A text object.
Read Only
XMLItem associatedXMLElements
The XML elements associated with the Text.
Read Only
Number length
The number of objects in the collection.
Read Only
Number index
The index of the text in the collection or parent object.
Read Only
Story parentStory
The story that contains the text.
Read Only
Mixed parentTextFrames
An array of the text frames that contain the text. Can return: Array of TextFrames or TextPaths.
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Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any ascent
The maximum ascent of any character in the text.
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Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any descent
The maximum descent of any character in the text.
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Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any baseline
The vertical offset of the text.
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Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any horizontalOffset
The horizontal offset of the text.
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Boolean styleOverridden
If true, the applied style has been overridden with additional attributes.
Read Only
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any endBaseline
Vertical offset of the end of the text.
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Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any endHorizontalOffset
Horizontal offset of the end of the text.
Read Only
CharacterStyle appliedNestedStyles
The applied character styles dictated by nested styles.
Read Only
PageItem allPageItems
Lists all page items contained by the Text.
Read Only
Graphic allGraphics
Lists all graphics contained by the Text.
Read Only
Bullet bulletChar
Bullet character.
Read Only
NumberingRestartPolicy numberingRestartPolicies
Numbering restart policies.
Read Only
Boolean isValid
Returns true if the object specifier resolves to valid objects.
Read Only
Mixed parent
The parent of the Text (a XmlStory, TextPath, TextFrame, EndnoteTextFrame, Text, InsertionPoint, TextStyleRange, Paragraph, TextColumn, Line, Word, Character, Story, Cell, XMLElement, Endnote, Footnote, Note, Change or HiddenText).
Read Only
Texts texts
A collection of text objects.
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Characters characters
A collection of characters.
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Words words
A collection of words.
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Lines lines
A collection of lines.
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TextColumns textColumns
A collection of text columns.
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Paragraphs paragraphs
A collection of paragraphs.
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InsertionPoints insertionPoints
A collection of insertion points.
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TextStyleRanges textStyleRanges
A collection of text style ranges.
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EndnoteRanges endnoteRanges
A collection of endnote text ranges.
Read Only
Footnotes footnotes
A collection of footnotes.
Read Only
TextVariableInstances textVariableInstances
A collection of text variable instances.
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NestedLineStyles nestedLineStyles
A collection of nested line styles.
Read Only
NestedGrepStyles nestedGrepStyles
A collection of nested GREP styles.
Read Only
NestedStyles nestedStyles
A collection of nested styles.
Read Only
TabStops tabStops
A collection of tab stops.
Read Only
Tables tables
A collection of tables.
Read Only
Ovals ovals
A collection of ellipses.
Read Only
SplineItems splineItems
The spline items collection.
Read Only
PageItems pageItems
The page items collection, which can be used to process all page items in a container (such as a document, page, or group), regardless of type.
Read Only
Rectangles rectangles
A collection of rectangles.
Read Only
GraphicLines graphicLines
A collection of graphic lines.
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TextFrames textFrames
A collection of text frames.
Read Only
Polygons polygons
A collection of polygons.
Read Only
EndnoteTextFrames endnoteTextFrames
A collection of endnote text frames.
Read Only
Events events
A collection of events.
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EventListeners eventListeners
A collection of event listeners.
Read Only
Notes notes
A collection of notes.
Read Only
Groups groups
A collection of groups.
Read Only
EPSTexts epstexts
Read Only
FormFields formFields
A collection of form fields.
Read Only
Buttons buttons
A collection of buttons.
Read Only
MultiStateObjects multiStateObjects
A collection of multi-state objects.
Read Only
CheckBoxes checkBoxes
A collection of checkboxes.
Read Only
ComboBoxes comboBoxes
A collection of comboboxes.
Read Only
ListBoxes listBoxes
A collection of listboxes.
Read Only
RadioButtons radioButtons
A collection of radio buttons.
Read Only
TextBoxes textBoxes
A collection of text boxes.
Read Only
SignatureFields signatureFields
A collection of signature fields.
Read Only
HiddenTexts hiddenTexts
A collection of hidden text objects.
Read Only
Preferences preferences
A collection of preferences objects.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any paragraphShadingLeftOffset
The distance to offset the left edge of the paragraph.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any paragraphShadingRightOffset
The distance to offset the right edge of the paragraph.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any paragraphShadingTopOffset
The distance to offset the top edge of the paragraph.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any paragraphShadingBottomOffset
The distance to offset the bottom edge of the paragraph.
ParagraphShadingWidthEnum paragraphShadingWidth
The basis (text width or column width) used to calculate the width of the paragraph shading.
ParagraphShadingTopOriginEnum paragraphShadingTopOrigin
The basis (cap height, ascent or baseline) used to calculate the top origin of the paragraph shading.
ParagraphShadingBottomOriginEnum paragraphShadingBottomOrigin
The basis (descent or baseline) used to calculate the bottom origin of the paragraph shading.
Boolean paragraphShadingClipToFrame
If true, forces the shading of the paragraph to be clipped with respect to frame shape.
Boolean paragraphShadingSuppressPrinting
If true, suppress printing of the shading of the paragraph.
Boolean paragraphShadingOn
If true, the paragraph shading is On.
Boolean paragraphShadingOverprint
If true, the paragraph shading will overprint.
Number paragraphShadingTint
The tint (as a percentage) of the paragraph shading. (Range: 0 to 100)
Mixed paragraphShadingColor
The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the paragraph shading. Can return: Swatch or String.
Number kerningValue
The amount of space to add or remove between characters, specified in thousands of an em.
Mixed appliedFont
The font applied to the Text, specified as either a font object or the name of font family. Can return: Font or String.
