14 Shareable Nodes
A repository may support shareable nodes. This section describes the syntax and behavior of the Java API for shareable nodes. For details on the shareable nodes model see §3.9 Shareable Nodes Model.
Whether an implementation supports shareable nodes can be determined by querying the repository descriptor table with
A return value of true indicates support (see §24.2 Repository Descriptors).
14.1 Creation of Shared Nodes
Cloning a mix:shareable node into the same workspace is the standard way of creating a shared node.
Given workspace W, and an existing mix:shareable node at /A/B/C, the call
W.clone(“W”, “/A/B/C”, “/X/Y/Z”, false)
will create a new node at /X/Y/Z that shares with /A/B/C.
Note that if the removeExisting flag is set to true, the Workspace.clone does not create a shared node, but instead behaves identically to a Workspace.move.
14.1.1 Shared Node Creation on Restore
If VersionManager.restore, restoreByLabel, merge or update is called and this call would create a node with the same identifier as that of an existing mix:shareable node in the same workspace without at the same time removing that existing node (that is, removeExisting is set to false), then the new node is created and is added to the shared set of the existing mix:shareable node.
14.1.2 Shared Node Creation on Import
During import the behavior of the IMPORT_UUID_COLLISION_THROW indicates that if an incoming referenceable node has the same identifier as an existing mix:shareable node in the workspace, the incoming node is created and added to the shared set of the existing mix:shareable node (see §3.9.1 mix:shareable). Note that if the import in question is a Session import (see §11.6.2 Session Event-Based Import and §11.7.2 Session Stream-Based Import) new shared transient nodes will be created. These nodes are not considered to be new, in the sense that Node.isNew will return false.
14.2 Shared Set
The shared set of a node consists of all nodes (including itself) with which it shares. This set is retrieved with
NodeIterator Node.getSharedSet().
14.3 Removing Shared Nodes
The method
void Node.removeShare()
removes the node from its shared set without affecting the other nodes in the set. The method
void Node.removeSharedSet()
removes the node and all the members of its shared set.
In the first case, assuming more than one member in the shared set, the children of the removed node are unaffected since they still have at least one other node as parent. In the second case, however, the children of the shared set are removed.
In cases where the shared set consists of a single node, or when these methods are called on a non-shareable node, their behavior is identical to Node.remove().
When applied to a shared node with at least one other member in its shared set, the method
void Item.remove or
void Session.removeItem
may behave as Node.removeShare() or as Node.removeSharedSet(). Which behavior is adopted is an implementation issue.
The behavior of Node.remove() is permitted to vary across repositories because the details of the underlying implementation will make one or the other of the behaviors more natural for that repository. In particular if a repository implements a shared set by one “primary” parent (that controls the lifetime of the child) and zero or more “secondary” parents (that reference that child), then Item.remove is most naturally interpreted differently on the primary parent and one of the secondary parents. To force that repository to do a Node.removeShare on the primary parent would require that implementation to pick one of the secondary parents as the new primary parent, and change all of the other secondary parents to refer to that new primary parent.
For all three methods, the removal is dispatched on Session.save().
14.4 Transient Layer
When a change is made to a shared node in the transient layer, Node.isModified becomes true and that change is visible in all nodes in the shared set of that node. After a transient shared node is dispatched, Node.isModified becomes false for all nodes in the shared set of that node.
14.5 Copy
The new nodes created by a copy are never in the shared set of any node that existed before the copy, but if two nodes A and B in the source of a copy are in the same shared set S, then the two resulting nodes A' and B' in the destination of the copy must both be in the same shared set S', where S and S' are disjoint.
14.6 Share Cycles
In an implementation that forbids share cycles, any session-write method that can create a shared node will cause a ShareCycleException to be thrown either immediately or on save, if persisting the change would result in a share cycle.
Similarly, any workspace-write method that can create a shared node will throw a ShareCycleException if completion of the operation would result in a share cycle.
In an implementation that does not prevent share cycles, checking for cycles is left to the repository user.
14.7 Export
When more than one shared node in a given shared set is exported to an XML document, the first node in that shared set is exported in the normal fashion (with all of its properties and children), but any subsequent shared node in that shared set is exported as a special node of type nt:share, which contains only the jcr:uuid property of the shared node and the jcr:primaryType property indicating the type nt:share. Note that nt:share only appears in a serialization document, and never appears as a node type of a node in a repository.
14.8 Import
When an XML element with node type nt:share is imported into a repository that does not support shared nodes, the import must fail (getImportContentHandler will throw a SAXException, while importXML will throw an UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException).
14.9 Observation
When a property of a shared node is modified, or when a child item is added to or deleted from a shared node, although that property or child node modification is performed on every node in the shared set of that node, only one event is fired for the shared set. Which node in the shared set is identified in the event is implementation-defined.
14.10 Locking
When a lock is added or removed from a shared node, it is automatically added or removed from every node in the shared set of that node.
If at least one share-ancestor of a node N holds a deep locked then that lock applies to N, resulting in N being locked.
14.11 Node Type Constraints
All the nodes in a shared set always have the same declared primary node type and the same set of assigned mixin node types. Since different nodes in the shared set may have different parents, those parents must be of an appropriate node type to have a child of with these types.
If the members of a shared set correspond to child node definitions (in their respective parents) with conflicting protected settings, the effective protected value of all the members of the shared set will be the logical OR of the protected settings of the set of child node definitions.
14.12 Versioning
If a node is versionable then all nodes within its shared set share the same version history. Under full versioning this follows logically from the fact that the nodes all share the same jcr:versionHistory reference (see § mix:versionable), pointing to a single common nt:versionHistory node (see § nt:versionHistory).
On check-in of a node N within the shared set, its versionable state is determined just as in the non-shared case, but because the node is shared, the resulting version will also reflect the versionable state of any node N' in the shared set of N.
On check-in of a parent M of a shared node N the contribution of N to the versionable state of M is determined according to the OPV of N. Note that the OPV of two nodes N and N' in the same shared set (with parent node M and M', respectively) may differ because the OPV of N is determined by the node type of M, while that of N' is determined by the node type of M'.
14.13 Restore
The effect of shared nodes on restore falls into three cases:
A restore that causes the creation of a new shared node (see §14.1.1 Shared Node Creation on Restore).
A restore that causes the removal of a shared node: In this case the particular shared node is removed but its descendants continue to exist below the remaining members of the shared set.
A restore causes a change to the state of a shared node: Any change is reflected in all nodes in its shared set.
A restore that causes a change below a shared node: The subgraph is changed as usual and the change is visible through many paths.
14.14 IsSame
If node /a/b shares with node /a/c then these two nodes are considered “the same” according to the Item.isSame() method. Additionally, if the shared nodes have a property p, then /a/b/p and /a/c/p are also considered “the same”. If they have a child node x then, similarly, /a/b/x and /a/c/x are also the “the same”.
14.15 RemoveMixin
If an attempt is made to remove the mix:shareable mixin node type from a node in a shared set the implementation may either throw a ConstraintViolationException or allow the removal and change the subgraph in some implementation-specific manner. One possibility is to replace the node with a copy that has no children (if this does not violate the node type restrictions of that node). Another possibility is to give the node a copy of all of its descendants (unless the resulting copy operation would be unfeasible, as would be the case if a share cycle were involved).
14.16 Query
If a query matches two or more nodes in a shared set, whether all of these nodes or just one is returned in the query result is an implementation issue.
This variability is allowed since different implementations might have different “natural” behaviors, and it would be expensive for an implementation to compute the answer that is “unnatural” for that implementation.
If a query matches a descendant node of a shared set, it appears in query results only once.