Interface ReplicationContentFilter

    • Method Detail

      • accepts

        boolean accepts​(Node node)
        Indicates whether the given Node is to be included in the content of the replication built by ContentBuilders.
        node - The Node to check.
        true if this node may be included in the replication content.
      • accepts

        boolean accepts​(Property property)
        Indicates whether the given Property is to be included in the content of the replication built by ContentBuilders.
        property - The Property to check.
        true if this property may be included in the replication content.
      • allowsDescent

        boolean allowsDescent​(Node node)
        Indicates whether the ContentBuilders may descend / traverse the children of the given node for inclusion in the replication content. If this returns false, the given node itself and its properties are still included in the replication content (if returns true and properties are accepted via {@link #accepts(javax.jcr.Property)}.
        node - The Node to check.
        true if the content builder may traverse the children of the given node, false otherwise.
      • getFilteredPaths

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> getFilteredPaths()
        Get the List of paths that have been filtered by this filter.
        a List of Strings representing the filtered paths or null if this is not supported.