String fontStyle
The name of the font style.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any pointSize
The text size.
Mixed leading
The leading applied to the text. Can return: Unit or Leading enumerator.
String kerningMethod
The type of pair kerning.
Number tracking
The amount by which to loosen or tighten a block of text, specified in thousands of an em.
Capitalization capitalization
The capitalization scheme.
Position position
The text position relative to the baseline.
Boolean underline
If true, underlines the text.
Boolean strikeThru
If true, draws a strikethrough line through the text.
Boolean ligatures
If true, replaces specific character combinations (e.g., fl, fi) with ligature characters.
Boolean noBreak
If true, keeps the text on the same line.
Number horizontalScale
The horizontal scaling applied to the Text.
Number verticalScale
The vertical scaling applied to the Text.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any baselineShift
The baseline shift applied to the text.
Number skew
The skew angle of the Text.
Number fillTint
The tint (as a percentage) of the fill color of the Text. (To specify a tint percentage, use a number in the range of 0 to 100; to use the inherited or overridden value, use -1.)
Number strokeTint
The tint (as a percentage) of the stroke color of the Text. (To specify a tint percentage, use a number in the range of 0 to 100; to use the inherited or overridden value, use -1.)
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any strokeWeight
The stroke weight applied to the characters of the text.
Boolean overprintStroke
If true, the stroke of the characters will overprint.
Boolean overprintFill
If true, the fill color of the characters will overprint.
OTFFigureStyle otfFigureStyle
The figure style in OpenType fonts.
Boolean otfOrdinal
If true, uses ordinals in OpenType fonts.
Boolean otfFraction
If true, uses fractions in OpenType fonts.
Boolean otfDiscretionaryLigature
If true, uses discretionary ligatures in OpenType fonts.
Boolean otfTitling
If true, uses titling forms in OpenType fonts.
Boolean otfContextualAlternate
If true, uses contextual alternate forms in OpenType fonts.
Boolean otfSwash
If true, uses swash forms in OpenType fonts.
Mixed underlineColor
The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the underline stroke. . Can return: Swatch or String.
Mixed underlineGapColor
The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the gap of the underline stroke. Note: Valid when underline type is not solid. Can return: Swatch or String.
Number underlineTint
The underline stroke tint (as a percentage). (Range: 0 to 100)
Number underlineGapTint
The tint (as a percentage) of the gap color of the underline stroke. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Valid when underline type is not solid.
Boolean underlineOverprint
If true, the underline stroke color will overprint.
Boolean underlineGapOverprint
If true, the gap color of the underline stroke will overprint.
Mixed underlineType
The stroke type of the underline stroke. Can return: StrokeStyle or String.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any underlineOffset
The amount by which to offset the underline from the text baseline.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any underlineWeight
The stroke weight of the underline stroke.
Mixed strikeThroughColor
The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the strikethrough stroke. Can return: Swatch or String.
Mixed strikeThroughGapColor
The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the gap of the strikethrough stroke. Can return: Swatch or String.
Number strikeThroughTint
The tint (as a percentage) of the strikethrough stroke. (Range: 0 to 100)
Number strikeThroughGapTint
The tint (as a percentage) of the strikethrough stroke gap color. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Valid when strike through type is not solid.
Boolean strikeThroughOverprint
If true, the strikethrough stroke will overprint.
Boolean strikeThroughGapOverprint
If true, the gap color of the strikethrough stroke will overprint. Note: Valid when strike through type is not solid.
Mixed strikeThroughType
The stroke type of the strikethrough stroke. Can return: StrokeStyle or String.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any strikeThroughOffset
The amount by which to offset the strikethrough stroke from the text baseline.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any strikeThroughWeight
The stroke weight of the strikethrough stroke.
Swatch fillColor
The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the fill of the Text. . Can also accept: String.
Swatch strokeColor
The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the stroke of the Text. Can also accept: String.
Mixed appliedLanguage
The language of the text. Can return: LanguageWithVendors or Language. Can also accept: String.
Boolean paragraphBorderOn
If true, the paragraph border is on.
Boolean paragraphBorderOverprint
If true, the paragraph border will overprint.
Number paragraphBorderTint
The tint (as a percentage) of the paragraph stroke. (Range: 0 to 100)
Mixed paragraphBorderColor
The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the paragraph stroke. Can return: Swatch or String.
Boolean paragraphBorderGapOverprint
If true, the paragraph border gap will overprint. Note: Valid only when border type is not solid.
Number paragraphBorderGapTint
The tint (as a percentage) of the paragraph border gap. Note: Valid only when the border type is not solid. (Range: 0 to 100)
Mixed paragraphBorderGapColor
The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the paragraph border gap. Note: Valid only when the border type is not solid. Can return: Swatch or String.
Mixed paragraphBorderType
The type of the border for the paragraph. Can return: StrokeStyle or String.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any paragraphBorderLeftLineWeight
The left line weight of the border of paragraph.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any paragraphBorderTopLineWeight
The top line weight of the border of paragraph.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any paragraphBorderRightLineWeight
The right line weight of the border of paragraph.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any paragraphBorderBottomLineWeight
The bottom line weight of the border of paragraph.
EndCap paragraphBorderStrokeEndCap
The end shape of an open path.
