25 Appendix
25.1 Treatment of Identifiers
A number of different methods in the API transfer node state from one location to another. They often differ in how they treat the identifier of the node. Some methods always behave the same way in this regard, others have various options that control their behavior. The following table summarizes the behaviors of the methods.
Method |
Referenceable Identifiers |
Non-referenceable Identifiers |
Save |
Identifiers must be preserved, with the possible exception of the first save of a new node (see §3.7.1 Identifier Assignment). The state of a transient node is saved to the persistent node with the same identifier. |
Copy |
New identifiers must be created. |
Copy |
New referenceable identifiers must be created. |
New non-referenceable identifiers may be created. The stability of non-referenceable identifiers is a repository implementation variant. |
Move |
Referenceable identifiers must be preserved. |
Non-referenceable identifiers may be preserved. The stability of non-referenceable identifiers is a repository implementation variant. |
Clone, Restore |
Referenceable identifiers must be preserved. On conflict with an existing node a flag governs whether the existing node is removed or an exception thrown. |
Update, Merge |
Referenceable identifiers must be preserved. On conflict with an existing node, that node is replaced at its existing location in the target workspace. |
Import |
A flag determines whether new identifiers are created or incoming ones preserved. On conflict with an existing node the options are to either replace the existing node in place, remove the existing node, or throw an exception. |
25.2 Compact Node Type Definition Notation
The following grammar defines the compact node type definition (CND) notation used to define node types throughout this specification.
25.2.1 String Literals in CND Grammar
Throughout this section string literals that appear in the syntactic grammar defining CND must be interpreted as specified in §1.3.1 String Literals in Syntactic Grammars.
25.2.2 Variant Node Type Definitions
In a CND, the presence of a question mark (“?”) indicates that an attribute in question can vary across repository implementations (see §3.7.10 Base Primary Node Type and 3.7.11 Standard Application Node Types).
In the case of the queryable node type attribute, the absence of an explicit keyword (either query or noquery) indicates that the attribute is a variant.
Such variant node type definitions cannot be instantiated in a repository as-is. If an implementation supports a variant node type its node type registry must contain a definition of that node type in which each variant attribute is resolved to a concrete value.
25.2.3 CND Grammar
/* A CND consists of zero or more blocks, each of which is
either a namespace declaration or a node type definition.
Namespace prefixes referenced in a node type definition
block must be declared in a preceding namespace declaration
block. */
Cnd ::= {NamespaceMapping | NodeTypeDef}
/* A namespace declaration consists of prefix/URI pair. The
prefix must be a valid JCR namespace prefix, which is the
same as a valid XML namespace prefix. The URI can in fact be
any string. Just as in XML, it need not actually be a URI,
though adhering to that convention is recommended. */
NamespaceMapping ::= '<' Prefix '=' Uri '>'
Prefix ::= String
Uri ::= String
/* A node type definition consists of a node type name followed
by an optional supertypes block, an optional node type
attributes block and zero or more blocks, each of which is
either a property or child node definition. */
NodeTypeDef ::= NodeTypeName [Supertypes]
[NodeTypeAttribute {NodeTypeAttribute}]
{PropertyDef | ChildNodeDef}
/* The node type name is delimited by square brackets and must
be a valid JCR name. */
NodeTypeName ::= '[' String ']'
/* The list of supertypes is prefixed by a '>'. If the node
type is not a mixin then it implicitly has nt:base as a
supertype even if neither nt:base nor a subtype of nt:base
appears in the list or if this element is absent. A question
mark indicates that the supertypes list is a variant. */
Supertypes ::= '>' (StringList | '?')
/* The node type attributes are indicated by the presence or
absence of keywords. */
NodeTypeAttribute ::= Orderable | Mixin | Abstract | Query |
/* In the following, mention of a keyword, like 'orderable',
refers to all the forms of that keyword, including short
forms ('ord' and 'o', for example) */
/* If 'orderable' is present without a '?' then orderable child
nodes is supported. If 'orderable' is present with a '?'
then orderable child nodes is a variant. If 'orderable'
is absent then orderable child nodes is not supported. */
Orderable ::= ('orderable' | 'ord' | 'o') ['?']
/* If 'mixin' is present without a '?' then the node type is a
mixin. If 'mixin' is present with a '?' then the mixin
status is a variant. If 'mixin' is absent then the node type
is primary. */
Mixin ::= ('mixin' | 'mix' | 'm') ['?']
/* If 'abstract' is present without a '?' then the node type is
abstract. If 'abstract' is present with a '?' then the
abstract status is a variant. If 'abstract' is absent then
the node type is concrete. */
Abstract ::= ('abstract' | 'abs' | 'a') ['?']
