11 Import
A repository may support the bulk import of content from XML. Two XML mappings are defined: document view and system view. The former is used primarily for the import of arbitrary XML into the repository while the latter is a full serialization of repository content (see §7 Export). A repository that supports import must support both formats.
Whether an implementation supports import can be determined by querying the repository descriptor table with
A return value of true indicates support (see §24.2 Repository Descriptors).
11.1 Importing Document View
The document view XML mapping (see §7.3 Document View) allows the import of arbitrary XML into the repository. On import, the repository first checks if the incoming XML appears to be a system view document. If it does not, then it is assumed to be in document view form, and the following occurs:
For each XML namespace declaration with prefix P and URI U:
If the namespace registry already contains a mapping of some prefix P' to U (where P' may or may not be equal to P) then the namespace registry is left unchanged.
If the namespace registry does not contain a mapping to U then such a mapping is added to the registry. The prefix assigned may be P, if P is not already used in the registry, otherwise the repository must generate and assign a new, previously unused, prefix.
Each XML element E becomes a JCR node of the same name, E.
The node type of the JCR node E is determined by the implementation in accordance with its policy on respecting property semantics (see §11.3 Respecting Property Semantics and §11.4 Determining Node Types).
Each child XML element C of XML element E becomes a JCR child node C of node E.
Each XML attribute A within an XML element E becomes a property A of JCR node E. The value of each XML attribute A becomes the value of the corresponding property A.
The type of each imported property is determined by the implementation in accordance with its policy on respecting property semantics (see §11.3 Respecting Property Semantics and §11.4 Determining Node Types).
Escape sequences representing non-XML-valid characters in element names and whitespace in attribute values may be encountered (for example, if the incoming XML stream is the product of an earlier document view export). In such cases, whether the escape sequences are decoded is left up to the implementation. Note that the predefined entity references &, <, >, ' and ", as well as all other entity and character references, must be decoded in any case, in accordance with the XML specification.
An implementation that respects node type information may be able to determine whether a particular attribute is intended to be a single or multi-value property, and treat any spaces embedded in the value accordingly (either as delimiters or as literal spaces). Implementations are also free to rely on information external to this specification (such as any schema associated by the incoming XML) to help determine the intended interpretation of whitespace within a particular incoming attribute value.
Text within an XML element E becomes a STRING property called jcr:xmlcharacters of a JCR node called jcr:xmltext, which itself becomes a JCR child node of the node E. The value of E/jcr:xmltext/jcr:xmlcharacters will be the character data passed to ContentHandler.characters.
If import is done through the ContentHandler returned by getImportContentHandler, data passed to ContentHandler.ignorableWhitespace is ignored.
If import is done through importXML, pure whitespace between elements (that is, a string containing no non-whitespace characters) is ignored. However, whitespace leading, trailing and between non-whitespace characters is included in the text that is stored in E/jcr:xmltext/jcr:xmlcharacters.
11.1.1 Roundtripping
Not all information within the infoset of an XML document is maintained on import to document view. Information lost will include processing instructions, the distinction between text and CDATA and namespace scoping at the sub-document level. As a result, perfect roundtripping of a full XML infoset is not possible through document view.
On document view import, the repository will automatically add repository metadata in the form of JCR properties (at least jcr:primaryType, for example), if these are not already present in the incoming XML. When re-exported using document view, the resulting XML will contain these properties in the form of XML attributes. As a result, the application must take care of stripping out unwanted repository metadata.
11.2 Import System View
Given a system view XML document the subgraph constructed upon import is determined by reversing the mapping discussed in §7.2 System View. Though the mapping is largely straightforward some special considerations are discussed in §11.3 Respecting Property Semantics and §11.9 Importing jcr:root.
11.3 Respecting Property Semantics
During either system or document view import, XML elements (in system view) or XML attributes (in document view) may be encountered that correspond to JCR properties with repository-level semantics such as the jcr-prefixed properties of such node types as nt:base, mix:referenceable or mix:versionable, among others.
When an element or attribute representing such a property is encountered, an implementation may either skip it or respect it.
