Let’s build something great together
At Adobe, we rely on so many open source software projects to build our own products, it would be hard to count them all. We also steward a number of projects that were either born in the open or that we released as open source.
Being active in the open source community benefits Adobe and the community in many ways: we get opportunities to work with partners on creating interoperable solutions and developers from around the world get to collaboratively customize solutions to solve their specific problems.

Apache Software Foundation
Our teams contribute to a number of Open Source technologies and communities that are core to our success. We are very active in contributing to projects like Apache OpenWhisk, Apache Felix, Apache Oak, Apache Aries and Apache Jackrabbit. Additionally, some projects within Apache started as donations from Adobe, such as Apache Flex and Apache Cordova.

Launch by Adobe is our next-gen Dynamic Tag Management (DTM) solution which allows developers to collect custom data about their users and aggregate it across various digital marketing tools. Through Extensions and open APIs you can deploy and manage whatever you need.

Source Code Pro
Source Sans Pro is a set of OpenType fonts that have been designed to work well in user interface (UI) environments.

Built as an open source project, Magento Open Source forms the foundation of Adobe Commerce. The project has a vibrant, global community of over 1000 contributors and 60 repositories on GitHub. The open source core of Adobe Commerce drives its extensible architecture, modern features, and enterprise grade security.