9 Permissions and Capabilities
9.1 Permissions
Permissions encompass the restrictions imposed by any access control restrictions that may be in effect upon the content of a repository, either implementation specific or JCR-defined (see §16 Access Control Management).
In repositories that support Access Control this will include the restrictions governed by privileges but may also include any additional policy-internal refinements with effects too fine-grained to be exposed through privilege discovery (see §16.2 Privilege Discovery).
Permissions are reported through
boolean Session.hasPermission(String absPath, String actions)
which returns true if this Session has permission to perform all of the specified actions at the specified absPath and returns false otherwise. Similarly,
void Session.checkPermission(String absPath, String actions)
throws an AccessDeniedException if the this Session does not have permission to perform the specified actions and returns quietly if it does.
The actions parameter is a comma separated list of action strings, of which there are four, defined as follows:
add_node: The permission to add a node at absPath.
set_property: The permission to set (add or change) a property at absPath.
remove: The permission to remove an item at absPath.
read: The permission to retrieve (and read the value of, in the case of a property) an item at absPath.
The permission actions add_node, set_property and remove will only be relevant in a writable repository. In a read-only repository they will always return false.
The information returned through these methods only reflects access control-related restrictions, not other kinds of restrictions such as node type constraints. For example, even though hasPermission may indicate that a particular Session may add a property at /A/B/C, the node type of the node at /A/B may prevent the addition of a property called C.
Methods for testing restrictions more broadly are provided by the capabilities feature (see §9.2 Capabilities). For information on the relationships among permissions, privileges and capabilities, see §16.6 Privileges Permissions and Capabilities.
9.2 Capabilities
Capabilities encompass the restrictions imposed by permissions, but also include any further restrictions unrelated to access control. The method
Session.hasCapability(String methodName,
Object target,
checks whether an operation can be performed given as much context as can be determined by the repository, including:
Permissions granted to the current user, including access control privileges.
Current state of the target object (reflecting locks, checked-out status, retention and hold status etc.).
Repository capabilities.
Node type-enforced restrictions.
Repository configuration-specific restrictions.
The implementation of this method is best effort: returning false guarantees that the operation cannot be performed, but returning true does not guarantee the opposite.
The methodName parameter identifies the method in question by its name as defined in the Javadoc.
The target parameter identifies the object on which the specified method is called.
The arguments parameter contains an array of type Object consisting of the arguments to be passed to the method in question. In cases where a parameter is a Java primitive type it must be converted to its corresponding Java object form.
For example, given a Session S and Node N then
boolean b = S.hasCapability("addNode", N, new Object[]{"foo"});
will result in b == false if a child node called foo cannot be added to the node N within the session S.