

A component that show the current active item. Only one item can be active at the same time. When clicked, the next item of the active is shown and the click is triggered at that next item instead. If the last item is clicked, then the first item is shown and triggered accordingly.

To indicate the active item, the following priorities are used:

  1. active property
  2. parentConfig/active boolean property at the item resource
  3. The first item

It has the following content structure:

  1. granite:commonAttrs
  2. granite:renderCondition

The name of the active item.


The items of the component. Either specify this resource or datasource resource.


The items of the component. Either specify this resource or items resource.


+ mybuttons
  - jcr:primaryType = "nt:unstructured"
  - sling:resourceType = "granite/ui/components/foundation/cyclebuttons"
    + items
      + button1
        - sling:resourceType = "granite/ui/components/foundation/button"
        - text = "Button1"
      + button2
        - sling:resourceType = "granite/ui/components/foundation/button"
        - text = "Button2"
        + parentConfig
          - active = true