4 Connecting
4.1 Repository Object
To begin using a repository, an application must acquire a Repository object.
Access to a Repository object may be provided through a number of standard Java naming and discovery mechanisms, but must at the minimum be provided through an implementation of the RepositoryFactory interface.
Any implementation of RepositoryFactory must have a zero-argument public constructor. Repository factories may be installed in an instance of the Java platform as extensions, that is, jar files placed into any of the usual extension directories. Factories may also be made available by adding them to the applet or application class path or by some other platform-specific means.
A repository factory implementation should support the Java Standard Edition Service Provider mechanism9, that is, an implementation should include the file META-INF/services/javax.jcr.RepositoryFactory. This file contains the fully qualified name of the class that implements RepositoryFactory.
Once the RepositoryFactory is acquired, the Repository object itself is acquired through
Repository RepositoryFactory.getRepository(Map parameters)
which attempts to retrieve a Repository object using the given parameters.
Parameters are passed in a Map of String key/value pairs. The keys are not specified by JCR and are implementation specific. However, vendors should use keys that are namespace qualified in the Java package style to distinguish their key names. Alternatively, a client may request a default repository instance by passing a null.
The implementation must return null if a default repository instance is requested and the factory is not able to identify such a repository or if parameters are passed and the factory does not understand them. See the associated Javadoc for example connection code.
4.1.1 Example Repository Acquisition
An application may explicitly specify the repository factory implementation. For example:
Map parameters = new HashMap();
RepositoryFactory factory = (RepositoryFactory)
Repository repo = factory.getRepository(parameters);
Some implementations may allow acquisition of a RepositoryFactory through the ServiceLoader in Java SE 6. For example:
Map parameters = new HashMap();
Repository repo = null;
for (RepositoryFactory factory :
ServiceLoader.load(RepositoryFactory.class)) {
repo = factory.getRepository(parameters);
if (repo != null) {
// factory accepted parameters
Note that in Java SE prior to version 6, one may use the class javax.imageio.spi.ServiceRegistry to look up the available RepositoryFactory implementations.
4.1.2 Thread Safety
A repository implementation must provide thread-safe implementations of all the methods of the RepositoryFactory and Repository interfaces. A repository implementation is not required to provide thread-safe implementations of any other interface. As a consequence, an application which concurrently or sequentially operates against objects having affinity to a particular Session through more than one thread must provide synchronization sufficient to ensure no more than one thread concurrently operates against that Session and changes made by one thread are visible to other threads.
4.2 Login
Interaction with the repository begins with the user acquiring a Session through a call to Repository.login. In the most general case, the client supplies a Credentials object and a workspace name:
Repository.login(Credentials credentials,
String workspaceName).
Other signatures of login are also provided (see §4.2.4 External Authentication).
4.2.1 Credentials
The Credentials interface is an empty marker for the object that carries the information necessary to authenticate and authorize the user. A repository may use the supplied SimpleCredentials implementation or its own implementation.
4.2.2 Guest Credentials
GuestCredentials is used to acquire an anonymous session.
4.2.3 Workspace Name
The workspaceName passed on login identifies one of the persistent workspaces of the repository. More than one Session can be simultaneously bound to the same persistent workspace.
4.2.4 External Authentication
By providing a signature of Repository.login that does not require Credentials, the content repository allows for authorization and authentication to be handled by JAAS (or another external mechanism) if the implementer so chooses.
To use such an external mechanism to create sessions with end-user identity, invocations of the Repository.login method that do not specify Credentials (i.e., either a null Credentials is passed or a signature without the Credentials parameter is used) should obtain the identity of the already-authenticated user through that external mechanism.
4.3 Impersonate
A client may also open a new Session from within an existing one using
Session Session.impersonate(Credentials credentials).
The returned Session is bound to the same workspace as the current Session, though it may (and typically will) have a different authorization. The implementation is free to take both the supplied Credentials and the authorization of the current Session into account in determining the authorization of the returned Session.
4.4 Session
The Session object is granted a set of permissions toward the specified persistent workspace. These are determined by the Session's credentials combined with any access control restrictions, either JCR-defined or implementation-specific, which may apply (see §9.1 Permissions).
4.4.1 User
Each Session has a user ID, accessed through
String Session.getUserID().
How the user ID is set is up to the implementation. It may be passed in as part of the Credentials or it may be acquired in some other way. This method is free to return an “anonymous user ID” or null.
4.4.2 Attributes
A Session may have arbitrary, implementation-specific named attributes bound to its Credentials. The method
String[] Session.getAttributeNames()
returns the set of attribute names, and the method
Object Session.getAttribute(String name)
returns the value of a named attribute.
4.4.3 Session to Repository
The Repository object through which a Session was acquired is retrieved with
4.4.4 Live Status
The method
boolean Session.isLive()
is used to check whether a Session object represents a live, logged-in session.
4.4.5 Logout
A Session is closed using
void Session.logout().
4.5 Workspace
Though more than one Session can be bound to the same persistent workspace, each Session object has a single distinct corresponding Workspace object that represents the actual persistent workspace to which the Session is bound. A Workspace object can be thought of as a view on to the persistent workspace as seen through the permissions granted to its corresponding Session (see §10 Writing).
4.5.1 Session to Workspace
Workspace Session.getWorkspace().
returns the Workspace object representing the actual persistent workspace to which a Session is bound.
Despite their one-to-one relationship, Session and Workspace are defined as distinct interfaces in order to separate two types of write behavior: transient vs. immediately persistent, though this distinction is only strictly relevant in writable repositories.
4.5.2 Workspace to Session
Session Workspace.getSession()
returns the Session object to which a Workspace object is bound.
4.5.3 Workspace Name
String Workspace.getName()
returns the name of the persistent workspace represented by a Workspace object.
4.5.4 Accessible Workspaces
String[] Workspace.getAccessibleWorkspaceNames()
returns an array holding the names of all persistent workspaces accessible from a Workspace object. Accessibility is determined by the permissions granted to the Session to which the Workspace object is bound. In order to access one of the listed workspaces, the user performs another Repository.login, specifying the name of the desired workspace, and receives a new Session object.