public class RenderOptionsSpec
Enables you to define run-time options that control how the PDF forms service renders forms and handles
form submissions. By setting members of this class, you can perform many tasks such as caching forms to improve
the performance of the PDF forms service, rendering forms on a client,
applying usage rights to the rendered form (requires that the Acrobat Reader DC Extensions service is installed), and setting form guide options.
An object of this type is passed to the
method. For information,
see Rendering Forms.
Serialized FormConstructor Summary | |
A standard constructor. |
RenderOptionsSpec(OutputType outputType,
java.lang.String charset,
java.lang.String locale,
int pageNumber,
java.lang.Boolean cacheEnabled,
java.lang.Integer validationUI,
java.lang.Integer validationReporting,
java.lang.String validationBorder,
java.lang.String acrobatVersion,
java.lang.String pDFVersion,
boolean xMLData,
boolean taggedPDF,
boolean linearizedPDF,
boolean pDF2XDP,
java.lang.String seedPDF,
java.lang.String renderAtClient,
java.lang.String clientFrame,
java.lang.String imageURL,
boolean clientCache,
java.lang.String exportDataFormat,
boolean standAlone,
java.lang.String formModel,
java.lang.String xDCURI,
java.lang.String xCIURI,
java.lang.String fontMapURI,
java.lang.String xCI,
java.lang.String serviceId,
java.lang.String rootLocale,
java.lang.String digSigCSSURI,
java.lang.String toolbarMenu,
boolean debugEnabled,
java.lang.String ifModifiedSince,
java.lang.String guideName,
boolean guideRSL,
boolean guidePDF,
boolean guideAccessible,
java.lang.String guideCBURL,
boolean cB,
java.lang.String guideStyle,
boolean guideSubmitAll,
boolean injectFormBridge,
java.lang.String reCredentialAlias,
java.lang.String reCredentialPassword,
java.lang.String reReaderMessage,
boolean re2DBarcode,
boolean reCommenting,
boolean reCreatePages,
boolean reDigSig,
boolean reEmbeddedAttachments,
boolean reExpImp,
boolean reFillIn,
boolean reFormFieldMod,
boolean reOnlineCommenting,
boolean reOnlineForms,
boolean reStandaloneSubmit)
A constructor that enables you to set all options. |
RenderOptionsSpec(java.lang.String sOptions)
For internal use only. |
Method Summary | |
java.lang.Object |
Creates a copy of this object. |
java.lang.String |
Gets the PDF version that the PDF forms service creates. |
int |
Get Audit Log Configuration value |
java.lang.Boolean |
Specifies whether the PDF forms service caches a PDF form to boost performance. |
java.lang.String |
Gets the character set used to encode the output byte stream. |
java.lang.String |
Returns a string value that specifies the client frame to use for HTML transformations. |
java.lang.String |
Returns the digSigCSSURI value. |
java.lang.String |
Gets the format of the data that the PDF forms service exports to a client application. |
java.lang.String |
Specifies the URI location of the font mapping file. |
java.lang.String |
Gets the location to where the form is processed. |
java.lang.String |
Gets the value of the guideCbUrl option, which specifies a custom override implementation of a callback servlet. |
java.lang.String |
Returns the name of the specific guide within a guided forms definition. |
java.lang.String |
Returns the name of the style sheet used by guided forms. |
java.lang.String |
For internal use only. |
java.lang.String |
Returns the URL that receives image requests from the target device. |
boolean |
Returns a Boolean value that specifies whether the injectFormBridge option is set. |
java.lang.String |
getInternalOption(java.lang.String key)
For internal use only. |
java.util.HashMap |
For internal use only. |
java.lang.String |
Gets a locale value that is used by the PDF forms service to send validation messsages to client devices, such as web browsers, as part of HTML transformations. |
java.lang.String |
For internal use only. |
java.lang.String |
getOptionsBean(java.lang.String key)
For internal use only. |
OutputType |
Returns the output type value that specifies how a form that is rendered as HTML is displayed. |
int |
The page number value specifies the initial page number to render in a multipage HTML form. |
java.lang.String |
Gets the PDF version value that represents the PDF version to output. |
java.util.HashMap |
For internal use only. |
java.lang.String |
Returns the alias value of the credential that grants usage rights. |
java.lang.String |
Returns the credential password value that grants usage rights. |
java.lang.String |
Enables the delivery of PDF content by using the the client-side rendering capability of Acrobat 7.0 or later. |
java.lang.String |
Return a string value that represents the message that is displayed within Adobe Reader to inform users that the form contains usage rights. |
java.lang.String |
For internal use only. |
java.lang.String |
Gets the seed PDF document value that specifies an initial PDF document that is used in a PDF transformation to optimize delivery. |
java.lang.String |
For internal use only. |
java.lang.String |
Used for HTML Toolbar Menu |
java.lang.String |
Returns the validation border size in pixels when using frames. |
java.lang.Integer |
Returns the position within the frame where validation reporting is displayed if the ValidationUI option is 0 (list). |
java.lang.Integer |
Returns the value of the ValidationUI option, which specifies how errors are displayed. |
