
A wizard is a user interaction that is defined by a sequence of predefined steps. Usually it is used in conjunction with a form.


Indicates the element is a wizard. A wizard MUST NOT be nested inside another wizard.

Selector Rule:



Indicates the element is a step of a wizard. It MUST be a descendant of .foundation-wizard element.

Selector Rule:

.foundation-wizard .foundation-wizard-step


Indicates the title of the step.

Selector Rule:



Indicates the step that is currently active. It MUST be applied to .foundation-wizard-step element. There MUST be exactly one active step at a time. foundation-wizard-stepchange event MUST be triggered after moving from one step to another. See foundation-wizard-stepchange event section for details.

Selector Rule:


false to skip validation for this particular step. Otherwise the validation is performed when step change is about to occur.

Selector Rule:


foundation-wizard-stepchange event

This event MUST be triggered after moving from one step to another. It is triggered at .foundation-wizard element, with the following parameters:

interface FoundationWizardStepchangeEvent {
   * @param to The current active step
   * @param from The previous active step
  (to: Element, from?: Element): void;


$(document).on("foundation-wizard-stepchange", ".foundation-wizard", function(e, to, from) {});

AdaptTo Interface

returned type
interface FoundationWizard {
   * Toggles the next button. This method will try to find all next buttons of the current step.
   * @param enable A boolean value to determine whether the button should be enabled or disabled
  toggleNext(enable: boolean): void;

   * Toggles the prev button. This method will try to find all prev buttons of the current step.
   * @param enable A boolean value to determine whether the button should be enabled or disabled
  togglePrev(enable: boolean): void;

   * Toggles the cancel button. This method will try to find all cancel buttons of the current step.
   * @param enable A boolean value to determine whether the button should be enabled or disabled
  toggleCancel(enable: boolean): void;

   * Toggle an action button. This method will try to find all buttons of the current step with the given action.
   * @param action=prev|next|cancel The action buttons to toggle
   * @param enable A boolean value to determine whether the button should be enabled or disabled
  toggle(action: string, enable: boolean): void;

   * Go to the next step. This method will show the next step regardless if it's logically make sense or not (e.g. due to validation).
   * If there is no next step, this method does nothing.
  next(): void;

   * Go to the previous step. This method will show the previous step regardless if it's logically make sense or not.
   * If there is no previous step, this method does nothing.
  prev(): void;

   * Appends the given array of step elements to the wizard.
   * Each element needs to satisfy the foundation-wizard-step requirement. Please consult the vocabulary.
   * @param steps The steps to be appended
   * @param index The index the step is added. If not passed, the step is added as the last one.
  append(steps: Element[], index?: number): void;

   * Appends the given array of step elements to the wizard after the given reference step.
   * Each element needs to satisfy the foundation-wizard-step requirement. Please consult the vocabulary.
   * @param steps The steps to be appended
   * @param refStep The reference step
  appendAfter(steps: Element[], refStep: Element): void;

   * Removes the given array of step elements from the wizard.
   * If the current step is removed, the resulting behaviour is undefined.
  remove(steps: Element[]): void;


Indicates the element to control the transition from one step to another. The .foundation-wizard element managed by this control is determined by the closest ancestor (i.e. equivalent using jQuery: control.closest(".foundation-wizard")).

Selector Rule:



Indicates the action to take. The valid values are:

Go to previous step; .foundation-wizard-step-active and foundation-wizard-stepchange event MUST be handled accordingly.
Go to next step; .foundation-wizard-step-active and foundation-wizard-stepchange event MUST be handled accordingly.
Cancel the wizard; the component handling foundation-wizard is free to decide the behavior of cancel.

Selector Rule:



Indicates that upon control activation, additional steps will be fetched and added as the next steps. The valid value is a URI Template, where each HTML input (e.g. <input>, <select>) of the steps up to the active one is passed as variable. The HTML input’s name and value are used as variable name and value respectively.

The valid response returned by the URI—by expanding the mentioned URI Template—is the valid HTML markup of .foundation-wizard-step. For example:

  <div class="foundation-wizard-step" data-foundation-wizard-step-title="Additional Step 1">
    <button class="foundation-wizard-control" data-foundation-wizard-control-action="prev">Prev</button>
    <button class="foundation-wizard-control" data-foundation-wizard-control-action="next">Next</button>

    <!-- The content of the step -->
  <div class="foundation-wizard-step" data-foundation-wizard-step-title="Additional Step 2">
    <button class="foundation-wizard-control" data-foundation-wizard-control-action="prev">Prev</button>
    <button class="foundation-wizard-control" data-foundation-wizard-control-action="next">Next</button>

    <!-- The content of the step -->

This attribute is only applicable to [data-foundation-wizard-control-action] with the value of next.

Selector Rule:



<div class="foundation-wizard">
  <div class="foundation-wizard-step">
    <a class="foundation-wizard-control" href="/home.html" data-foundation-wizard-control-action="cancel">Cancel</a>
    <button class="foundation-wizard-control" data-foundation-wizard-control-action="next">Next</button>

    <input name="p1" value="abc">
  <div class="foundation-wizard-step foundation-wizard-step-active">
    <button class="foundation-wizard-control" data-foundation-wizard-control-action="prev">Prev</button>
    <button class="foundation-wizard-control" data-foundation-wizard-control-action="next" data-foundation-wizard-control-src="/nextsteps.html?p1={p1}&p2={p2}">Next</button>

    <input name="p2" value="xyz">

Upon clicking next, the value of [data-foundation-wizard-control-src] is expanded into /nextsteps.html?p1=abc&p2=xyz.


foundation-wizard implementation MUST provide validation of the current step just before changing to a next step depending on the configuration of [data-foundation-wizard-step-validation].

Also, the next button of a step is enabled/disabled according to the validity of the step. Note for this particular feature, since it can be implemented generically to only depend on foundation-wizard vocabulary, it is provided OOTB. Implementor doesn’t need to implement it.