Class SOAPPart

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.w3c.dom.Document, org.w3c.dom.Node

    public abstract class SOAPPart
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements org.w3c.dom.Document

    The container for the SOAP-specific portion of a SOAPMessage object. All messages are required to have a SOAP part, so when a SOAPMessage object is created, it will automatically have a SOAPPart object.

    A SOAPPart object is a MIME part and has the MIME headers Content-Id, Content-Location, and Content-Type. Because the value of Content-Type must be "text/xml", a SOAPPart object automatically has a MIME header of Content-Type with its value set to "text/xml". The value must be "text/xml" because content in the SOAP part of a message must be in XML format. Content that is not of type "text/xml" must be in an AttachmentPart object rather than in the SOAPPart object.

    When a message is sent, its SOAP part must have the MIME header Content-Type set to "text/xml". Or, from the other perspective, the SOAP part of any message that is received must have the MIME header Content-Type with a value of "text/xml".

    A client can access the SOAPPart object of a SOAPMessage object by calling the method SOAPMessage.getSOAPPart. The following line of code, in which message is a SOAPMessage object, retrieves the SOAP part of a message.

     SOAPPart soapPart = message.getSOAPPart();

    A SOAPPart object contains a SOAPEnvelope object, which in turn contains a SOAPBody object and a SOAPHeader object. The SOAPPart method getEnvelope can be used to retrieve the SOAPEnvelope object.

    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from interface org.w3c.dom.Node

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      abstract void addMimeHeader​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
      Creates a MimeHeader object with the specified name and value and adds it to this SOAPPart object.
      abstract java.util.Iterator getAllMimeHeaders()
      Retrieves all the headers for this SOAPPart object as an iterator over the MimeHeader objects.
      abstract javax.xml.transform.Source getContent()
      Returns the content of the SOAPEnvelope as a JAXP Source object.
      java.lang.String getContentId()
      Retrieves the value of the MIME header whose name is "Content-Id".
      java.lang.String getContentLocation()
      Retrieves the value of the MIME header whose name is "Content-Location".
      abstract SOAPEnvelope getEnvelope()
      Gets the SOAPEnvelope object associated with this SOAPPart object.
      abstract java.util.Iterator getMatchingMimeHeaders​(java.lang.String[] names)
      Retrieves all MimeHeader objects that match a name in the given array.
      abstract java.lang.String[] getMimeHeader​(java.lang.String name)
      Gets all the values of the MimeHeader object in this SOAPPart object that is identified by the given String.
      abstract java.util.Iterator getNonMatchingMimeHeaders​(java.lang.String[] names)
      Retrieves all MimeHeader objects whose name does not match a name in the given array.
      abstract void removeAllMimeHeaders()
      Removes all the MimeHeader objects for this SOAPEnvelope object.
      abstract void removeMimeHeader​(java.lang.String header)
      Removes all MIME headers that match the given name.
      abstract void setContent​(javax.xml.transform.Source source)
      Sets the content of the SOAPEnvelope object with the data from the given Source object.
      void setContentId​(java.lang.String contentId)
      Sets the value of the MIME header named "Content-Id" to the given String.
      void setContentLocation​(java.lang.String contentLocation)
      Sets the value of the MIME header "Content-Location" to the given String.
      abstract void setMimeHeader​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
      Changes the first header entry that matches the given header name so that its value is the given value, adding a new header with the given name and value if no existing header is a match.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
      • Methods inherited from interface org.w3c.dom.Document

        adoptNode, createAttribute, createAttributeNS, createCDATASection, createComment, createDocumentFragment, createElement, createElementNS, createEntityReference, createProcessingInstruction, createTextNode, getDoctype, getDocumentElement, getDocumentURI, getDomConfig, getElementById, getElementsByTagName, getElementsByTagNameNS, getImplementation, getInputEncoding, getStrictErrorChecking, getXmlEncoding, getXmlStandalone, getXmlVersion, importNode, normalizeDocument, renameNode, setDocumentURI, setStrictErrorChecking, setXmlStandalone, setXmlVersion
      • Methods inherited from interface org.w3c.dom.Node

        appendChild, cloneNode, compareDocumentPosition, getAttributes, getBaseURI, getChildNodes, getFeature, getFirstChild, getLastChild, getLocalName, getNamespaceURI, getNextSibling, getNodeName, getNodeType, getNodeValue, getOwnerDocument, getParentNode, getPrefix, getPreviousSibling, getTextContent, getUserData, hasAttributes, hasChildNodes, insertBefore, isDefaultNamespace, isEqualNode, isSameNode, isSupported, lookupNamespaceURI, lookupPrefix, normalize, removeChild, replaceChild, setNodeValue, setPrefix, setTextContent, setUserData
    • Constructor Detail