EndJoin paragraphBorderStrokeEndJoin
The corner join applied to the Text.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any paragraphShadingTopLeftCornerRadius
The radius in measurement units of the corner effect applied to the top left corner of rectangular shapes and all corners of non-rectangular shapes
CornerOptions paragraphShadingTopLeftCornerOption
The shape to be applied to the top left corner of rectangular shapes and all corners of non-rectangular shapes.Note: corner option differs from end join in which you can set a radius for a corner option, whereas the rounded or beveled effect of an end join depends on the stroke weight.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any paragraphShadingTopRightCornerRadius
The radius in measurement units of the corner effect applied to the top right corner of rectangular shapes
CornerOptions paragraphShadingTopRightCornerOption
The shape to apply to the top right corner of rectangular shapes
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any paragraphShadingBottomLeftCornerRadius
The radius in measurement units of the corner effect applied to the bottom left corner of rectangular shapes
CornerOptions paragraphShadingBottomLeftCornerOption
The shape to apply to the bottom left corner of rectangular shapes.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any paragraphShadingBottomRightCornerRadius
The radius in measurement units of the corner effect applied to the bottom right corner of rectangular shapes
CornerOptions paragraphShadingBottomRightCornerOption
The shape to apply to the bottom right corner of rectangular shapes.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any paragraphBorderTopLeftCornerRadius
The radius in measurement units of the corner effect applied to the top left corner of rectangular shapes and all corners of non-rectangular shapes
CornerOptions paragraphBorderTopLeftCornerOption
The shape to be applied to the top left corner of rectangular shapes and all corners of non-rectangular shapes.Note: corner option differs from end join in which you can set a radius for a corner option, whereas the rounded or beveled effect of an end join depends on the stroke weight.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any paragraphBorderTopRightCornerRadius
The radius in measurement units of the corner effect applied to the top right corner of rectangular shapes
CornerOptions paragraphBorderTopRightCornerOption
The shape to apply to the top right corner of rectangular shapes
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any paragraphBorderBottomLeftCornerRadius
The radius in measurement units of the corner effect applied to the bottom left corner of rectangular shapes
CornerOptions paragraphBorderBottomLeftCornerOption
The shape to apply to the bottom left corner of rectangular shapes.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any paragraphBorderBottomRightCornerRadius
The radius in measurement units of the corner effect applied to the bottom right corner of rectangular shapes
CornerOptions paragraphBorderBottomRightCornerOption
The shape to apply to the bottom right corner of rectangular shapes.
ParagraphBorderEnum paragraphBorderWidth
The basis (text width or column width) used to calculate the width of the paragraph border.
ParagraphBorderTopOriginEnum paragraphBorderTopOrigin
The basis (cap height, ascent or baseline) used to calculate the top origin of the paragraph border.
ParagraphBorderBottomOriginEnum paragraphBorderBottomOrigin
The basis (descent or baseline) used to calculate the bottom origin of the paragraph border.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any paragraphBorderLeftOffset
The distance to offset the left edge of the paragraph border.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any paragraphBorderRightOffset
The distance to offset the right edge of the paragraph border.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any paragraphBorderTopOffset
The distance to offset the top edge of the paragraph border.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any paragraphBorderBottomOffset
The distance to offset the bottom edge of the paragraph border.
Boolean paragraphBorderDisplayIfSplits
If true, then paragraph border is also displayed at the points where the paragraph splits across frames or columns.
HyphenationStyleEnum providerHyphenationStyle
The hyphenation style chosen for the provider.
Boolean mergeConsecutiveParaBorders
If true, consecutive para borders with completely similar properties are merged.
Mixed sameParaStyleSpacing
The space between paragraphs using same style. Can return: Unit or Spacing enumerator.
Number paragraphKashidaWidth
Paragraph kashida width. 0 is none, 1 is short, 2 is medium, 3 is long
Number designAxes
Value of Design Axes
Boolean alignToBaseline
If true, aligns the baseline of the text to the baseline grid.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any firstLineIndent
The amount to indent the first line.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any leftIndent
The width of the left indent.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any rightIndent
The width of the right indent.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any spaceBefore
The height of the paragraph space above.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any spaceAfter
The height of the paragraph space below.
Mixed balanceRaggedLines
If true or set to an enumeration value, balances ragged lines. Note: Not valid with a single-line text composer. Can return: Boolean or BalanceLinesStyle enumerator.
Justification justification
The paragraph alignment.
SingleWordJustification singleWordJustification
The alignment to use for lines that contain a single word.
Number autoLeading
The percent of the type size to use for auto leading. (Range: 0 to 500).
Number dropCapLines
The number of lines to drop cap.
Number dropCapCharacters
The number of characters to drop cap.
Boolean keepLinesTogether
If true, keeps a specified number of lines together when the paragraph breaks across columns or text frames.
Boolean keepAllLinesTogether
If true, keeps all lines of the paragraph together. If false, allows paragraphs to break across pages or columns.
Number keepWithNext
The minimum number of lines to keep with the next paragraph.
Number keepFirstLines
The minimum number of lines to keep together in a paragraph before allowing a page break.
Number keepLastLines
The minimum number of lines to keep together in a paragraph after a page break.
StartParagraph startParagraph
The location at which to start the paragraph.
String composer
The text composer to use to compose the text.
Number minimumWordSpacing
The minimum word spacing, specified as a percentage of the font word space value. Note: Valid only when text is justified. (Range: 0 to 1000)
Number maximumWordSpacing
The maximum word spacing, specified as a percentage of the font word space value. Note: Valid only when text is justified. (Range: 0 to 1000)
Number desiredWordSpacing
The desired word spacing, specified as a percentage of the font word space value. (Range: 0 to 1000)
Number minimumLetterSpacing
The minimum letter spacing, specified as a percentge of the built-in space between letters in the font. (Range: -100 to 500) Note: Valid only when text is justified.
Number maximumLetterSpacing
The maximum letter spacing, specified as a percentge of the built-in space between letters in the font. (Range: -100 to 500) Note: Valid only when text is justified.
