Hybrid implementation
Hybrid deployment: Implement Target using a combination of client-side and server-side implementation.
Recommendations implementation
Recommendations implementation: Plan and implement Adobe Target Recommendations.
Mobile App implementation
AEP Mobile SDK overview: Overview of how to implement Adobe Target with Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDKs.
AEP Mobile SDK reference: Implement Adobe Target with Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDKs.
Email implementation
Email overview: Overview of how to implement Adobe Target in emails.
API guides
Introduction: Overview of Adobe Target APIs.
Target Delivery API: Use the Adobe Target Delivery APIs to deliver experiences across web and mobile channels as well as non-browser based IoT devices such as a connected TV, kiosk, or in-store digital screen.
Target Admin API: Use the Adobe Target Admin API to manage properties, activities, audiences, offers, properties, reports, mboxes, hosts, environments, and more.
Target Profile API: Retrieve Adobe Target user profile information.
Target Reporting API: Retrieve A/B Test and Automated Personalization activity report data.
Target Recommendations API: Use the Target Recommendations API.
Target Models API: Manage blocklists to define the features used in Target machine learning models.
Admin Console APIs: Manage users and product entitlements through the Adobe User Management and User Sync APIs.
Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network Server API: Use the Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network Server API for a variety of data collection, personalization, advertising, and marketing use cases.