A repository that respects a particular element or attribute must import it and alter the internal state of the repository in accordance with the semantics of the property given the configuration of that repository instance. For example, a repository that respects jcr:primaryType will attempt to create a node of the indicated primary node type. If that node type is not supported, the repository will throw an exception.
A repository that skips an element or attribute must not import it all. It must not import it but then ignore the semantics of the resulting property.
The implementation-specific policy regarding what to skip and what to respect must be internally consistent. For example, it makes no sense to skip jcr:mixinTypes (thus missing the presence of mix:lockable, for example) and yet respect jcr:lockOwner and jcr:lockIsDeep.
If an implementation chooses to skip jcr:primaryType, the node type of the imported node is determined by the implementation (see §11.5 Determining Node Types).
11.4 Determining Node Types
In cases of XML import where primary node type information is unavailable, either because it is skipped or because it is not available (as is the case on document view import of arbitrary XML), the implementation must determine an appropriate node type to assign to each newly created node. How this is done is implementation-dependent.
11.5 Determining Property Types
On import of arbitrary XML using document view, the implementation must determine a suitable property type for each incoming property. Determination of the property type must be done as follows:
If the property type is determinable from the node type assigned to its node (regardless of how this node type is itself determined; see §11.5 Determining Node Types) then that property type is used.
If the property type is not determinable from the node type assigned to its node then the determination of the property is left up to the implementation. For example, an implementation may use STRING properties exclusively, or attempt to “guess” the type according to an analysis of the content.
11.6 Event-Based Import Methods
The Workspace and Session interfaces provide the following event-based import methods:
Workspace.getImportContentHandler(String parentAbsPath,
int uuidBehavior)
Session.getImportContentHandler(String parentAbsPath,
int uuidBehavior)
These methods return an org.xml.sax.ContentHandler without altering either the Workspace or Session. The actual changes to the repository are made through the methods of the ContentHandler19. Invalid XML data will cause the ContentHandler to throw a SAXException.
If the incoming XML is a system view XML document then it is interpreted as such, otherwise it is imported as document view.
The incoming XML is imported into a subgraph of items immediately below the node at parentAbsPath.
11.6.1 Workspace Event-Based Import
A ContentHandler acquired through the Workspace method dispatches changes immediately. Node type constraints are enforced by the ContentHandler by throwing a SAXException during deserialization. However, which node type constraints are enforced depends upon whether node type information in the imported data is respected, and this is an implementation-specific issue (see §11.3 Respecting Property Semantics).
11.6.2 Session Event-Based Import
A ContentHandler acquired through the Session will build the graph of new items in the transient session store. The changes are then dispatched on save.
Different node type constraints may be enforced at different times. Those that would be immediately enforced on a core write method (see §10.2 Core Write Methods) of that particular implementation will cause the returned ContentHandler to throw an immediate SAXException. All other node type constraints are enforced as they would be if made through the core write methods. However, which node type constraints are enforced also depends upon whether node type information in the imported data is respected, which is an implementation-specific issue (see §11.3 Respecting Property Semantics).
11.7 Stream-Based Import Methods
The Workspace and Session interfaces provide the following stream-based import methods:
Workspace.importXML(String parentAbsPath,
InputStream in,
int uuidBehavior)
Session.importXML(String parentAbsPath,
InputStream in,
int uuidBehavior)
These methods import the XML document in the input stream and add the resulting item subgraph as a child of the node at parentAbsPath. If the incoming XML is a system view XML document then it is interpreted as such, otherwise it is imported as document view.
11.7.1 Workspace Stream-Based Import
On Workspace.importXML changes are dispatched immediately. Node type constraints are enforced by throwing a ConstraintViolationException. However, which node type constraints are enforced depends upon whether node type information in the imported data is respected, which is an implementation-specific issue (see §11.3 Respecting Property Semantics).
11.7.2 Session Stream-Based Import
On Session.importXML changes remain pending until dispatched on save. Node type constraints that would be immediately enforced on a core write method (see §10.2 Core Write Methods) of that particular implementation will cause an immediate ConstraintViolationException during import. All other node type constraints are enforced as they would be if made through the core write methods. However, which node type constraints are enforced depends upon whether node type information in the imported data is respected, and this is an implementation-specific issue (see §11.3 Respecting Property Semantics).
