourceType = "granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/container"