Single Page Application implementation
- Topics:
- Implement Server-side
- Developer
Traditional websites worked on “Page-to-Page” navigation models, otherwise known as Multi Page Applications, where website designs were tightly coupled to URLs and transitions from one webpage to another required a page load. Modern web applications, such as Single Page Applications (SPAs), instead adopt a model that propels rapid use of browser UI rendering, which is often independent of page reloads. These experiences are often triggered by customer interactions, such as scrolls, clicks, and cursor movements. As the paradigms of the modern web have evolved, the relevance of traditional generic events, such as page-load, to deploy personalization and experimentation no longer work.
at.js 2.x provides rich features that equip your business to execute personalization on next-generation, client-side technologies. This version is focused on improving at.js to have harmonious interactions with SPAs.
Here are some benefits to using at.js 2.x that are not available in previous versions:
- Ability to cache all offers on page-load to reduce multiple server calls to a single server call.
- Tremendously improve your end-users’ experiences on your site because offers are shown immediately via the cache without lag time introduced by traditional server calls.
- A simple one-line of code and one-time developer setup to enable your marketers to create and run A/B and Experience Targeting (XT) activities via the VEC on your SPA.
Adobe Target Views and Single Page Applications
The Adobe Target VEC for SPAs takes advantage of a new concept called Views: a logical group of visual elements that together make up an SPA experience. A SPA can, therefore, be considered as transitioning through views, instead of URLs, based on user interactions. A View can typically represent a whole site or grouped visual elements within a site.
To explain further about what Views are, let’s navigate this hypothetical online e-commerce site implemented in React and explore some example Views. Click the links below to open this site in a new browser tab.
Link: Home Site
When we navigate to the home site, we can immediately see a hero image that promotes an Easter sale as well as the newest products that is selling on the site. In this case, a View can be defined as the entire home site. This is handy to note as we will expand on this more in the Implementing Adobe Target Views section below.
Link: Product Site
As we become more interested in the products that the business is selling, we decide to click the Products link. Similar to the home site, the entirety of the products site can be defined as a View. We can name this View “products” just like the path name in
In the beginning of this section, we defined Views as the whole site or even a group of visual elements on the site. As shown above, the four products shown on the site can also be grouped and considered as a View. If we wanted to name this View, we can name it to be “Products.”
We decide to click the Load More button to explore more products on the site. The website URL does not change in this case. But a View here can represent only the second row of products shown above. The View name can be called “PRODUCTS-PAGE-2.”
Link: Checkout
Because we liked some products shown on the site, we decided to buy a couple. Now, on the checkout site we are given some options to choose normal delivery or express delivery. Because a View can be any group of visual elements on a site, we can name this “View Delivery Preferences.”
Furthermore, the Views concept can be extended much further than this. If marketers want to personalize content on the site depending on which delivery preference is selected, a View can be created for each delivery preference. In this case, when we select Normal Delivery, the View can be named “Normal Delivery.” If Express Delivery is selected, the View can be named “Express Delivery.”
Now, marketers might want to run an A/B Test to see whether changing the color from blue to red when Express Delivery is selected can boost conversions, as opposed to keeping the button color blue for both delivery options.
Implementing Adobe Target Views
Now that we have covered what Adobe Target Views are, we can leverage this concept in Target to empower marketers to run A/B and XT tests on SPAs via the VEC. This will require a one-time developer setup. Let’s go through the steps to set this up.
Install at.js 2.x.
First, we need to install at.js 2.x. This version of at.js was developed with SPAs in mind. Previous versions of at.js do not support Adobe Target Views and the VEC for SPAs.
Download at.js 2.x via the Adobe Target UI located in Administration > Implementation. at.js 2.x can also be deployed via tags in Adobe Experience Platform.
Implement the at.js 2.x function,
on your sites.After defining the Views of your SPA where you want to run an A/B or XT test, implement the at.js 2.x
function with the Views passed in as a parameter. This allows marketers to use the VEC to design and run the A/B and XT tests for those Views defined. If thetriggerView()
function is not defined for those Views, the VEC will not detect the Views and thus marketers cannot use the VEC to design and run A/B and XT tests.NOTE
For view support in at.js, viewsEnabled must set to true, otherwise all view functionality is, options)
ParameterTypeRequired?ValidationDescriptionviewNameStringYes1. No trailing spaces.
2. Cannot be empty.
3. View name should be unique for all pages.
4. Warning: View name should not start or end with ‘/
’. This is because the customer would generally extract the View name from URL path. For us, “home” and “/home
” are different.
5. Warning: Same view should not be consecutively triggered multiple times with the{page: true}
option.Pass in any name as a string type that you want to represent your View. This View name displays in the Modifications panel of the VEC for marketers to create actions and run their A/B and XT activities.optionsObjectNooptions > pageBooleanNoTRUE: Default value of page is true. Whenpage=true
, notifications will be sent to the Edge servers for incrementing impression count.