11.8 Identifier Handling
The uuidBehavior flag governs how the identifiers of imported nodes are handled. There are four options, defined as constants in the interface javax.jcr.ImportUUIDBehavior:
11.8.1 Create New Identifiers
IMPORT_UUID_CREATE_NEW: Incoming nodes are assigned newly created identifiers upon addition to the workspace. As a result, identifier collisions never occur.
11.8.2 Remove Existing Node
IMPORT_UUID_COLLISION_REMOVE_EXISTING: If an incoming non-shareable node has the same identifier as a node already existing in the workspace then the already existing node (and its subgraph) is removed from wherever it may be in the workspace before the incoming node is added. Note that this can result in nodes “disappearing” from locations in the workspace that are remote from the location to which the incoming subgraph is being written. In the case of shareable node, however, the behavior differs (see §14.1.2 Shared Node Creation on Import).
11.8.3 Replace Existing Node
IMPORT_UUID_COLLISION_REPLACE_EXISTING: If an incoming non-shareable node has the same identifier as a node already existing in the workspace, then the already existing node is replaced by the incoming node in the same position as the existing node. Note that this may result in the incoming subgraph being disaggregated and “spread around” to different locations in the workspace. In the most extreme case this behavior may result in no node at all being added as child of parentAbsPath. This will occur if the topmost element of the incoming XML has the same identifier as an existing node elsewhere in the workspace. In the case of shareable node, however, the behavior differs (see §14.1.2 Shared Node Creation on Import).
11.8.4 Throw on Identifier Collision
IMPORT_UUID_COLLISION_THROW: If an incoming non-shareable node has the same identifier as a node already existing in the workspace, then either a SAXException is thrown by the ContentHandler (in the case of event-based import) or an ItemExistsException is thrown by the importXML method (in the case of stream-based import). In the case of shareable nodes, the behavior differs (see §14.1.2 Shared Node Creation on Import).
11.8.5 Usage of Term UUID
The term “UUID” occurs in the names of certain properties, classes and methods in JCR 1.0. This usage is maintained in JCR 2.0 to preserve compatibility with JCR 1.0. However, in the context of JCR 2.0 these names should be understood to apply to identifiers in general and not just identifiers that use of the UUID syntax, or that possess global uniqueness.
11.9 Importing jcr:root
If the root node of a workspace is exported it will be rendered in XML (in either view) under the name jcr:root. In addition, if the root node is referenceable this will be recorded in the serialization of the jcr:uuid property.
If this XML document is imported back into the workspace a number of different results may occur, depending on the methods and settings used to perform the import. The following summarizes the possible results of using various uuidBehavior values (in either using either Workspace.getImportContentHandler or Workspace.importXML) when a node with the same identifier as the existing root node is encountered on import (the constants below are defined in the interface javax.jcr.ImportUUIDBehavior).
IMPORT_UUID_CREATE_NEW: The XML element representing jcr:root is rendered as a normal node at the position specified (with the name jcr:root). It gets a new identifier, so there is no effect on the existing root node of the workspace.
IMPORT_UUID_COLLISION_REMOVE_EXISTING: If deserialization is done through a ContentHandler (acquired by getImportContentHandler) a SAXException will be thrown. Similarly, if deserialization is done through importXML a ConstraintViolationException will be thrown. Note that this is simply a special case of the general rule that under this uuidBehavior setting, an exception will be thrown on any attempt to import a node with the same identifier as the node at parentAbsPath or any of its ancestors (which, of course, includes the root node).
IMPORT_UUID_COLLISION_REPLACE_EXISTING: This setting is equivalent to importing into the Session and then calling save since save always operates according to identifier. In both cases the result is that the root node of the workspace will be replaced along with its subgraph (i.e., the whole workspace), just as if the root node had been altered through the normal getNode-make change-save cycle.
IMPORT_UUID_COLLISION_THROW: Under this setting a ContentHandler will throw a SAXException and the importXML method will throw ItemExistsException.
Note that an implementation is always free to prevent the replacement of a root node (or indeed any node) either through access control restrictions or other implementation-specific restrictions.