      • SOAPPart

        public SOAPPart()
    • Method Detail

      • getEnvelope

        public abstract SOAPEnvelope getEnvelope()
                                          throws SOAPException
        Gets the SOAPEnvelope object associated with this SOAPPart object. Once the SOAP envelope is obtained, it can be used to get its contents.
        the SOAPEnvelope object for this SOAPPart object
        SOAPException - if there is a SOAP error
      • getContentId

        public java.lang.String getContentId()
        Retrieves the value of the MIME header whose name is "Content-Id".
        a String giving the value of the MIME header named "Content-Id"
        See Also:
      • getContentLocation

        public java.lang.String getContentLocation()
        Retrieves the value of the MIME header whose name is "Content-Location".
        a String giving the value of the MIME header whose name is "Content-Location"
        See Also:
      • setContentId

        public void setContentId​(java.lang.String contentId)
        Sets the value of the MIME header named "Content-Id" to the given String.
        contentId - a String giving the value of the MIME header "Content-Id"
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if there is a problem in setting the content id
        See Also:
      • setContentLocation

        public void setContentLocation​(java.lang.String contentLocation)
        Sets the value of the MIME header "Content-Location" to the given String.
        contentLocation - a String giving the value of the MIME header "Content-Location"
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if there is a problem in setting the content location.
        See Also:
      • removeMimeHeader

        public abstract void removeMimeHeader​(java.lang.String header)
        Removes all MIME headers that match the given name.
        header - a String giving the name of the MIME header(s) to be removed
      • removeAllMimeHeaders

        public abstract void removeAllMimeHeaders()
        Removes all the MimeHeader objects for this SOAPEnvelope object.
      • getMimeHeader

        public abstract java.lang.String[] getMimeHeader​(java.lang.String name)
        Gets all the values of the MimeHeader object in this SOAPPart object that is identified by the given String.
        name - the name of the header; example: "Content-Type"
        a String array giving all the values for the specified header
        See Also:
        setMimeHeader(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
      • setMimeHeader

        public abstract void setMimeHeader​(java.lang.String name,
                                           java.lang.String value)
        Changes the first header entry that matches the given header name so that its value is the given value, adding a new header with the given name and value if no existing header is a match. If there is a match, this method clears all existing values for the first header that matches and sets the given value instead. If more than one header has the given name, this method removes all of the matching headers after the first one.

        Note that RFC822 headers can contain only US-ASCII characters.

        name - a String giving the header name for which to search
        value - a String giving the value to be set. This value will be substituted for the current value(s) of the first header that is a match if there is one. If there is no match, this value will be the value for a new MimeHeader object.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if there was a problem with the specified mime header name or value
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if there was a problem with the specified mime header name or value
        See Also:
      • addMimeHeader

        public abstract void addMimeHeader​(java.lang.String name,
                                           java.lang.String value)
        Creates a MimeHeader object with the specified name and value and adds it to this SOAPPart object. If a MimeHeader with the specified name already exists, this method adds the specified value to the already existing value(s).

        Note that RFC822 headers can contain only US-ASCII characters.

        name - a String giving the header name
        value - a String giving the value to be set or added
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if there was a problem with the specified mime header name or value
      • getAllMimeHeaders

        public abstract java.util.Iterator getAllMimeHeaders()
        Retrieves all the headers for this SOAPPart object as an iterator over the MimeHeader objects.
        an Iterator object with all of the Mime headers for this SOAPPart object
      • getMatchingMimeHeaders

        public abstract java.util.Iterator getMatchingMimeHeaders​(java.lang.String[] names)
        Retrieves all MimeHeader objects that match a name in the given array.
        names - a String array with the name(s) of the MIME headers to be returned
        all of the MIME headers that match one of the names in the given array, returned as an Iterator object
      • getNonMatchingMimeHeaders

        public abstract java.util.Iterator getNonMatchingMimeHeaders​(java.lang.String[] names)
        Retrieves all MimeHeader objects whose name does not match a name in the given array.
        names - a String array with the name(s) of the MIME headers not to be returned
        all of the MIME headers in this SOAPPart object except those that match one of the names in the given array. The nonmatching MIME headers are returned as an Iterator object.
      • setContent

        public abstract void setContent​(javax.xml.transform.Source source)
                                 throws SOAPException
        Sets the content of the SOAPEnvelope object with the data from the given Source object.
        source - javax.xml.transform.Source object with the data to be set
        SOAPException - if there is a problem in setting the source
        See Also:
      • getContent

        public abstract javax.xml.transform.Source getContent()
                                                       throws SOAPException
        Returns the content of the SOAPEnvelope as a JAXP Source object.
        the content as a javax.xml.transform.Source object
        SOAPException - if the implementation cannot convert the specified Source object
        See Also: