CommandLine |
CommandLine objects help handling command lines specifying processes to
DaemonExecutor |
Runs daemon processes asynchronously.
DefaultExecuteResultHandler |
A default implementation of 'ExecuteResultHandler' used for asynchronous
process handling.
DefaultExecutor |
The default class to start a subprocess.
ExecuteWatchdog |
Destroys a process running for too long.
InputStreamPumper |
Copies all data from an System.input stream to an output stream of the executed process.
LogOutputStream |
Base class to connect a logging system to the output and/or
error stream of then external process.
OS |
Condition that tests the OS type.
PumpStreamHandler |
Copies standard output and error of sub-processes to standard output and error
of the parent process.
ShutdownHookProcessDestroyer |
Destroys all registered Process es when the VM exits.
StreamPumper |
Copies all data from an input stream to an output stream.
Watchdog |
Generalization of ExecuteWatchdog