
foundation-content-control is a control for foundation-content.


Indicates the control. The .foundation-content element managed by this control is determined by the closest ancestor (i.e. equivalent using jQuery: control.closest(".foundation-content")).

Selector Rule:

.foundation-content .foundation-content-control


Indicates the action to take. The valid values are back and forward, that will call FoundationContent.back() or FoundationContent.forward() respectively.

Selector Rule:



true to refresh the content when doing the action. It will be passed to FoundationContent.back(refresh) or FoundationContent.forward(refresh) respectively.

Selector Rule:


Relationship Graph

digraph "foundation-content" { rankdir=BT; "foundation-content-control" -> "foundation-content" [label="controls"]; "foundation-content-history" -> "foundation-content" [label="controls"]; }