
foundation-editable is a concept where an element is able to be editable by an editor. For example, a simple paragraph showing a read-only text may be configured to be editable, such that when the user clicks it, an editor is shown to edit the paragraph.

The editor itself is a pluggable.


Indicates the editable element.

Selector Rule:



Indicates the editor name to be used to edit the editable element.

Note that this is an optional attribute. It is just meant to standardize the attribute name if an editor needs to be specified.

Selector Rule:


foundation-editable-commit event

This event is triggered at .foundation-editable after the editing is committed. The event has the following parameters:

interface FoundationEditableCommitEvent {
  (): void;

foundation-editable-cancel event

This event is triggered at .foundation-editable after the editing is canceled. The event has the following parameters:

interface FoundationEditableCancelEvent {
  (): void;

AdaptTo Interface

returned type
interface FoundationEditable {
   * Edits the current element.
   * This method tries to find the appropriate editor for the element.
  edit(): void;

Editor Registration

The editor of .foundation-editable can be registered to the registry using foundation.editable.editor as the name and the config satisfying the following interface:

interface FoundationEditableEditor {
   * The selector targeting the editable element.
   * @example
   * .foundation-editable[data-foundation-editable-editor="foundation.text"]
  selector: string;

   * The handler to actually show the editor.
   * @param el The element of the <code>.foundation-editable</code>
  handler: (el: Element) => FoundationEditableEditorHandle;

interface FoundationEditableEditorHandle {
   * The actual editor element.
   * It will be appended to a wrapper element that is handling the positioning.
   * It SHOULD be rendered as a block-like element.
   * ``foundation-editable-commit`` and ``foundation-editable-cancel`` MUST be triggered as per spec mentioned above.
  el: Element;

   * A callback when the editor is already rendered inside the wrapper element in the DOM.
   * Most likely this method needs to focus the editor.
  renderCallback: () => void;

The registered editors are consulted using LIFO (last in, first out) algorithm, where the last registered editor is consulted first.


 * An example implementation of editor that is editing the editable element using its ``element.textContent``.
$(window).adaptTo("foundation-registry").register("foundation.editable.editor", {
  selector: ".foundation-editable[data-foundation-editable-editor='foundation.text']",
  handler: function(el) {
    var editable = $(el);

    var editor = $(document.createElement("input"))
        display: "block",
        width: "100%"
      .on("blur", function(e) {
      .on("keydown", function(e) {
        if (e.which === 13) { // enter
        } else if (e.which === 27) { // escape

    var commit = function(el) {

    var cancel = function() {


    return {
      el: editor[0],
      renderCallback: function() {

Relationship Graph

digraph "foundation-editable" { rankdir=BT; "foundation-editable-control" -> "foundation-editable" [label="controls", weight=8]; "foundation.text" -> "foundation-editable" [label="provides editor to"]; }