java.lang.String |
Returns the XCI run-time options that represent entries in the XCI configuration file or options that are programmatically set. |
java.lang.String |
Gets the URI location of the XCI file used for rendering. |
java.lang.String |
Returns the URI location of an alternative XDC file that is used for rendering. |
java.lang.Boolean |
Specifies whether the PDF forms service caches a PDF form to boost performance. |
boolean |
Returns the value of the Cb option,
which specifies the generation of HTML-template initiating content,
or guided forms content. |
boolean |
Specifies whether the form is cached on the client. |
boolean |
Specifies whether the debugEnabled option is enabled. |
boolean |
This returns the value that specifies whether the PDF Print Options specified during template design would be used or not. |
boolean |
Returns the value of the guideAccessible option, which specifies whether guided forms compilation is accessible. |
boolean |
Returns the value of the guidePDF option, which
specifies that the PDF forms service data output is rendered in both Flash and PDF. |
boolean |
Returns the value of the guideRSL option that specifies to use run-time
shared libraries when compiling guided forms. |
boolean |
Gets the value of the GuideSubmitAll option,
which specifies whether guided forms submit all data including hidden panels. |
boolean |
Determines whether the PDF forms service produces a linearized PDF form (optimized for web applications). |
boolean |
Returns the setPDF2XDP value. |
boolean |
Returns a Boolean value that specifies whether the re2DBarcode option is set. |
boolean |
Returns a Boolean value that specifies whether the reCommenting option is set. |
boolean |
Returns a Boolean value that specifies whether the reCreatePages option is set. |
boolean |
Returns a Boolean value that specifies whether the reDigSig option is set. |
boolean |
Returns a Boolean value that specifies whether the reEmbeddedAttachments option is set. |
boolean |
Returns a Boolean value that specifies whether the reExpImp option is set. |
boolean |
Returns a Boolean value that specifies whether the reFillIn option is set. |
boolean |
Returns a Boolean value that specifies whether the reFormFieldMod option is set. |
boolean |
Returns a Boolean value that specifies whether the reOnlineCommenting option is set. |
boolean |
Returns a Boolean value that specifies whether the reOnlineForms option is set. |
boolean |
Returns a Boolean value that specifies whether the reStandaloneSubmit option is set. |
boolean |
Specifies if the standAlone option is set to true , which results in a
form being rendered without state information. |
boolean |
Retrieves the value of the taggedPDF option, which specifies the use of tagged PDF files to output forms
to make them
accessible with the help of screen readers. |
boolean |
Returns a Boolean value that represents the xmlData option that
specifies whether the PDF forms service produces the form's XML data based on its current
processing state. |
void |
setAcrobatVersion(java.lang.String acrobatVersion)
Sets the appropriate PDF version required for a client. |
void |
setAuditLog(int auditLog)
Set Audit Log Configuration value |
void |
setCacheEnabled(java.lang.Boolean cacheEnabled)
Instructs the PDF forms service to cache a form in order to improve performance. |
void |
setCB(boolean cB)
Sets the value of the Cb option,
which specifies the generation of HTML-template initiating content,
or guided forms content. |
void |
setCharset(java.lang.String charset)
Sets the character set used to encode the output byte stream. |
void |
setClientCache(boolean clientCache)
Sets whether the form is cached in the client web browser cache. |
void |
setClientFrame(java.lang.String clientFrame)
Sets the client frame to use for HTML transformations. |
void |
setDebugEnabled(boolean debugEnabled)
Sets the debugEnabled option. |
void |
setDigSigCSSURI(java.lang.String digSigCSSURI)
Sets the digSigCSSURI value. |
void |
setEnableViewerPreferences(boolean enableViewerPreferences)
This sets the value that specifies whether the PDF Print Options specified during template design would be used or not. |
void |
setExportDataFormat(java.lang.String exportDataFormat)
Sets the data format value that controls the format of data that the PDF forms service exports to a client application. |
void |
setFontMapURI(java.lang.String fontMapURI)
Sets the URI location of the font mapping file. |
void |
setFormModel(java.lang.String formModel)
Sets the location to where the form is processed. |
void |
setGuideAccessible(boolean guideAccessible)
Sets the value of the guideAccessible option, which specifies whether guided forms compilation is accessible. |
void |
setGuideCBURL(java.lang.String guideCBURL)
Sets the value of the guideCBURL option, which specifies a custom override implementation of a callback servlet. |
void |
setGuideName(java.lang.String guideName)
Sets the name of the specific guide within a guided forms definition. |
void |
setGuidePDF(boolean guidePDF)
Sets the value of the guidePDF option, which
specifies that the output is rendered in both Flash and PDF format. |
void |
setGuideRSL(boolean guideRSL)
Sets the value of the guideRSL option that specifies to use run-time
shared libraries when compiling guided forms. |
void |