Number desiredLetterSpacing
The desired letter spacing, specified as a percentge of the built-in space between letters in the font. (Range: -100 to 500)
Number minimumGlyphScaling
The minimum width (as a percentage) of individual characters. (Range: 50 to 200)
Number maximumGlyphScaling
The maximum width (as a percentage) of individual characters. (Range: 50 to 200)
Number desiredGlyphScaling
The desired width (as a percentage) of individual characters. (Range: 50 to 200)
Boolean ruleAbove
If true, places a rule above the paragraph.
Boolean ruleAboveOverprint
If true, the paragraph rule above will overprint.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any ruleAboveLineWeight
The line weight of the rule above.
Number ruleAboveTint
The tint (as a percentage) of the paragraph rule above. (Range: 0 to 100)
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any ruleAboveOffset
The amount to offset the paragraph rule above from the baseline of the first line the paragraph.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any ruleAboveLeftIndent
The distance to indent the left edge of the paragraph rule above (based on either the text width or the column width of the first line in the paragraph.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any ruleAboveRightIndent
The distance to indent the right edge of the paragraph rule above (based on either the text width or the column width of the first line in the paragraph.
RuleWidth ruleAboveWidth
The basis (text width or column width) used to calculate the width of the paragraph rule above.
Mixed ruleAboveColor
The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the paragraph rule above. Can return: Swatch or String.
Mixed ruleAboveGapColor
The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the stroke gap of the paragraph rule above. Note: Valid only when the paragraph rule above type is not solid. Can return: Swatch or String.
Number ruleAboveGapTint
The tint (as a percentage) of the stroke gap color of the paragraph rule. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Valid only when the rule above type is not solid.
Boolean ruleAboveGapOverprint
If true, the stroke gap of the paragraph rule above will overprint. Note: Valid only the rule above type is not solid.
Mixed ruleAboveType
The stroke type of the rule above the paragraph. Can return: StrokeStyle or String.
Boolean ruleBelow
If true, applies a paragraph rule below.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any ruleBelowLineWeight
The line weight of the rule below.
Number ruleBelowTint
The tint (as a percentage) of the paragraph rule below. (Range: 0 to 100)
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any ruleBelowOffset
The amount to offset the the paragraph rule below from the baseline of the last line of the paragraph.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any ruleBelowLeftIndent
The distance to indent the left edge of the paragraph rule below (based on either the text width or the column width of the last line in the paragraph.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any ruleBelowRightIndent
The distance to indent the right edge of the paragraph rule below (based on either the text width or the column width of the last line in the paragraph.
RuleWidth ruleBelowWidth
The basis (text width or column width) used to calculate the width of the paragraph rule below.
Mixed ruleBelowColor
The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the paragraph rule below. Can return: Swatch or String.
Mixed ruleBelowGapColor
The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the stroke gap of the paragraph rule below. Note: Valid only when the paragraph rule below type is not solid. Can return: Swatch or String.
Number ruleBelowGapTint
The tint (as a percentage) of the stroke gap color of the paragraph rule below. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Valid only when the paragraph rule below type is not solid.
Mixed ruleBelowType
The stroke type of the rule below the paragraph. Can return: StrokeStyle or String.
Boolean hyphenateCapitalizedWords
If true, allows hyphenation of capitalized words.
Boolean hyphenation
If true, allows hyphenation.
Number hyphenateBeforeLast
The minimum number of letters at the end of a word that can be broken by a hyphen.
Number hyphenateAfterFirst
The mininum number of letters at the beginning of a word that can be broken by a hyphen.
Number hyphenateWordsLongerThan
The minimum number of letters a word must have in order to qualify for hyphenation.
Number hyphenateLadderLimit
The maximum number of hyphens that can appear on consecutive lines. To specify unlimited consecutive lines, use zero.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any hyphenationZone
The amount of white space allowed at the end of a line of non-justified text before hypenation begins. Note: Valid when composer is single-line composer.
Number hyphenWeight
The relative desirability of better spacing vs. fewer hyphens. A lower value results in greater use of hyphens. (Range: 0 to 100)
CharacterStyle dropCapStyle
The character style to apply to the drop cap. Can also accept: String.
Mixed contents
The contents of the text. Can return: String or SpecialCharacters enumerator.
ParagraphStyle appliedParagraphStyle
The paragraph style applied to the text. Can also accept: String.
CharacterStyle appliedCharacterStyle
The character style applied to the text. Can also accept: String.
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any lastLineIndent
The amount to indent the last line in the paragraph.
Boolean hyphenateLastWord
If true, allows hyphenation in the last word in a paragraph. Note: Valid only when hyphenation is true.
Boolean otfSlashedZero
If true, use a slashed zeroes in OpenType fonts.
Boolean otfHistorical
If true, use historical forms in OpenType fonts.
Number otfStylisticSets
The stylistic sets to use in OpenType fonts.
Number gradientFillLength
The length (for a linear gradient) or radius (for a radial gradient) applied to the fill of the text.
Number gradientFillAngle
The angle of a linear gradient applied to the fill of the text. (Range: -180 to 180)
Number gradientStrokeLength
The length (for a linear gradient) or radius (for a radial gradient) applied to the stroke of the text.
Number gradientStrokeAngle
The angle of a linear gradient applied to the stroke of the text. (Range: -180 to 180)
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any gradientFillStart
The starting point (in page coordinates) of a gradient applied to the fill of the text, in the format [x, y].
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any gradientStrokeStart
The starting point (in page coordinates) of a gradient applied to the stroke of the text, in the format [x, y].
Boolean keepWithPrevious
If the first line in the paragraph should be kept with the last line of previous paragraph.
