13 Workspace Management
A repository may support workspace management, which enables the creation and deletion of workspaces through the JCR API. A repository that supports this feature must support the semantics of multiple workspaces (see §3.10 Multiple Workspaces) and support cross-workspace operations (see §10.7.2 Copying Across Workspaces and §10.8 Cloning and Updating Nodes).
Whether an implementation supports workspace management can be determined by querying the repository descriptor table with
A return value of true indicates support (see §24.2 Repository Descriptors).
13.1 Creation and Deletion of Workspaces
The method
void Workspace.createWorkspace(String name)
creates a new workspace with the specified name. The new workspace will contain only a root node. The new workspace can be accessed through a login specifying its name.
Workspace.createWorkspace(String name,
String srcWorkspace)
creates a new workspace with the specified name initialized with a clone of the content of the workspace srcWorkspace (see §10.8.1 Cloning Nodes Across Workspaces). Semantically, this method is equivalent to creating a new workspace and manually cloning srcWorkspace to it. However, this method may assist some implementations in optimizing subsequent Node.update and Node.merge calls between the new workspace and its source. The new workspace can be accessed through a login specifying its name.
void Workspace.deleteWorkspace(String name)
Deletes the workspace with the specified name from the repository, deleting all content within it.