FALSE: Whenpage=false
, notifications will not be sent for incrementing impression count. This should be used when you want to only re-render a component on a page with an offer.Now let’s go through some example use cases on how to invoke the
function in React for our hypothetical e-commerce SPA:Link: Home Site
As marketers, if we want to run A/B tests on the whole home site, then we might want to name the view “home”:
function targetView() {
var viewName = window.location.hash; // or use window.location.pathName if router works on path and not hash
viewName = viewName || 'home'; // view name cannot be empty
// Sanitize viewName to get rid of any trailing symbols derived from URL
if (viewName.startsWith('#') || viewName.startsWith('/')) {
viewName = viewName.substr(1);
// Validate if the Target Libraries are available on your website
if (typeof adobe != 'undefined' && && typeof === 'function') {;
// react router v4
const history = syncHistoryWithStore(createBrowserHistory(), store);
// react router v3
<Router history={hashHistory} onUpdate={targetView} >
Link: Products Site
Now, let’s look at an example that is a little bit more complicated. Let’s say as marketers, we want to personalize the second row of the products by changing the “Price” label color to red after a user clicked the Load More button.
function targetView(viewName) {
// Validate if the Target Libraries are available on your website
if (typeof adobe != 'undefined' && && typeof === 'function') {;
class Products extends Component {
render() {
return (
<button type="button" onClick={this.handleLoadMoreClicked}>Load more</button>
handleLoadMoreClicked() {
var page = + 1; // assuming page number is derived from component's state
this.setState({page: page});
targetView('PRODUCTS-PAGE-' + page);
Link: Checkout
If marketers want to personalize content on the site depending on which delivery preference is selected, a View can be created for each delivery preference. In this case, when we select Normal Delivery, the View can be named “Normal Delivery.” If Express Delivery is selected, the View can be named “Express Delivery.”
Now, marketers might want to run an A/B test to see whether changing the color from blue to red when Express Delivery is selected can boost conversions as opposed to keeping the button color blue for both delivery options.
function targetView(viewName) {
// Validate if the Target Libraries are available on your website
if (typeof adobe != 'undefined' && && typeof === 'function') {;
class Checkout extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div onChange={this.onDeliveryPreferenceChanged}>
<input type="radio" id="normal" name="deliveryPreference" value={"Normal Delivery"} defaultChecked={true}/>
<span> Normal Delivery (7-10 business days)</span>
<input type="radio" id="express" name="deliveryPreference" value={"Express Delivery"}/>
<span> Express Delivery* (2-3 business days)</span>
onDeliveryPreferenceChanged(evt) {
var selectedPreferenceValue =;
at.js 2.x system diagrams
The following diagrams help you understand the workflow of at.js 2.x with Views and how this enhances the SPA integration. To get a better introduction of the concepts used in at.js 2.x, see Single Page Application implementation.
at.js can also be loaded asynchronously with an option prehiding snippet implemented on the page.
Customer attributes are sent to the Profile Store in a batch process.
Targeted content on the current page is revealed as quickly as possible without flicker of default content.
Targeted content for views that are shown as a result to user actions in a SPA that is cached in the browser so it can be instantly applied without an additional server call when the views are triggered through
.Analytics data can then be viewed in both Analytics and Target via Analytics for Target (A4T) reports.
Now, wherever triggerView()
is implemented on your SPA, the Views and actions are retrieved from cache and shown to the user without a server call. triggerView()
also makes a notifications request to the Target backend in order to increment and record impression counts.
is called in the SPA to render the View and apply actions to modify visual elements.Single Page App Visual Experience Composer
After you have completed installing at.js 2.x and adding triggerView()
to your site, use the VEC to run A/B and XT activities. For more information, see Single Page App (SPA) Visual Experience Composer.
implemented.Use TriggerView to ensure that A4T works correctly with at.js 2.x and SPAs
To ensure that Analytics for Target (A4T) works correctly with at.js 2.x, be sure to send the same SDID in the Target request and in the Analytics request.
As best practices related to SPAs:
- Use custom events to notify that something interesting happens in the application
- Fire a custom event before the view starts rendering
- Fire a custom event when the view finishes rendering
at.js 2.x added a new API triggerView() function. You should use triggerView()
to notify at.js that a view will start rendering.
To see how to combine custom events, at.js 2.x, and Analytics, let’s see an example. This example assumes that the HTML page contains the Visitor API, followed by at.js 2.x, followed by AppMeasurement.
Let’s assume that the following custom events exist:
- When the view starts renderingat-view-end
- When the view finishes rendering
To make sure that A4T works with at.js 2.x,
The view start handler should look something like this:
document.addEventListener("at-view-start", function(e) {
var visitor = Visitor.getInstance("<your Adobe Org ID>");
visitor.resetState();"<view name>");
The view end handler should look something like this:
document.addEventListener("at-view-end", function(e) {
// s - is the AppMeasurement tracker object
and at-view-end
events. These events are not part of at.js custom events.Although these examples use JavaScript code, all this can be simplified if you are using a tag manager, such as tags in Adobe Experience Platform.
If the preceding steps are followed you should have a robust A4T solution for SPAs.
Implementation best practices
at.js 2.x APIs let you customize your Target implementation in many ways, but it is important to follow the correct order of operations during this process.
The following information describes the order of operations that you must follow when loading a Single Page Application for the first time in a browser and for any view change that happens afterwards.
Order of operations for initial page load
If you have a data layer, we recommend that you load critical data that is required to send to Target prior to executing the Target request. This lets you use targetPageParams
to include any data you want to use for targeting.
When pageLoadEnabled
and viewsEnabled
are set to true in targetGlobalSettings, at.js automatically requests all VEC Target offers for you in step 2.
Note that getOffers
can also be used to get VEC offers after the page loads. To do so, ensure that the request includes execute>pageLoad
and prefetch>views
in the API call.
is called after the Target request is returned and finishes applying the offers to cache. You must execute this step only once per view.triggerView({"page": false})
Order of operations for SPA view change (no full page reload)
triggerView({"page": false})
Training videos
The following videos contain more information:
Understanding how at.js 2.x works
See Understanding how at.js 2.x works for more information.
Implement at.js 2.x in a SPA
See Implement Adobe Target’s at.js 2.x in a Single Page Application (SPA) for more information.
Using the VEC for SPAs in Adobe Target
See Using the Visual Experience Composer for Single Page Application (SPA VEC) in Adobe Target for more information.