Troubleshooting on-device decisioning for at.js

Complete the following steps to troubleshoot on-device decisioning in Adobe Target with the at.js JavaScript library:

Step 1: Enable the console log for at.js

Appending the URL parameter mboxDebug=1 enables at.js to print messages in your browser’s console.

All messages contain a prefix “AT:” for convenient overview. To ensure that an artifact has been successfully loaded, your console log should contain messages similar to the following:

AT: LD.ArtifactProvider fetching artifact -
AT: LD.ArtifactProvider artifact received - status=200

The following illustration shows these messages in the console log:

(Click image to expand to full width.)

Console log with artifact messages {modal="regular"}

Step 2: Verify the rule artifact download in your browser’s Network tab

Open your browser’s Network tab.

For example, to open DevTools in Google Chrome:

  1. Press Control+Shift+J (Windows) or Command+Option+J (Mac).

  2. Navigate to the Network tab.

  3. Filter your calls by keyword “rules.json” to ensure that only the artifact rules file displays.

    In addition, you can filter by “/delivery|rules.json/” to display all Target calls and artifact rules.json.

    Network tab in Google Chrome

Step 3: Verify the rule artifact download using at.js custom events

The at.js library dispatches two new custom events to support on-device decisioning.


You can subscribe to listen to these custom events in your application to action upon success or failure of the artifact rules file download.

The following example shows a sample of code listening to artifact download success and failure events:

document.addEventListener(, function(e) {
  console.log("Artifact successfully downloaded", e.detail);
}, false);

document.addEventListener(, function(e) {
  console.log("Artifact failed to download", e.detail);
}, false);