Package com.adobe.idp.taskmanager.dsc.client.queuemanager

The com.adobe.idp.taskmanager.dsc.client.queuemanager package provides service client classes for the Queue Manager service.


Interface Summary
GroupQueue Describes a group queue.
OOOProcessDesignate Manages designation of alternate users when the current user is Out of Office.
OutOfOfficeDateRange Out of office date ranges.
OutOfOfficeInfo Manages Out of Office settings for the current user.
QueueManager Defines methods for performing queue management functions in the workflow system.
UserQueue Describes a user queue.

Class Summary
UserDef Object that contains identifying characteristics for a user.
UserSettings Contains settings associated with a user's tasks.

Exception Summary
QueueManagerException Exception class for general exceptions thrown by the QueueManager service.

Package com.adobe.idp.taskmanager.dsc.client.queuemanager Description

The com.adobe.idp.taskmanager.dsc.client.queuemanager package provides service client classes for the Queue Manager service. These client classes define methods supporting shared queue administration for both users and groups.

You can use this package to create Java client applications that interact with the Queue Manager Service. This package enables you to implement, in your custom applications, the functionality that this service provides.