Mixed spanSplitColumnCount
The number of columns a paragraph spans or the number of split columns. Can return: Short Integer (1 - 40) or SpanColumnCountOptions enumerator.
SpanColumnTypeOptions spanColumnType
Whether a paragraph should be a single column, span columns or split columns
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any splitColumnInsideGutter
The inside gutter if the paragraph splits columns
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any splitColumnOutsideGutter
The outside gutter if the paragraph splits columns
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any spanColumnMinSpaceBefore
The minimum space before a span or a split column
Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any spanColumnMinSpaceAfter
The minimum space after a span or a split column
Boolean ruleBelowOverprint
If true, the rule below will overprint.
Boolean ruleBelowGapOverprint
If true, the gap color of the rule below will overprint.
Number dropcapDetail
Details about the drop cap based on the glyph outlines. 1 = left side bearing. 2 = descenders. 0x100,0x200,0x400 are used for Japanese frame grid.
Boolean hyphenateAcrossColumns
If true, allows the last word in a text column to be hyphenated.
Boolean keepRuleAboveInFrame
If true, forces the rule above the paragraph to remain in the frame bounds. Note: Valid only when rule above is true.
Boolean ignoreEdgeAlignment
If true, ignores optical edge alignment for the paragraph.
Boolean otfMark
If true, uses mark positioning in OpenType fonts.
Boolean otfLocale
If true, uses localized forms in OpenType fonts.
PositionalForms positionalForm
The OpenType positional form.
ParagraphDirectionOptions paragraphDirection
Paragraph direction.
ParagraphJustificationOptions paragraphJustification
Paragraph justification.
Number miterLimit
The limit of the ratio of stroke width to miter length before a miter (pointed) join becomes a bevel (squared-off) join.
TextStrokeAlign strokeAlignment
The stroke alignment applied to the text.
OutlineJoin endJoin
The stroke join type applied to the characters of the text.
Boolean otfOverlapSwash
If true, use overlapping swash forms in OpenType fonts
Boolean otfStylisticAlternate
If true, use stylistic alternate forms in OpenType fonts
Boolean otfJustificationAlternate
If true, use alternate justification forms in OpenType fonts
Boolean otfStretchedAlternate
If true, use stretched alternate forms in OpenType fonts
CharacterDirectionOptions characterDirection
The direction of the character.
CharacterDirectionOptions keyboardDirection
The keyboard direction of the character.
DigitsTypeOptions digitsType
The digits type.
KashidasOptions kashidas
Use of Kashidas for justification
DiacriticPositionOptions diacriticPosition
Position of diacriticical characters.
Number xOffsetDiacritic
The x (horizontal) offset for diacritic adjustment.
Number yOffsetDiacritic
The y (vertical) offset for diacritic adjustment.
Mixed tabList
A list of the tab stops in the paragraph. Can return: Array of Arrays of Property Name/Value Pairs.
Condition appliedConditions
The applied conditions.
Mixed opentypeFeatures
OpenType features. Can return: Array of Array of 2 Strings or Long Integers.
Boolean gridAlignFirstLineOnly
If true, aligns only the first line to the frame grid or baseline grid. If false, aligns all lines to the grid.
GridAlignment gridAlignment
The alignment to the frame grid or baseline grid.
Number gridGyoudori
The manual gyoudori setting.
Number autoTcy
The number of half-width characters at or below which the characters automatically run horizontally in vertical text.
Boolean autoTcyIncludeRoman
If true, auto tcy includes Roman characters.
Mixed kinsokuSet
The kinsoku set that determines legitimate line breaks. Can return: KinsokuTable, KinsokuSet enumerator or String.
KinsokuType kinsokuType
The type of kinsoku processing for preventing kinsoku characters from beginning or ending a line. Note: Valid only when a kinsoku set is defined.
KinsokuHangTypes kinsokuHangType
The type of hanging punctuation to allow. Note: Valid only when a kinsoku set is in effect.
Boolean bunriKinshi
If true, adds the double period (..), ellipse (...), and double hyphen (--) to the selected kinsoku set. Note: Valid only when a kinsoku set is in effect.
Mixed mojikumi
The mojikumi table. For information, see mojikumi table defaults. Can return: MojikumiTable, String or MojikumiTableDefaults enumerator.
Boolean rensuuji
If true, disallows line breaks in numbers. If false, lines can break between digits in multi-digit numbers.
Boolean rotateSingleByteCharacters
If true, rotates Roman characters in vertical text.
LeadingModel leadingModel
The point from which leading is measured from line to line.
CharacterAlignment characterAlignment
The alignment of small characters to the largest character in the line.
Number tsume
The amount of horizontal character compression.
Number leadingAki
The amount of space before each character.
Number trailingAki
The amount of space after each character.
Number characterRotation
The rotation angle (in degrees) of individual characters. Note: The rotation is counterclockwise.
Number jidori
The number of grid squares in which to arrange the text.
Number shataiMagnification
The amount (as a percentage) of shatai obliquing to apply.
Number shataiDegreeAngle
The shatai lens angle (in degrees).
Boolean shataiAdjustRotation
If true, applies shatai rotation.
Boolean shataiAdjustTsume
If true, adjusts shatai tsume.
Boolean tatechuyoko
If true, makes the character horizontal in vertical text.
Number tatechuyokoXOffset
The horizontal offset for horizontal characters in vertical text.
Number tatechuyokoYOffset
The vertical offset for horizontal characters in vertical text.
Mixed kentenFillColor
The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the fill of kenten characters. Can return: Swatch or String.
Mixed kentenStrokeColor
The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the stroke of kenten characters. Can return: Swatch or String.
