FileUpload ========== .. granite:servercomponent:: /libs/granite/ui/components/foundation/form/fileupload :supertype: /libs/granite/ui/components/foundation/form/field :deprecated: A field component to upload file. It extends :granite:servercomponent:`Field ` component. It has the following content structure: .. gnd:gnd:: [granite:FormFileUpload] /** * The id attribute. */ - id (String) /** * The class attribute. This is used to indicate the semantic relationship of the component similar to ``rel`` attribute. */ - rel (String) /** * The class attribute. */ - class (String) /** * The title attribute. */ - title (String) i18n /** * The name that identifies the field when submitting the form. */ - name (String) = 'file' /** * A hint to the user of what can be entered in the field. */ - emptyText (String) i18n /** * Indicates if the field is in disabled state. */ - disabled (Boolean) /** * Indicates if the field is mandatory to be filled. */ - required (Boolean) /** * The name of the validator to be applied. E.g. ````. * See :doc:`validation ` in Granite UI. */ - validation (String) multiple /** * The text of the button. */ - text (String) i18n /** * The icon of the button. */ - icon (String) /** * The variant of the button. */ - variant (String) multiple < 'secondary', 'quiet' /** * Indicates if multiple files can be uploaded. */ - multiple (Boolean) /** * The parameter representing the file name, for instance "./fileName" or "./image/fileName". It will be used to determine the (relative) location where to store the name of the file. */ - fileNameParameter (String) /** * The location where to store the reference of the file (when a file already uploaded on the server is used), usually ./fileReference or ./image/fileReference. NB: This is only working in the context of AEM Authoring */ - fileReferenceParameter (String) /** * The URL where to upload the file, you can use ``${suffix.path}`` to use the current suffix */ - uploadUrl (String) /** * The upload URL builder. */ - uploadUrlBuilder (String) /** * The file size limit. */ - sizeLimit (Long) /** * ``true`` to make the upload starts automatically once the file is selected. */ - autoStart (String) /** * Prefers HTML5 to upload files (if browser allows it). */ - useHTML5 (Boolean) = true /** * The drop zone selector to upload files from file system directly (if browser allows it). */ - dropZone (String) /** * The browse and selection filter for file selection. E.g: [".png",".jpg"] or ["image/\*"]. */ - mimeTypes (String) multiple /** * Flag to indicate if chunked upload is supported. */ - chunkUploadSupported (Boolean) = false /** * Size of chunk. */ - chunkSize (Long) /** * Minimum file size which will use chunked upload. */ - chunkUploadMinFileSize (Long)