Interface Drawable

    • Field Detail


        static final Drawable.DrawableHint GROUP_TRANSFORM
        Key will be internally used to store affine transformation temporarily within group shapes

        static final Drawable.DrawableHint TEXT_RENDERING_MODE
        how to render text: TEXT_AS_CHARACTERS (default) means to draw via Graphics2D.drawString(java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator, float, float). This mode draws text as characters. Use it if the target graphics writes the actual character codes instead of glyph outlines (PDFGraphics2D, SVGGraphics2D, etc.) TEXT_AS_SHAPES means to render via TextLayout.draw(java.awt.Graphics2D, float, float). This mode draws glyphs as shapes and provides some advanced capabilities such as justification and font substitution. Use it if the target graphics is an image.

        static final Drawable.DrawableHint GRADIENT_SHAPE
        PathGradientPaint needs the shape to be set. It will be achieved through setting it in the rendering hints

        static final Drawable.DrawableHint PRESET_GEOMETRY_CACHE
        Internal key for caching the preset geometries

        static final int TEXT_AS_CHARACTERS
        draw text via Graphics2D.drawString(java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator, float, float)
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final int TEXT_AS_SHAPES
        draw text via TextLayout.draw(java.awt.Graphics2D, float, float)
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final Drawable.DrawableHint FONT_HANDLER
        Use this object to resolve unknown / missing fonts when rendering slides. The font handler must be of type DrawFontManager.

        In case a FONT_HANDLER is register, FONT_FALLBACK and FONT_MAP are ignored


        static final Drawable.DrawableHint FONT_FALLBACK
        Key for a font fallback map of type Map<String,String> which maps the original font family (key) to the fallback font family (value). In case there is also a FONT_MAP registered, the original font is first mapped via the font_map and then the fallback font is determined
      • FONT_MAP

        static final Drawable.DrawableHint FONT_MAP
        Key for a font map of type Map<String,String> which maps the original font family (key) to the mapped font family (value)

        static final Drawable.DrawableHint CURRENT_SLIDE
        The Common SL Draw API works sometimes cascading, but there are places where the current slide context need to be evaluated, e.g. when slide numbers are printed. In this situation we need to have a way to access the current slide
    • Method Detail

      • applyTransform

        void applyTransform​(java.awt.Graphics2D graphics)
        Apply 2-D transforms before drawing this shape. This includes rotation and flipping.
        graphics - the graphics whos transform matrix will be modified
      • draw

        void draw​(java.awt.Graphics2D graphics)
        Draw this shape into the supplied canvas
        graphics - the graphics to draw into
      • drawContent

        void drawContent​(java.awt.Graphics2D graphics)
        draw any content within this shape (image, text, etc.).
        graphics - the graphics to draw into