Justin Taylor, Founder @ Hyper Brew

I'm Justin Taylor, an editor / animator turned plugin developer with over 10 years of experience in video production. My journey as a commercial editor and animator eventually led me to switch focus to building custom plugins to help boost workflows of myself and creative teams around me.

Today, I run Hyper Brew, a company dedicated to helping video teams work faster and smarter with custom Adobe plugins.

Aside from work I enjoy woodworking, drumming, and a solid cup of coffee.

Contact Page

My company

🏅Developer Champion 2024

Dev Tools

Resources for developing Adobe plugins.

Bolt Express

A lightning-fast boilerplate for building Express Addons in Svelte, React, or Vue built on Vite + TypeScript + Sas.

Hyperbrew Blog

Check out their blog for the latest developments in the world of video tooling and answering common questions.


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