Number kentenTint
The fill tint (as a percentage) of kenten characters. (Range: 0 to 100)
Number kentenStrokeTint
The stroke tint (as a percentage) of kenten characters. (Range: 0 to 100)
Number kentenWeight
The stroke weight (in points) of kenten characters.
AdornmentOverprint kentenOverprintFill
The method of overprinting the kenten fill.
AdornmentOverprint kentenOverprintStroke
The method of overprinting the kenten stroke.
KentenCharacter kentenKind
The style of kenten characters.
Number kentenPlacement
The distance between kenten characters and their parent characters.
KentenAlignment kentenAlignment
The alignment of kenten characters relative to the parent characters.
RubyKentenPosition kentenPosition
The kenten position relative to the parent character.
Mixed kentenFont
The font to use for kenten characters. Can return: Font or String.
Mixed kentenFontStyle
The font style of kenten characters. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator.
Number kentenFontSize
The size (in points) of kenten characters.
Number kentenXScale
The horizontal size of kenten characters as a percent of the original size.
Number kentenYScale
The vertical size of kenten charachers as a percent of the original size.
String kentenCustomCharacter
The character used for kenten. Note: Valid only when kenten kind is custom.
KentenCharacterSet kentenCharacterSet
The character set used for the custom kenten character. Note: Valid only when kenten kind is custom.
Mixed rubyFill
The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the fill of ruby characters. Can return: Swatch or String.
Mixed rubyStroke
The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the stroke of ruby characters. Can return: Swatch or String.
Number rubyTint
The tint (as a percentage) of the ruby fill color. (Range: 0 to 100)
Number rubyWeight
The stroke weight (in points) of ruby characters.
AdornmentOverprint rubyOverprintFill
The method of overprinting the ruby fill.
AdornmentOverprint rubyOverprintStroke
The method of overprinting the ruby stroke.
Number rubyStrokeTint
The stroke tint (as a percentage) of ruby characters.
Mixed rubyFont
The font applied to ruby characters. Can return: Font or String.
Mixed rubyFontStyle
The font style of ruby characters. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator.
Number rubyFontSize
The size (in points) of ruby characters.
Boolean rubyOpenTypePro
If true, uses OpenType Pro fonts for ruby.
Number rubyXScale
The horizontal size of ruby characters, specified as a percent of the original size.
Number rubyYScale
The vertical size of ruby characters, specified as a percent of the original size.
RubyTypes rubyType
The ruby type.
RubyAlignments rubyAlignment
The ruby alignment.
RubyKentenPosition rubyPosition
The position of ruby characters relative to the parent text.
Number rubyXOffset
The amount of horizontal space between ruby and parent characters.
Number rubyYOffset
The amount of vertical space between ruby and parent characters.
RubyParentSpacing rubyParentSpacing
The ruby spacing relative to the parent text.
Boolean rubyAutoAlign
If true, auto aligns ruby.
Boolean rubyOverhang
If true, constrains ruby overhang to the specified amount. For information on specifying an amount, see ruby parent overhang amount.
Boolean rubyAutoScaling
If true, automatically scales ruby to the specified percent of parent text size. For information on specifying a percent, see ruby parent scaling percent.
Number rubyParentScalingPercent
The amount (as a percentage) to scale the parent text size to determine the ruby text size.
RubyOverhang rubyParentOverhangAmount
The amount by which ruby characters can overhang the parent text.
Boolean warichu
If true, turns on warichu.
Number warichuSize
The amount (as a percentage) to scale parent text size to determine warichu size.
Number warichuLines
The number of lines of warichu within a single normal line.
Number warichuLineSpacing
The gap between lines of warichu characters.
WarichuAlignment warichuAlignment
The warichu alignment.
Number warichuCharsAfterBreak
The minimum number of characters allowed after a line break.
Number warichuCharsBeforeBreak
The minimum number of characters allowed before a line break.
Boolean otfProportionalMetrics
If true, kerns according to proportional CJK metrics in OpenType fonts.
Boolean otfHVKana
If true, switches hiragana fonts, which have different glyphs for horizontal and vertical.
Boolean otfRomanItalics
If true, applies italics to half-width alphanumerics.
Boolean scaleAffectsLineHeight
If true, the line changes size when characters are scaled.
Boolean cjkGridTracking
If true, uses grid tracking to track non-Roman characters in CJK grids.
AlternateGlyphForms glyphForm
The glyph variant to substitute for standard glyphs.
Boolean rubyFlag
If true, ruby is on.
String rubyString
The ruby string contents.
Boolean paragraphGyoudori
If true, the gyoudori mode applies to the entire paragraph. If false, the gyoudori mode applies to each line in the paragraph.
Number rubyAutoTcyDigits
The number of digits included in auto tcy (tate-chuu-yoko) in ruby.
Boolean rubyAutoTcyIncludeRoman
If true, includes Roman characters in auto tcy (tate-chuu-yoko) in ruby.
Boolean rubyAutoTcyAutoScale
If true, automatically scales glyphs in auto tcy (tate-chuu-yoko) in ruby to fit one em.
Boolean treatIdeographicSpaceAsSpace
If true, ideographic spaces will not wrap to the next line like text characters.
Boolean allowArbitraryHyphenation
If true, words unassociated with a hyphenation dictionary can break to the next line on any character.
ListType bulletsAndNumberingListType
List type for bullets and numbering.
Mixed bulletsCharacterStyle
The character style to be used for the text after string. Can return: CharacterStyle or String.
Mixed numberingCharacterStyle
The character style to be used for the number string. Can return: CharacterStyle or String.
String numberingExpression
The number string expression for numbering.
