

The generic page to render Shell.

It also supports resource filtering using FilteringResourceWrapper and acts as its container.

It has the following content structure:


A general purpose ID to uniquely identify the console.

The recommended value is hierarchical separated by “-“. e.g. “cq-commerce-report”


To render the title of the page (<title>), resource at head/title is first inspected. If it doesn’t exist, this property is used accordingly; otherwise do nothing. i.e. the title at head/title is included naturally.


To redirect the page, this resource can be specified. It will be included, where the redirect can be performed.


A folder to specify the content of <head> of the page. Its child resources are iterated and included as is.


The component to render the title.

This is optional, and if not specified, the title header is not displayed. If the title is just a simple string, Title can be used.

The only requirement of the component is to generate a simple text without any wrapping markup. E.g. To have a title of “My Page”, just make the component do something like out.print("My Page").

Note if the title and breadcrumbs are provided, only the breadcrumbs will be generated.


The data source for the list of breadcrumbs.

This is optional, and if not specified, the breadcrumbs are not displayed.

Note that only the breadcrumbs can be rendered or the title, not both. The breadcrumbs will take prescience over the title if both are provided.

  1. granite:ShellPageActions

The folder for the actions applicable in the context of the whole page.


The path to the omnisearch configuration associated with the console.

e.g. /libs/granite/omnisearch/content/metadata/site

  1. granite:ShellCollectionPageRails

A folder to specify the panels of the rail.


The actual content of the page.


The folder for primary actions.

The action can be any action component such as Button, AnchorButton, Pulldown, Collection.

The actionBar variant of the components above SHOULD be used, unless primary variant is used.


The folder for secondary actions.

The action can be any action component such as Button, AnchorButton, Pulldown, Collection.

The actionBar variant of the components above SHOULD be used, unless primary variant is used.


true to activate the rail initially.

Note that you need to also set active property of the rail panel to true accordingly.

  1. granite:PanelRailPanel

The child resources are considered as the panels, where each MUST be a RailPanel (or its derivative).


+ mypage
  - sling:resourceType = "granite/ui/components/shell/page"
  - jcr:title = "My Page"
  + content
    - sling:resourceType = "granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/container"