Package org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.conversion
Interface Summary Interface Description IdentifierResolver IdentifierResolver
....NamePathResolver Combined name and path resolver.NameResolver Resolver for JCR name Strings andName
objects.PathResolver Resolver for JCR paths. -
Class Summary Class Description CachingNameResolver Name resolver decorator that uses a generational cache to speed up parsing and formatting of JCR names.CachingPathResolver Path resolver decorator that uses a generational cache to speed up parsing and formatting of JCR paths.DefaultNamePathResolver DefaultNamePathResolver
...NameParser ParsingNameResolver Name resolver that parsers and formats prefixed JCR names.ParsingPathResolver Path resolver that parsers and formats prefixed JCR paths.PathParser -
Exception Summary Exception Description IllegalNameException Thrown when an illegal JCR name string is encountered.MalformedPathException Thrown when a malformed JCR path string is encountered.NameException Base class for exceptions about malformed or otherwise invalid JCR names and paths.