String bulletsTextAfter
The text after string expression for bullets.
Mixed appliedNumberingList
The list to be part of. Can return: NumberingList or String.
Number numberingLevel
The level of the paragraph.
Mixed numberingFormat
Numbering format options. Can return: NumberingStyle enumerator or String.
Boolean numberingContinue
Continue the numbering at this level.
Number numberingStartAt
Determines starting number in a numbered list.
Boolean numberingApplyRestartPolicy
If true, apply the numbering restart policy.
ListAlignment bulletsAlignment
The alignment of the bullet character.
ListAlignment numberingAlignment
The alignment of the number.
Object properties
A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time.
Boolean createThumbnailWithProperties( String previewText, Number pointSize, ColorSpace space, Number colorValue, File to )
Create thumbnail for selected text with the given properties.
Type Name Description String previewText Text to use as sample Number pointSize Text font size (in points) ColorSpace space Color space RGB, CMYK or LAB Number colorValue Color values File to The path to the export file.
Boolean textHasOverrides( StyleType charOrParaStyle, Boolean charStyleAsOverride )
If true, text has local overrides
Type Name Description StyleType charOrParaStyle Style type to look at. Boolean charStyleAsOverride Whether to consider character styles as overrides or not (Optional)
Boolean createStyleThumbnailWithProperties( String previewText, Number pointSize, ColorSpace space, Number colorValue, File to, StyleType charOrParaStyle )
Create thumbnail for selected text using the applied style and overrides with the given properties.
Type Name Description String previewText Text to use as sample Number pointSize Text font size (in points) ColorSpace space Color space RGB, CMYK or LAB Number colorValue Color values File to The path to the export file. StyleType charOrParaStyle The applied style type to use.
PageItem createOutlines( Boolean deleteOriginal )
Converts text to outlines. Each line of text becomes a polygon object. When the converted text is a single letter that has no internal spaces or detached parts, the polygon contains only a single path. Note: To determine whether a font allows the creation of outlines, see allow outlines.
Type Name Description Boolean deleteOriginal If true, deletes the original text. If false, creates the outlines as separate object(s) on top of the text. (Optional)
Tag the object or the parent story using default tags defined in XML preference.
markup( XMLElement using )
Associates the page item with the specified XML element while preserving existing content.
Type Name Description XMLElement using The XML element.
Deletes the Text.
Table convertToTable( String columnSeparator, String rowSeparator, Number numberOfColumns )
Converts the text to a table.
Type Name Description String columnSeparator The character that starts a new column in the new table. (Optional) String rowSeparator The character starts a new row in the new table. (Optional) Number numberOfColumns The number of columns in the table. Note: Valid only when the column and row separator characters are the same. (Optional)
setNthDesignAxis( Number nthAxisIndex, Number nthAxisValue )
Set Nth design axis of a variable font.
Type Name Description Number nthAxisIndex Index of design axis. Number nthAxisValue Value of nth design axis.
changecase( ChangecaseMode using )
Sets the case of the text.
Type Name Description ChangecaseMode using The text case option.
Boolean isNthDesignAxisHidden( Number nthAxisIndex )
If true, Nth design axis of variable font is hidden.
Type Name Description Number nthAxisIndex Index of design axis.
clearOverrides( OverrideType overridesToClear )
Clears the specified types of override.
Type Name Description OverrideType overridesToClear The types of override to clear. (Optional)
Recomposes the text in the Text.
Jump to the text range.
applyParagraphStyle( ParagraphStyle using, Boolean clearingOverrides )
Apply a paragraph style.
Type Name Description ParagraphStyle using The paragraph style to apply. Boolean clearingOverrides If true, clear any text attributes before applying the style. (Optional)
applyCharacterStyle( CharacterStyle using )
Apply a character style.
Type Name Description CharacterStyle using The character style to apply.
Text duplicate( LocationOptions to, Mixed reference )
Duplicates the text in the specified location.
Type Name Description LocationOptions to The location relative to the reference object or within the containing object. Mixed reference The reference object. Note: Required when the to parameter specifies before or after. Can accept: Text, Story, Cell, Row, Column, Table or PageItem. (Optional)
Text move( LocationOptions to, Mixed reference )
Moves the text to the specified location.
Type Name Description LocationOptions to The location relative to the reference object or within the containing object. Mixed reference The reference object. Note: Required when the to parameter specifies before or after. Can accept: Text, Story, Cell, Row, Column, Table or PageItem. (Optional)
Text findText( Boolean reverseOrder )
Finds text that matches the find what value.
Type Name Description Boolean reverseOrder If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)
Text changeText( Boolean reverseOrder )
Finds text that matches the find what value and replaces the text with the change to value.
Type Name Description Boolean reverseOrder If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)
Text findGrep( Boolean reverseOrder )
Finds text that matches the find what value.
Type Name Description Boolean reverseOrder If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)
Text changeGrep( Boolean reverseOrder )
Finds text that matches the find what value and replaces the text with the change to value.
Type Name Description Boolean reverseOrder If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)
Text findGlyph( Boolean reverseOrder )
Finds glyphs that match the find what value.
Type Name Description Boolean reverseOrder If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)
Text changeGlyph( Boolean reverseOrder )
Finds glyphs that match the find what value and replaces the glyphs with the change to value.
Type Name Description Boolean reverseOrder If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)
Text findTransliterate( Boolean reverseOrder )
Finds text that matches the find character type value.
Type Name Description Boolean reverseOrder If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)
Text changeTransliterate( Boolean reverseOrder )
Finds text that matches the find character type value and replaces the text with the change character type value.
Type Name Description Boolean reverseOrder If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)
Mixed place( File fileName, Boolean showingOptions, Object withProperties )
Places the file.
