Class MimeTypes

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, Detector

    public final class MimeTypes
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements Detector,
    This class is a MimeType repository. It gathers a set of MimeTypes and enables to retrieves a content-type from its name, from a file name, or from a magic character sequence.

    The MIME type detection methods that take an InputStream as an argument will never reads more than getMinLength() bytes from the stream. Also the given stream is never closed, marked, or reset by the methods. Thus a client can use the mark feature of the stream (if available) to restore the stream back to the state it was before type detection if it wants to process the stream based on the detected type.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String OCTET_STREAM
        Name of the root type, application/octet-stream.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • PLAIN_TEXT

        public static final java.lang.String PLAIN_TEXT
        Name of the text type, text/plain.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • MimeTypes

        public MimeTypes()
    • Method Detail

      • getMimeType

        public MimeType getMimeType​(java.lang.String name)
        Find the Mime Content Type of a document from its name. Returns application/octet-stream if no better match is found.
        name - of the document to analyze.
        the Mime Content Type of the specified document name
      • getMimeType

        public MimeType getMimeType​( file)
                             throws MimeTypeException,
        Use Tika.detect(File) instead
        Find the Mime Content Type of a document stored in the given file. Returns application/octet-stream if no better match is found.
        file - file to analyze
        the Mime Content Type of the specified document
        MimeTypeException - if the type can't be detected - if the file can't be read
      • forName

        public MimeType forName​(java.lang.String name)
                         throws MimeTypeException
        Returns the registered media type with the given name (or alias). The named media type is automatically registered (and returned) if it doesn't already exist.
        name - media type name (case-insensitive)
        the registered media type with the given name or alias
        MimeTypeException - if the given media type name is invalid
      • getRegisteredMimeType

        public MimeType getRegisteredMimeType​(java.lang.String name)
                                       throws MimeTypeException
        Returns the registered, normalised media type with the given name (or alias).

        Unlike forName(String), this function will not create a new MimeType and register it. Instead, null will be returned if there is no definition available for the given name.

        Also, unlike forName(String), this function may return a mime type that has fewer parameters than were included in the supplied name. If the registered mime type has parameters (e.g. application/dita+xml;format=map), then those will be maintained. However, if the supplied name has paramenters that the registered mime type does not (e.g. application/xml; charset=UTF-8 as a name, compared to just application/xml for the type in the registry), then those parameters will not be included in the returned type.

        name - media type name (case-insensitive)
        the registered media type with the given name or alias, or null if not found
        MimeTypeException - if the given media type name is invalid
      • addPattern

        public void addPattern​(MimeType type,
                               java.lang.String pattern)
                        throws MimeTypeException
        Adds a file name pattern for the given media type. Assumes that the pattern being added is not a JDK standard regular expression.
        type - media type
        pattern - file name pattern
        MimeTypeException - if the pattern conflicts with existing ones
      • addPattern

        public void addPattern​(MimeType type,
                               java.lang.String pattern,
                               boolean isRegex)
                        throws MimeTypeException
        Adds a file name pattern for the given media type. The caller can specify whether the pattern being added is or is not a JDK standard regular expression via the isRegex parameter. If the value is set to true, then a JDK standard regex is assumed, otherwise the freedesktop glob type is assumed.
        type - media type
        pattern - file name pattern
        isRegex - set to true if JDK std regexs are desired, otherwise set to false.
        MimeTypeException - if the pattern conflicts with existing ones.
      • getMinLength

        public int getMinLength()
        Return the minimum length of data to provide to analyzing methods based on the document's content in order to check all the known MimeTypes.
        the minimum length of data to provide.
        See Also:
      • detect

        public MediaType detect​( input,
                                Metadata metadata)
        Automatically detects the MIME type of a document based on magic markers in the stream prefix and any given metadata hints.

        The given stream is expected to support marks, so that this method can reset the stream to the position it was in before this method was called.

        Specified by:
        detect in interface Detector
        input - document stream, or null
        metadata - metadata hints
        MIME type of the document
        Throws: - if the document stream could not be read
      • getDefaultMimeTypes

        public static MimeTypes getDefaultMimeTypes()
        Get the default MimeTypes. This includes all the build in media types, and any custom override ones present.
        MimeTypes default type registry
      • getDefaultMimeTypes

        public static MimeTypes getDefaultMimeTypes​(java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
        Get the default MimeTypes. This includes all the built-in media types, and any custom override ones present.
        classLoader - to use, if not the default
        MimeTypes default type registry