Adaptive form API. This namespace is available to the user during scripting. The namespace provides some utility APIs that can be used in the scripts
- Since:
- 6.0
<static> sum(panels, fieldName)
sum up a set of fields inside a set of panels.
Sums up all the fields having the name fieldName in a set of panels
Note: If an element inside the panels Array is not an adaptive form Panel or field referred by fieldName in a panel is not a Numeric Field, it will not be considered.
Name Type Description panels
Array.<Panel> array of Panel objects
string name of the numericField
- Since:
- 6.0
sum of the value of the fields
- Type
- number
returns the sum of all fields named nf5 inside all the instances of panel p4
<static> avg(panels, fieldName)
averages up the values of multiple Numeric Fields
The API looks for all the Numeric Fields having the name fieldName inside the list of panels
The API is most useful to calculate the average of a Numeric Field inside a repeatable table row.
Note: If an element inside the panels array is not a Panel or fieldName inside the panel is not a Numeric Field, it will not be considered.
For the purpose of calculations null values are treated as 0
Name Type Description panels
Array.<Panel> array of Panel objects
string name of the numericField inside the panels array to consider for calculating the average
- Since:
- 6.0
average of the value of the considered fields inside the panels array
- Type
- number
returns the average of all fields named nf5 inside all the instances of panel p4
<static> max(panels, fieldName)
find the maximum value field among a set of fields
Finds the field having the maximum value amongst the set of fields with the name fieldName in a set of panels.
Note: If an element inside the panels Array is not an adaptive form Panel or field referred by fieldName in a panel is not a Numeric Field, it will not be considered.
For the purpose of calculations null values are treated as 0
Name Type Description panels
Array.<Panel> array of Panel objects
string name of the numericField to consider
- Since:
- 6.0
The Field having the maximum value among a set of fields
- Type
- Field
returns the field having the maximum value among all fields that are named nf5 inside all the instances of panel p4
<static> min(panels, fieldName)
find the minimum value field among a set of fields
Finds the field having the minimum value amongst the set of fields with the name fieldName in a set of panels.
Note: If an element inside the panels Array is not an Adaptive Form Panel or field referred by fieldName in the panel is not a Numeric Field, it will not be considered.
For the purpose of calculations null values are treated as 0
Name Type Description panels
Array.<Panel> array of adaptive forms Panel objects
string name of the numericField
- Since:
- 6.0
the field having the minimum value
- Type
- Field
returns the field having the minimum value among all fields that are named nf5 inside all the instances of panel p4
<static> reduce(panels, fieldName, iterator, memo [, context])
boils down a values of multiple fields into a single value.
Value of fields, having the name fieldName in the panels array, are combined into a single value as per the iterator function.
memo is the initial state of the reduction, and at each successive step it should be returned by iterator.
A list of Fields is identied by looking for Field having the name fieldName inside each Panel in the panels array. Then the iterator function is called for each of the Fields
The iterator is called as many times as the length of the fields list, and is passed three arguments:
- memo, for first iteration it is the value passed and for successive iterations the value returned by iterator in the previous iteration.
- Panel object, Parent Panel of the Field object
- Field object, Field from the list of fields having the index equal to the iteration number
Name Type Argument Description panels
Array.<Panel> Array containing the Panel objects
string Name of the field to look in the panels array provided in the first argument
af~ReduceIterator function which will be called for each Field object
* initial state of reduction
object <optional>
this param in the iterator will point to this object.
- Since:
- 6.0
- See:
boiled down value by applying iterator recursively on each field
- Type
- *
<static> filter(panels, fieldName, predicate [, context])
Filters a list of fields based on the predicate
Looks through each Field having the name fieldName in the panels array, call predicate function on them iteratively and returns those fields for which predicate function returns true
The arguments to the predicate will be Panel object and Field object.
Name Type Argument Description panels
Array.<Panel> Array containing the Panel objects
string Name of the field to look in the array of Panel objects provided as the first argument
af~filterPredicate function to execute for each field
object <optional>
this in the predicate function will point to this object
- Since:
- 6.0
list of fields for which the predicate function returned true
- Type
- Array.<Field>
<static> formatDateToISOString(dateObject)
formats date object into ISO String i.e. in yyyy-mm-dd format.
Accepts a date object and passes back date in yyyy-mm-dd format which is accepted by adaptive forms
Name Type Description dateObject
Date object
- Since:
- 6.0
converts dateObject in YYYY-MM-DD format
- Type
- string
To set today's date in Date Field
var today = new Date(); datefield.value = af.formatDateToISOString(today)
Type Definitions
ReduceIterator(memo, panel, field)
iterator function for the af.reduce function
Name Type Description memo
* initial value passed to the reduce function
Panel Panel element
Field Field element
- See:
- af#reduce
the value to be used as memo in the next iteration
- Type
- *
filterPredicate(panel, field)
predicate function for the af#filter function
Name Type Description panel
Panel Panel element
Field Field element
- See:
- af#filter
value of the predicate test.
- Type
- boolean