24 Repository Compliance
A JCR implementation must support the basic repository features:
Repository acquisition and user authentication and authorization (see §4 Connecting)
Reading through path, identifier and browse access (see §5 Reading)
Query (see §6 Query)
Export (see §7 Export)
Node Type Discovery (see §8 Node Type Discovery)
Permission and capability checking (see §9 Permissions and Capabilities)
These features must be supported by all JCR repositories.
In addition, a repository may support any subset of the additional features defined in sections §10 to §23.
The presence of each additional feature is individually testable either through querying the value of a repository descriptor (see §24.2 Repository Descriptors) or testing for the availability of a specific node type (see §24.3 Node Type-Related Features), thus allowing an application to programmatically determine the capabilities of a specific JCR implementation.
An implementation that supports all the additional features defined in this specification is a fully-compliant repository.
24.1 Definition of Support
By indicating support for testable feature, a repository asserts that it fully conforms to the semantics of that feature as defined in this specification, with two possible exceptions:
aspects of the feature clearly indicated as being optional (i.e., should, may, should not), and
aspects of the feature testable by their own repository descriptors (for example, whether a repository supports joins is separately testable from whether it supports searches in general).
However, to indicate that it supports a testable feature, a repository is only required to support that feature in some, not all, contexts. For example, a repository may restrict its support for a feature based on access control, path, or other criteria.
24.2 Repository Descriptors
Repository descriptors are used to test support for repository features that have a behavioral (as opposed to a data-model) aspect.
Each descriptor is identified by a unique key, which is a string. An implementation must recognize all the standard keys defined in this specification and may recognize additional implementation-specific keys. The full set of valid keys (both standard and implementation-specific) for an implementation is returned by
String[] Repository.getDescriptorKeys().
The method
boolean Repository.isStandardDescriptor(String key)
returns true if key is the name of a standard descriptor defined within this specification and false if it is either a valid implementation-specific key or not a valid key.
The method
boolean Repository.isSingleValueDescriptor(String key)
returns true if key is the name of a single value descriptor and false otherwise.
The value of a particular descriptor is found by passing that descriptor's key to either
Value Repository.getDescriptorValue(String key)
Value[] Repository.getDescriptorValues(String key).
depending on whether that key is defined to return a single or a multiple value.
The JCR 1.0 method
String Repository.getDescriptor()
is still supported as a convenience method. The call
String s = repository.getDescriptor(key);
is equivalent to
v = repository.getDescriptorValue(key);
String s = (v == null) ?
null : v.getString();
24.2.1 Repository Information
Key |
Descriptor |
STRING: The version of the specification that this repository implements. For JCR 2.0 the value of this descriptor is “2.0”. |
STRING: The name of the specification that this repository implements. For JCR 2.0 the value of this descriptor is “Content Repository for Java Technology API”. |
STRING: The name of the repository vendor. |
STRING: The URL of the repository vendor. |
STRING: The name of this repository implementation. |
STRING: The version of this repository implementation. |
24.2.2 General
Key |
Descriptor |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if repository content can be updated through the JCR API , as opposed to having read-only access (see §10 Writing). |
STRING: Returns one of the following javax.jcr.Repository constants indicating the stability of non-referenceable identifiers:
See 3.7 Identifiers and §3.8 Referenceable Nodes. |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if XML import is supported (see §11 Import). |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if unfiled content is supported (see §3.12 Unfiled Content). |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if simple versioning is supported (see §3.13 Versioning Model and §15 Versioning). |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if activities are supported (see §15.12 Activities). |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if configurations and baselines are supported (see §3.13 Versioning Model and §15.13 Configurations and Baselines). |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if access control is supported (see §16 Access Control Management). |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if locking is supported (see §17 Locking). |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if asynchronous observation is supported (see §12 Observation). |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if journaled observation is supported (see §12 Observation). |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if retention and hold are supported (see §20 Retention and Hold). |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if lifecycle management is supported (see §18 Lifecycle Management). |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if transactions are supported (see §21 Transactions). |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if workspace management is supported (see §13 Workspace Management). |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if node and property with same name is supported (see §5.1.8 Node and Property with Same Name). |
24.2.3 Node Operations
Key |
Descriptor |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if the primary node type of an existing node can be updated (see §10.10.2 Updating a Node's Primary Type). |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if the mixin node types of an existing node can be added and removed (see §10.10.3 Assigning Mixin Node Types). |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if the creation of shareable nodes is supported (see §3.9 Shareable Nodes Model and §14 Shareable Nodes). |
24.2.4 Node Type Management
These repository descriptors characterize the types of nodes an API consumer may register (see §19 Node Type Management). They do not constrain a repository's built-in node types (see §3.7 Node Types).
