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Package com.adobe.granite.resourcestatus

This package defines an API which models generic statuses about resources and provides a mechanism to generate and retrieve such statuses.

See: Description

Package com.adobe.granite.resourcestatus Description

This package defines an API which models generic statuses about resources and provides a mechanism to generate and retrieve such statuses. Resource statuses are meant to be displayed in the user interface by a status component which retrieves and renders statuses about a resource.

In order to provide statuses about resources, modules implement the ResourceStatusProvider interface. A ResourceStatusProvider generates ResourceStatuses of a certain status type.

Statuses are provided to consumers via the Sling ResourceProvider API. A status component uses a ResourceResolver to retrieve statuses about a certain resource. By using a special resource path format, it can retrieve all statuses, or only those matching one or several status types (see com.adobe.granite.resourcestatus.impl.StatusResourceProviderImpl). The statuses are obtained as Resource objects wrapping statuses (see ResourceStatus). Using the default Sling JSON servlet, status components can also retrieve a JSON representation of the statuses.

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