
A datasource is a factory to provide a collection of Resource. This datasource can be used for any suitable purpose, although most of the time it is used to provides the dynamic items of a container component.

When developing a new server component, it is RECOMMENDED to use this shared mechanic, instead of inventing a new one.

Content Structure

A datasource is specified using a resource with Sling resource type pointing to it:

+ mydatasource
  - sling:resourceType = "example/mydatasource"
  - property1 = "foo"
  - property2 = "bar"

Each datasource can expose any property for its own purpose.

It is up to each component to define the content structure expressing the datasource for any purpose. For example a toolbar component may support its buttons as datasource, which indicated as buttons subresource:

+ mytoolbar
  - sling:resourceType = "example/toolbar"
  + buttons
    - sling:resourceType = "example/mydatasource"
    - property1 = "foo"
    - property2 = "bar"


ItemDataSource is a dedicated term used to describe a datasource to represent items of a container component. The items can be either specified literally using items subresource; or dynamic items using datasource using datasource subresource.

For example /libs/granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/container supports both literal items and datasource to represent its items:

+ myContainerUsingLiteralItems
  - sling:resourceType = "granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/container"
  + items
    + item1
      - sling:resourceType = "example/myitem"
      - property1 = "foo"
      - property2 = "bar"
    + item2
      - sling:resourceType = "example/myitem"
      - property1 = "foo"
      - property2 = "bar"

+ myContainerUsingItemDataSource
  - sling:resourceType = "granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/container"
  + datasource
    - sling:resourceType = "example/mydatasource"
    - property1 = "foo"
    - property2 = "bar"

Component Development

To leverage datasource in your component, you can use ComponentHelper#asDataSource(Resource) (or its overloads).

For the purpose of ItemDataSource, you can use ComponentHelper#getItemDataSource() (or its overloads). It can be used to fetch the items that are specified literally using items subresource; or as a datasource using datasource subresource.

Note that the context resource for ItemDataSource is always the parent resource (myContainerUsingItemDataSource resource in above example). This is mainly due to historical reason.

Hypothetical /apps/example/toolbar component implementation as per mytoolbar content structure above:

ComponentHelper cmp = new ComponentHelper(pageContext);

Resource buttons = resource.getChild("buttons");

DataSource ds = cmp.asDataSource(buttons);

for (Iterator<Resource> items = ds.iterator(); items.hasNext();) {
    %><sling:include resource="<%= %>" /><%

Hypothetical ItemDataSource example using myContainerUsingItemDataSource content structure above:

ComponentHelper cmp = new ComponentHelper(pageContext);

DataSource ds = cmp.getItemDataSource();

for (Iterator<Resource> items = ds.iterator(); items.hasNext();) {
    %><sling:include resource="<%= %>" /><%