/* If 'query' is present then the node type is
queryable. If 'noquery' is present then the node type is
not queryable. If neither query nor noquery are present then
the queryable setting of the node type is a variant. */
Query ::= ('noquery' | 'nq') | ('query' | 'q' )
/* If 'primaryitem' is present without a '?' then the string
following it is the name of the primary item of the node
type. If 'primaryitem' is present with a '?' then
the primary item is a variant. If 'primaryitem' is absent
then the node type has no primary item. */
PrimaryItem ::= ('primaryitem'| '!')(String | '?')
/* A property definition consists of a property name element
followed by optional property type, default values, property
attributes and value constraints elements. */
PropertyDef ::= PropertyName [PropertyType] [DefaultValues]
[PropertyAttribute {PropertyAttribute}]
/* The property name, or '*' to indicate a residual property
definition, is prefixed with a '-'. */
PropertyName ::= '-' String
/* The property type is delimited by parentheses ('*' is a
synonym for UNDEFINED). If this element is absent,
STRING is assumed. A '?' indicates that this attribute is
a variant. */
PropertyType ::= '(' ('STRING' | 'BINARY' | 'LONG' | 'DOUBLE' |
'BOOLEAN' | 'DATE' | 'NAME' | 'PATH' |
| 'URI' | 'UNDEFINED' | '*' |
'?') ')'
/* The default values, if any, are listed after a '='. The
attribute is a list in order to accommodate multi-
value properties. The absence of this element indicates that
there is no static default value reportable. A '?' indicates
that this attribute is a variant */
DefaultValues ::= '=' (StringList | '?')
/* The value constraints, if any, are listed after a '<'. The
absence of this element indicates that no value constraints
reportable within the value constraint syntax. A '?'
indicates that this attribute is a variant */
ValueConstraints ::= '<' (StringList | '?')
/* A child node definition consists of a node name element
followed by optional required node types, default node types
and node attributes elements. */
ChildNodeDef ::= NodeName [RequiredTypes] [DefaultType]
[NodeAttribute {NodeAttribute}]
/* The node name, or '*' to indicate a residual property
definition, is prefixed with a '+'. */
NodeName ::= '+' String
/* The required primary node type list is delimited by
parentheses. If this element is missing then a required
primary node type of nt:base is assumed. A '?' indicates
that the this attribute is a variant. */
RequiredTypes ::= '(' (StringList | '?') ')'
/* The default primary node type is prefixed by a '='. If this
element is missing then no default primary node type is set.
A '?' indicates that this attribute is a variant */
DefaultType ::= '=' (String | '?')
/* The property attributes are indicated by the presence or
absence of keywords. */
PropertyAttribute ::= Autocreated | Mandatory | Protected |
Opv | Multiple | QueryOps | NoFullText |
/* The node attributes are indicated by the presence or
absence of keywords. */
NodeAttribute ::= Autocreated | Mandatory | Protected |
Opv | Sns
/* If 'autocreated' is present without a '?' then the item
is autocreated. If 'autocreated' is present with a '?' then
the autocreated status is a variant. If 'autocreated' is
absent then the item is not autocreated. */
Autocreated ::= ('autocreated' | 'aut' | 'a' )['?']
/* If 'mandatory' is present without a '?' then the item
is mandatory. If 'mandatory' is present with a '?' then
the mandatory status is a variant. If 'mandatory' is
absent then the item is not mandatory. */
Mandatory ::= ('mandatory' | 'man' | 'm') ['?']
/* If 'protected' is present without a '?' then the item
is protected. If 'protected' is present with a '?' then
the protected status is a variant. If 'protected' is
absent then the item is not protected. */
Protected ::= ('protected' | 'pro' | 'p') ['?']
/* The OPV status of an item is indicated by the presence of
that corresponding keyword. If no OPV keyword is present
then an OPV status of COPY is assumed. If the keyword 'OPV'
followed by a '?' is present then the OPV status of the item
is a variant.
'IGNORE' | 'ABORT' | ('OPV' '?')
/* If 'multiple' is present without a '?' then the property
is multi-valued. If 'multiple' is present with a '?' then
the multi-value status is a variant. If 'multiple' is
absent then the property is single-valued. */
Multiple ::= ('multiple' | 'mul' | '*') ['?']
/* The available query comparison operators are listed after
the keyword 'queryops'. If 'queryops' is followed by a '?'
then this attribute is a variant. If this element is absent
then the full set of operators is available. */
QueryOps ::= ('queryops' | 'qop')
(('''Operator {','Operator}''') | '?')
