
foundation-selections is a vocabulary about the concept of selection, which is built on top of foundation-collection.


Indicates the element is selected. It MUST be applied to .foundation-collection-item element. foundation-selections-change event MUST be triggered after modifying the selection status. See foundation-selections-change event section for details.

Selector Rule:


Indicates the selection mode of the collection. It MUST be applied to .foundation-collection element. The valid values are:

Only maximum single selection allowed
multiple (default)
Zero or more selection allowed

Selector Rule:


foundation-selections-change event

This event MUST be triggered after modifying the selection status of .foundation-selections-item element(s) at .foundation-collection element. The event MAY be triggered once after all the items are finished modified (i.e. modifying by batch).

AdaptTo Interface

returned type
interface FoundationSelections {
   * Returns the count of selected items.
  count(): number;

   * Clears the selections. This method will trigger <code>foundation-selections-change</code> event.
   * @param suppressEvent Suppress <code>foundation-selections-change</code> event. Note that if you suppress the event, you are still required to trigger the event yourself as mandated by the vocabulary.
  clear(suppressEvent?: boolean): void;

   * Selects the given element. This method will trigger <code>foundation-selections-change</code> event.
   * The element MUST be a <code>.foundation-collection-item</code>.
  select(el: Element): void;

   * Deselects the given element. This method will trigger <code>foundation-selections-change</code> event.
   * The element MUST be a <code>.foundation-collection-item</code>.
  deselect(el: Element): void;


When the .foundation-collection element is also [role=listbox], during foundation-selections-change event, the [aria-selected] of .foundation-collection-item is set according to the selection status (based on .foundation-selections-item).

Also the validation of .foundation-collection element is also performed during that event.

Note for the above features, since they can be implemented generically to only depend on foundation-selections vocabulary, they are provided OOTB. Implementor doesn’t need to implement them.

Relationship Graph

digraph "foundation-collection" { rankdir=BT; "foundation-selections" -> "foundation-collection" [label="extends", weight=8]; "foundation-collection-action" -> "foundation-selections" [label="reacts to"]; "" -> "foundation-collection-action" [label="provides action to"]; "foundation.pushstate" -> "foundation-collection-action" [label="provides action to"]; }