
foundation-contentloaded event

This event SHOULD be triggered when a new content is injected to the DOM, which is very similar to DOMContentLoaded event.

The event SHOULD be triggered at the smallest containing element (the container) possible, which can be the injected element itself.

You can trigger it by using jQuery:

// in this example, document is the smallest container

// in this example, `myContainer` is the smallest container

When listening, the container is available at It is RECOMMENDED that the listener uses the container to scope its operation:

// Initialize datepicker widget at newly injected markup
$(document).on("foundation-contentloaded", function(e) {
  var container =;

  $(".example-datepicker", container).each(function() {


Imagine there is a button component that upon click, it will load a dialog markup from the server and show it to the user.

The markup is something like this:

<button class="example-dialog-activator" data-example-dialog-activator-src="/my/dialog.html">Show Dialog</button>

The dialog itself can be an arbitrary markup with complex form fields inside. Because of this, when injecting the dialog to the DOM, the button implementation is required to trigger foundation-contentloaded event, using the dialog element as the container element.

The implementation can be something like this:

$(document).on("click", ".example-dialog-activator", function(e) {

  var src = this.dataset.exampleDialogActivatorSrc;

  fetch(src).then(function(response) {
    return response.text();
  }).then(function(html) {
    return parseHTML(html);
  }).then(function(element) {

Usage Guideline

Since this event is potentially triggered at every new content injected to the DOM, it needs to be listened to very carefully.

It is normally used so that a JavaScript code can be notified when new content needs to be enhanced ASAP. i.e. performing an eager processing as opposed to a lazy one.

Eager vs Lazy Processing

Eager processing is a code which requires to be executed ASAP. This is usually for something visible to the user, such as layout operation, initializing component.

Example of eager processing:

 * Initialize datepicker widget at newly injected markup.
$(document).on("foundation-contentloaded", function(e) {
  var container =;

  $(".example-datepicker", container).each(function() {

Lazy processing in the other hand doesn’t require the code to be executed ASAP. It is typically done by waiting for a certain event to be triggered.

Example of lazy processing:

 * `foundation-history-control` implementation, where it only needs to wait for the `click` event to perform its action.
 * It is done by leveraging event propagation to the root.
 * It doesn't need to leverage `foundation-contentloaded` at all,
 * since the event handler needs to be registered once at document level, instead of registering the handler at every element.
 * This is also good for memory consumption.
$(document).on("click", ".foundation-history-control", function(e) {

  var el = this;
  var action = el.dataset.foundationHistoryControlAction;

  if (action === "back") {
  } else if (action === "forward") {

Multiple Event Trigger

Since this event may also be triggered multiple times within the same container, the listener should therefore protect itself against this.

Using DatePicker example above, Example.DatePicker.init needs to check if the relevant element is already initialized or not.

Other Event

In your application, there are usually many other events for certain purposes. It is RECOMMENDED that these events are used accordingly.

So basically you have to find the best event that fit your use case. In theory since we have DOM mutation observer event, we can just remove all the events we currently have and just abuse that. If the requirement says that an operation needs to be done during dialog open, then use the event that says exactly that. If the requirement says that a widget needs to be upgraded when it is injected to the DOM, then you may use foundation-contentloaded, because it is exactly what it says.

If there is no suitable event, as a workaround a more generic event such as mutation observer or foundation-contentloaded can be used, but the handler needs to handle multiple calls, as the granularity doesn’t fit well.