Operator ::= '=' | '<>' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | 'LIKE'
/* If 'nofulltext' is present without a '?' then the property
does not support full text search. If 'nofulltext' is
present with a '?' then this attribute is a variant. If
'nofulltext' is absent then the property does support full
text search. */
NoFullText ::= ('nofulltext' | 'nof') ['?']
/* If 'noqueryorder' is present without a '?' then query
results cannot be ordered by this property. If
'noqueryorder' is present with a '?' then this attribute is
a variant. If 'noqueryorder' is absent then query results
can be ordered by this property. */
NoQueryOrder ::= ('noqueryorder' | 'nqord') ['?']
/* If 'sns' is present without a '?' then the child node
supports same-name siblings. If 'sns' is present with a '?'
then this attribute is a variant. If 'sns' is absent then
the child node does support same-name siblings. */
Sns ::= ('sns' | '*') ['?']
/* Strings */
StringList ::= String {',' String}
String ::= QuotedString | UnquotedString
/* Quotes are used to allow for strings (i.e., names, prefixes,
URIs, values or constraint strings) with characters that
would otherwise be interpreted as delimiters in CND. */
QuotedString ::= SingleQuotedString | DoubleQuotedString
/* Within a SingleQuotedString, single quote literals (') must
be escaped. */
SingleQuotedString ::= ''' UnquotedString '''
/* Within a DoubleQuotedString, double quote literals (") must
be escaped. */
DoubleQuotedString ::= '"' UnquotedString '"'
UnquotedString ::= XmlChar {XmlChar}
XmlChar ::= /* see §3.2.2 Local Names */ Case Insensitive Keywords
The keywords of CND, though defined above as terminal strings with specific cases, are in fact case-insensitive. For example, STRING can be written string, String or even StRiNg. Escaping
The standard Java escape sequences are supported:
\n newline
\t tab
\b backspace
\f form feed
\r return
\” double quote
\' single quote
\” double quote
\\ back slash
\uHHHH Unicode character in hexadecimal Comments
Comments can be included in the notation using either of the standard Java forms. A comment is defined as:
Comment ::= LineComment | BlockComment
LineComment ::= "//" LineCommentText
BlockComment ::= "/*" BlockCommentText "*/"
LineCommentText ::= /* Any text ending in a newline */
BlockComment ::= /* Any text
except the end-block-comment
character pair
A comment can appear between any two valid tokens of the CND grammar. Comments are not defined within the main CND grammar, but are intended to be stripped during preprocessing, prior to the actual parsing of the CND. Extension Syntax
Vendor-specific extensions are supported through the extension syntax:
VendorExtension ::= "{" Vendorname VendorBody "}"
::= /* A unique vendor-specific identifier
containing no whitespace */
VendorBody ::= /* Any string not including "}" */
Like a comment, an extension can appear between any two tokens of the CND grammar. Extensions are not defined within the main CND grammar, but are intended to be handled during preprocessing, prior to the actual parsing of the CND. The first whitespace-delimited token of the extension should be a unique vendor-specific identifier. The semantics of the extension body are implementation-specific. Whitespace and Short Forms
The notation can be compacted by taking advantage of the following the fact that spacing around keychars ([ ] > , - ( ) = <), newlines and indentation are not required. So, the following is also well-formed:
[x]>y,z orderable mixin -p(DATE)=a,b primary mandatory autocreated protected multiple VERSION <c,d
Additionally, though spaces are required around the keywords (orderable, mixin, date, mandatory, etc.), short forms for keywords can be used. So, this:
[x]>y,z o m-p(DATE)=a,b ! m a p * VERSION <c,d
is also well-formed.
25.2.4 Examples
Here is a “worst-case scenario” example that demonstrates all the features of the notation:
/* An example node type definition */
// The namespace declaration
<ns = 'http://namespace.com/ns'>
// Node type name
// Supertypes
> ns:ParentType1, ns:ParentType2
// This node type is abstract
// This node type supports orderable child nodes
// This is a mixin node type
// This node type is not queryable
// ex:property is the primary item
primaryitem ex:property
// A property called 'ex:property' of type STRING
- ex:property (STRING)
// The default values for this (multi-value) property are...
= 'default1', 'default2'
// This property is...
mandatory autocreated protected
// ...and multi-valued.
// It has an on-parent-version setting of...
// The constraint settings are...
< 'constraint1', 'constraint2'
// The supported query operators are...
queryops '=, <>, <, <=, >, >=, LIKE'
// The property is not full text searchable
// query results are not orderable by this property
// A child node called ns:node which must be of
// at least the node types ns:reqType1 and ns:reqType2
+ ns:node (ns:reqType1, ns:reqType2)
// with default primary node type is...
= ns:defaultType
// This node is...
mandatory autocreated protected
// supports same name siblings
// and has an on-parent-version setting of ...