8 Node Type Discovery

All repositories are required to support methods for the discovery of the following node type-related information:

8.1 NodeTypeManager Object

A repository has a single, global node type registry that holds all node types available in the repository. The registry is represented by a NodeTypeManager object acquired through

NodeTypeManager Workspace.getNodeTypeManager().

The method

NodeType NodeTypeManager.getNodeType(String nodeTypeName)

returns the NodeType object representing the specified registered node type. NodeTypeManager also provides the following related methods for accessing registered node types:

boolean NodeTypeManager.hasNodeType(String nodeTypeName)

NodeTypeIterator NodeTypeManager.getPrimaryNodeTypes()

NodeTypeIterator NodeTypeManager.getMixinNodeTypes()

NodeTypeIterator NodeTypeManager.getAllNodeTypes()

8.2 NodeType Object

The NodeType interface is a subclass of NodeTypeDefinition, which provides access methods to the static definitional characteristics of a node type.

NodeType adds methods relevant to a “live” node type that is registered in a repository.

Repositories that support node type management must implement NodeTypeTemplate, which is another subclass of NodeTypeDefinition (see §19 Node Type Management).

The NodeType interface provides methods to access the attributes of a node type:

8.2.1 Name

String NodeTypeDefinition.getName()

returns the name of the node type (see § Node Type Name).

8.2.2 Supertypes and Subtypes

String[] NodeTypeDefinition.getDeclaredSupertypeNames()

returns the list of the names of declared supertypes in this definition (see § Supertypes).

In a repository that supports node type management NodeTypeDefinition objects not bound to a live node type may be encountered (for example, in the form of a NodeTypeTemplate). In such cases this method may return null.

NodeType additionally provides the following methods for accessing supertype and subtype information

NodeType[] NodeType.getDeclaredSupertypes()

NodeType[] NodeType.getSuperTypes()

boolean NodeType.isNodeType(String nodeTypeName)

NodeTypeIterator NodeType.getDeclaredSubtypes()

NodeTypeIterator NodeType.getSubtypes()

8.2.3 Abstract

boolean NodeTypeDefinition.isAbstract()

returns true if the node type is abstract and false otherwise (see § Abstract).

8.2.4 Mixin

boolean NodeTypeDefinition.isMixin()

returns true if the node type is a mixin and false if it is a primary type (see § Mixin).

8.2.5 Queryable Node Type

boolean NodeTypeDefinition.isQueryable()

returns true if the node type is queryable and false otherwise (see § Queryable Node Type).

8.2.6 Orderable Child Nodes

boolean NodeTypeDefinition.hasOrderableChildNodes()

returns true if the node type supports orderable child nodes and false otherwise (see § Orderable Child Nodes). Support for orderable child nodes is optional (see §23 Orderable Child Nodes).

8.2.7 Primary Item

String NodeTypeDefinition.getPrimaryItemName()

returns the primary item of the node type, if any (see § Primary Item).

8.2.8 Property Definitions

The set of property definitions is represented by an array of PropertyDefinition objects, accessed through the following methods:


PropertyDefinition[] NodeType.getPropertyDefinitions()

(see § Property Definitions)

8.2.9 Child Node Definitions

The set of child node definitions is represented by an array of NodeDefinition objects, accessed through the following methods:


NodeDefinition[] NodeType.getChildNodeDefinitions()

(see § Property Definitions)

8.3 ItemDefinition Object

The attributes common to both property and child node definitions are accessed through the ItemDefinition interface. Attributes specific to property definitions or child node definitions are accessed through the PropertyDefinition and NodeDefinition interfaces, respectively. These interfaces are both subclasses of ItemDefinition. The ItemDefinition interface provides methods to access the following attributes:

8.3.1 Name

String ItemDefinition.getName()

returns the JCR Name (in qualified form) of the item to which the definition applies or “*”, indicating that the definition is residual (see § Item Definition Name).

8.3.2 Protected

boolean ItemDefinition.isProtected()

returns true if the item is protected and false otherwise (see § Protected).

8.3.3 Auto-Created

boolean ItemDefinition.isAutoCreated()

returns true if the item is auto-created and false otherwise (see § Auto-Created).

