Breadcrumbs =========== .. granite:servercomponent:: /libs/granite/ui/components/endor/layouts/breadcrumbs :layout: :deprecated: Breadcrumbs is a layout to render the Endor's Breadcrumbs. The root item (the Adobe Marketing Cloud) will be rendered automatically and not required to be given as part of the items. It has href value of "/". The items of the layout are specified using :ref:`ItemDataSource `. Each item has the following content structure: .. gnd:gnd:: [granite:EndorLayoutsBreadcrumbsItem] /** * ``true`` indicates it is a "clickable" navigation; ``false`` otherwise. */ - navigation (Boolean) = 'true' Example:: + mybreadcrumbs - sling:resourceType = "granite/ui/components/foundation/navigation" + layout - sling:resourceType = "granite/ui/components/endor/layouts/breadcrumbs" + items + link1 + link2 + layoutConfig - navigation = false