Type Name Description File fileName The file to place Boolean showingOptions Whether to display the import options dialog (Optional) Object withProperties Initial values for properties of the placed object(s) (Optional)
Note convertToNote()
Converts the text to a note.
HyperlinkTextSource findHyperlinks( RangeSortOrder sortOrder )
Finds hyperlink sources that intersecting with specified text range.
Type Name Description RangeSortOrder sortOrder The sort order of found ranges. (Optional)
createPlainTextQRCode( String plainText, Mixed qrCodeSwatch, String withProperties )
Create Plain Text QR Code on the page item
Type Name Description String plainText QR code Plain Text (Optional) Mixed qrCodeSwatch Swatch to be applied on generated QR Code Graphic . Can accept: Swatch or String. (Optional) String withProperties Initial values for properties of the new Text. Above parameters can also be passed as properties (Optional)
createHyperlinkQRCode( String urlLink, Mixed qrCodeSwatch, String withProperties )
Create Hyperlink QR Code on the page item or document
Type Name Description String urlLink QR code Hyperlink URL (Optional) Mixed qrCodeSwatch Swatch to be applied on generated QR Code Graphic . Can accept: Swatch or String. (Optional) String withProperties Initial values for properties of the new Text. Above parameters can also be passed as properties (Optional)
createTextMsgQRCode( String cellNumber, String textMessage, Mixed qrCodeSwatch, String withProperties )
Create Text Msg QR Code on the page item or document
Type Name Description String cellNumber QR code Text Phone Number (Optional) String textMessage QR code Text Message (Optional) Mixed qrCodeSwatch Swatch to be applied on generated QR Code Graphic . Can accept: Swatch or String. (Optional) String withProperties Initial values for properties of the new Text. Above parameters can also be passed as properties (Optional)
createEmailQRCode( String emailAddress, String subject, String body, Mixed qrCodeSwatch, String withProperties )
Create Email QR Code on the page item or document
Type Name Description String emailAddress QR code Email Address (Optional) String subject QR code Email Subject (Optional) String body QR code Email Body Message (Optional) Mixed qrCodeSwatch Swatch to be applied on generated QR Code Graphic . Can accept: Swatch or String. (Optional) String withProperties Initial values for properties of the new Text. Above parameters can also be passed as properties (Optional)
createVCardQRCode( String firstName, String lastName, String jobTitle, String cellPhone, String phone, String email, String organisation, String streetAddress, String city, String adrState, String country, String postalCode, String website, Mixed qrCodeSwatch, String withProperties )
Create Business Card QR Code on the page item or load on document's placegun
Type Name Description String firstName QR code Business Card First Name (Optional) String lastName QR code Business Card Last Name (Optional) String jobTitle QR code Business Card Title (Optional) String cellPhone QR code Business Card Cell Phone Number (Optional) String phone QR code Business Card Phone Number (Optional) String QR code Business Card Email Address (Optional) String organisation QR code Business Card Organisation (Optional) String streetAddress QR code Business Card Street Address (Optional) String city QR code Business Card City (Optional) String adrState QR code Business Card State (Optional) String country QR code Business Card Country (Optional) String postalCode QR code Business Card Postal Code (Optional) String website QR code Business Card URL (Optional) Mixed qrCodeSwatch Swatch to be applied on generated QR Code Graphic . Can accept: Swatch or String. (Optional) String withProperties Initial values for properties of the new Text. Above parameters can also be passed as properties (Optional)
exportFile( Mixed format, File to, Boolean showingOptions, PDFExportPreset using, String versionComments, Boolean forceSave )
Exports the object(s) to a file.
Type Name Description Mixed format The export format, specified as an enumeration value or as an extension that appears in the Save as type or Format menu in the Export dialog. Can accept: ExportFormat enumerator or String. File to The path to the export file. Boolean showingOptions If true, displays the export options dialog. (Optional) PDFExportPreset using The export style. (Optional) String versionComments The comment for this version. (Optional) Boolean forceSave If true, forcibly saves a version. (Optional)
BackgroundTask asynchronousExportFile( Mixed format, File to, Boolean showingOptions, PDFExportPreset using, String versionComments, Boolean forceSave )
asynchronously exports the object(s) to a file.
Type Name Description Mixed format The export format, specified as an enumeration value or as an extension that appears in the Save as type or Format menu in the Export dialog. Can accept: ExportFormat enumerator or String. File to The path to the export file. Boolean showingOptions If true, displays the export options dialog. (Optional) PDFExportPreset using The export style. (Optional) String versionComments The comment for this version. (Optional) Boolean forceSave If true, forcibly saves a version. (Optional)
applyConditions( Condition using, Boolean removeExisting )
Apply one or more conditions.
Type Name Description Condition using The condition(s) to apply Boolean removeExisting If true, remove existing conditions. (Optional)
Convert bullets and numbering to text.
select( SelectionOptions existingSelection )
Selects the object.
Type Name Description SelectionOptions existingSelection The selection status of the Text in relation to previously selected objects. (Optional)
String toSource()
Generates a string which, if executed, will return the Text.
Text getElements()
Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.
String toSpecifier()
Retrieves the object specifier.
EventListener addEventListener( String eventType, Mixed handler, Boolean captures )
Adds an event listener.
Type Name Description String eventType The event type. Mixed handler The event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function. Boolean captures This parameter is obsolete. (Optional)
Boolean removeEventListener( String eventType, Mixed handler, Boolean captures )
Removes the event listener.
Type Name Description String eventType The registered event type. Mixed handler The registered event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function. Boolean captures This parameter is obsolete. (Optional)