8.3.4 Mandatory

boolean ItemDefinition.isMandatory()

returns true if the item is mandatory and false otherwise (see § Mandatory).

8.3.5 On-Parent-Version

int ItemDefinition.getOnParentVersion()

returns the on-parent-version setting of the definition; one of the constants of OnParentVersionAction (see § On-Parent-Version).

8.3.6 Declaring Node Type

NodeType ItemDefinition.getDeclaringNodeType()

returns the NodeType object that contains this definition (see §8.2 NodeType Object).

8.4 PropertyDefinition Object

The attributes specific to property definitions are accessed through the PropertyDefinition interface, which is a subclass of ItemDefinition:

8.4.1 Required Type

int PropertyDefinition.getRequiredType()

returns the property type setting of the definition, which must be one of the constants of the PropertyType interface (see § Property Type).

8.4.2 Default Values

Value[] PropertyDefinition.getDefaultValues()

returns the default values of the definition (see § Default Values).

8.4.3 Available Query Operators

String[] PropertyDefinition.getAvailableQueryOperators()

returns an array of String constants indicating which query operators are supported for this property (see § Available Query Operators). The constants are defined in the class QueryObjectModelConstants and represent the operators defined in §6.7.16 Comparison.

8.4.4 Full-Text Searchable

boolean NodeTypeDefinition.isFullTextSearchable()

returns true if the property is full-text searchable and false otherwise (see § Full-Text Searchable).

8.4.5 Query-Orderable

boolean NodeTypeDefinition.isQueryOrderable()

returns true if the property is query-orderable and false otherwise (see § Query-Orderable).

8.4.6 Value Constraints

String[] PropertyDefinition.getValueConstraints()

returns the value constraints of the definition (see § Value Constraints),

8.4.7 Multi-value

boolean PropertyDefinition.isMultiple()

returns true if the definition defines a multi-value property and false if it defines a single value property (see § Multi-Value).

8.5 NodeDefinition Object

The attributes specific to child node definitions are accessed through the NodeDefinition interface, which is a subclass of ItemDefinition:

8.5.1 Required Primary Node Types

The methods

NodeType[] NodeDefinition.getRequiredPrimaryTypes() and

String[] NodeDefinition.getRequiredPrimaryTypeNames()

return information about the required primary node types of the definition (§ Required Primary Node Types). The latter method returns the names of the node types while the former method returns the live NodeType objects representing the types. The former only functions if the NodeDefinition is part of a live registered NodeType.

8.5.2 Default Primary Node Type

The methods

NodeType NodeDefinition.getDefaultPrimaryType() and

String NodeDefinition.getDefaultPrimaryTypeName()

return information about the default primary node type of the definition (§ Default Primary Node Type). The latter method returns the name of the node type while the former method returns the live NodeType object representing the type. The former only functions if the NodeDefinition is part of a live registered NodeType.

8.5.3 Same-Name Siblings

boolean NodeDefinition.allowsSameNameSiblings()

returns true if the definition allows same-name sibling nodes and false otherwise (see § Same-Name Siblings).

8.6 Node Type Information for Existing Nodes

Given an existing Node, the methods

NodeType Node.getPrimaryNodeType() and

NodeType[] Node.getMixinNodeTypes()

return, respectively, the primary and mixin node types of the node. The method

boolean Node.isNodeType(String nodeTypeName)

returns true if the Node is of the specified node type, according to the is-of-type relation (see § Is-of-Type Relation), and false otherwise. Discovery of Item Definitions

The Node and Property interfaces offer methods that allow direct access to the NodeDefinition or PropertyDefinition within the node type of a parent node that is applicable to a particular child item:

NodeDefinition Node.getDefinition()

PropertyDefinition Property.getDefinition()

The definition that applies to an item is determined upon creation of that item (see §3.7.7 Applicable Item Definition). Root Node Definition

The method getDefinition called on the root node must return a valid, non-null, NodeDefinition object. The values returned by the methods of this object must be as follows: Root Declaring Node Type

Calling getDeclaringNodeType() on the NodeDefinition of the root node must return a valid NodeType object. The values returned by the methods of this object must be as follows:

All other methods either return false (if they return a boolean) or an empty array (if they return an array).