Key |
Descriptor |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if node type management is supported. |
STRING: Returns one of the following javax.jcr.Repository constants indicating the level of support for node type inheritance:
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if override of inherited property or child node definitions is supported (see §3.7.6 Node Type Inheritance). |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if primary items are supported (see § Primary Item). |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if preservation of child node ordering is supported (see § Child Node Order Preservation). |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if residual property and child node definitions are supported (see § Item Definition Name and Residual Definitions). |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if autocreated properties and child nodes are supported (see § Auto-Created). |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if same-name sibling child nodes are supported (see § Same-Name Siblings). |
LONG[]: Returns an array holding the javax.jcr.PropertyType constants for the property types (including UNDEFINED, if supported) that a registered node type can specify, or a zero-length array if registered node types cannot specify property definitions (see §3.6.1 Property Types). |
boolean: Returns true if and only if multi-value properties are supported (see §3.6.3 Single and Multi-Value Properties). |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if registration of a node types with more than one BINARY property is permitted (see § BINARY). |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only value-constraints are supported (see § Value Constraints). |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only the update of node types is supported for node types currently in use as the type of an existing node in the repository. |
24.2.5 Query
Key |
Descriptor |
STRING[]: Returns an array holding the constants representing the supported query languages, or a zero-sized array if query is not supported (see §6 Query). |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if stored queries are supported (see §6.9.7 Stored Query). |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if full-text search is supported (see §6.7.19 FullTextSearch). |
STRING: Returns one of the following javax.jcr.Repository constants indicating the level of support for joins in queries:
See §6.7.5 Join. |
24.2.6 Deprecated Descriptors
Key |
Descriptor |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if
These semantics are identical to those in JCR 1.0. This constant is deprecated. |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if
These semantics are identical to those in JCR 1.0. This constant is deprecated. |
BOOLEAN: Returns true if and only if the (deprecated) JCR 1.0 SQL query language is supported . This constant is deprecated. |
BOOLEAN: Returns false unless the (deprecated) JCR 1.0 XPath query language is supported. If JCR 1.0 XPath is supported then this descriptor has the same semantics as in JCR 1.0. This constant is deprecated. |
BOOLEAN: Returns false unless the (deprecated) JCR 1.0 XPath query language is supported. If JCR 1.0 XPath is supported then this descriptor has the same semantics as in JCR 1.0. This constant is deprecated. |
24.2.7 Implementation-Specific Descriptors
Implementers are free to introduce their own descriptors. The descriptor keys should use Java package-style names in namespaces controlled by the implementer. The Repository.isStandardDescriptor method must return false for these keys.
24.3 Node Type-Related Features
The node type registry is used to test support for features which correspond to a JCR-defined node type. For example, support for referenceable nodes as a feature is equivalent to support for the node type mix:referenceable. Such features are more data model-oriented than the behavioral features reported by descriptors.
Testing for the availability of a particular node type is done using
boolean NodeTypeManager.hasNodeType(String nodeTypeName)
Any node types associated with a particular feature are described in the section describing that feature.
The presence of the indicated node types in the node type registry (tested with NodeTypeManager.hasNodeType, see §8.1 NodeTypeManager Object) indicates support for the corresponding feature.
Node Type |
Feature |
mix:referenceable |
Referenceable nodes (see §3.8 Referenceable Nodes). |
mix:created |
Standard application node types, a repository can support a subset (see §3.7.11 Standard Application Node Types). |
mix:etag |
Entity tags (see §3.7.12 Entity Tags). |
nt:unstructured |
Unstructured content (see §3.7.13 Unstructured Content). |
nt:nodeType |
Node type definition storage in content (see §3.7.14 Node Type Definition Storage). |
24.4 Implementation Issues
JCR adapters built against some existing repositories may require a connection to the back-end repository to determine whether a feature is supported. Using methods on Repository (as opposed, for example, to methods on Session) to test support for a feature is therefore potentially problematic. However, several approaches are open to such adapters:
Establish a transient connection to the back-end (for example, using service-to-service authentication or as “guest”) to determine support for a feature.
Determine the features supported by the back-end upon application deployment, and store this in configuration file locally available to the JCR adapter at runtime.
Report the feature set supported by the type of back end, which may be a superset of the feature set supported by the specific instance of that back-end type.