setGuideStyle(java.lang.String guideStyle)
Sets the name of the style sheet used by a guided form. |
void |
setGuideSubmitAll(boolean guideSubmitAll)
Sets the value of the GuideSubmitAll option,
which specifies whether guided forms submit all data including hidden panels. |
void |
setIfModifiedSince(java.lang.String ifModifiedSince)
For internal use only. |
void |
setImageURL(java.lang.String imageURL)
Sets the URL that receives image requests from the target device. |
void |
setInjectFormBridge(boolean injectFormBridge)
Sets the injectFormBridge option that specifies whether the PDF forms service
inserts special javascript code into a PDF form. |
void |
setInternalOption(java.lang.String key,
java.lang.String val)
For internal use only. |
void |
setLinearizedPDF(boolean linearizedPDF)
Sets the linearizedPDF property that results in the PDF forms service
producing a linearized PDF form. |
void |
setLocale(java.lang.String locale)
Sets the locale value that the PDF forms service uses to send validation messsages to client devices, such as web browsers, when a HTML form is rendered. |
void |
setOutputType(OutputType outputType)
Sets the output type value that is used by the PDF forms service to render a form as HTML. |
void |
setPageNumber(int pageNumber)
The page number value specifies the initial page number to render in a multipage HTML form. |
void |
setPDF2XDP(boolean pDF2XDP)
Sets the setPDF2XDP value. |
void |
setPDFVersion(java.lang.String pDFVersion)
Sets the PDF version value that represents the PDF version to output. |
void |
setRe2DBarcode(boolean re2DBarcode)
Sets the re2DBarcode option that enables the PDF forms service to render forms that
contain 2D barcodes and enables a user to fill in the form using Adobe Reader. |
void |
setReCommenting(boolean reCommenting)
Sets the reCommenting option that enables the PDF forms service to render forms that
allow users to add comments to the PDF form using Adobe Reader. |
void |
setReCreatePages(boolean reCreatePages)
Sets the reCreatePages option that enables the PDF forms service to render forms that
allow users to dynamically add pages within Adobe Reader. |
void |
setReCredentialAlias(java.lang.String reCredentialAlias)
Sets the alias value of the credential that grants usage rights. |
void |
setReCredentialPassword(java.lang.String reCredentialPassword)
Sets the credential password value that grants usage rights. |
void |
setReDigSig(boolean reDigSig)
Sets the reDigSig option that enables the PDF forms service to render PDF forms that
allow users to digitally sign the form using Adobe Reader. |
void |
setReEmbeddedAttachments(boolean reEmbeddedAttachments)
Sets the reEmbeddedAttachments option that enables the PDF forms service to render PDF forms that
allow users to add attachments to the form using Adobe Reader. |
void |
setReExpImp(boolean reExpImp)
Sets the reExpImp option that enables the PDF forms service to render PDF forms that
allow users to import and
export form data using Adobe Reader. |
void |
setReFillIn(boolean reFillIn)
Sets the reFillIn option that enables the PDF forms service to render PDF forms that
allow users to fill in form fields and save the PDF form from within Adobe Reader. |
void |
setReFormFieldMod(boolean reFormFieldMod)
Sets the reFormFieldMod option that enables the PDF forms service to render PDF forms that
allow users to modify form fields and save the PDF form from within Adobe Reader. |
void |
setRenderAtClient(java.lang.String renderAtClient)
Enables the delivery of PDF content by using the the client-side rendering capability of Acrobat 7.0 or later. |
void |
setReOnlineCommenting(boolean reOnlineCommenting)
Sets the reOnlineCommenting option that enables the PDF forms service to render PDF forms that
allow users to add comments within Adobe Reader while online. |
void |
setReOnlineForms(boolean reOnlineForms)
Sets the reOnlineForms option that enables the PDF forms service to render PDF forms that
allow users to interact with a form while online from within Adobe Reader. |
void |
setReReaderMessage(java.lang.String reReaderMessage)
Sets the message that is displayed within Adobe Reader to inform users that the form contains usage rights. |
void |
setReStandaloneSubmit(boolean reStandaloneSubmit)
Sets the reStandaloneSubmit option that enables the PDF forms service to render PDF forms that
allows users to submit information from within Adobe Reader. |
void |
setRootLocale(java.lang.String rootLocale)
For internal use only. |
void |
setSeedPDF(java.lang.String seedPDF)
Sets the seed PDF value that specifies an initial PDF document that is used in a PDF transformation to optimize delivery. |
void |
setServiceId(java.lang.String serviceId)
For internal use only. |
void |
setStandAlone(boolean standAlone)
Sets the standAlone option. |
void |
setTaggedPDF(boolean taggedPDF)
Sets the taggedPDF option that results in the
PDF forms service creating a tagged PDF form. |
void |
setToolbarMenu(java.lang.String toolbarMenu)
Used for HTML Toolbar Menu |
void |
setValidationBorder(java.lang.String validationBorder)
Sets the validation border size in pixels when using frames. |
void |
setValidationReporting(java.lang.Integer validationReporting)
Sets the position within the frame where validation reporting is displayed if the ValidationUI option is 0 (list). |
void |
setValidationUI(java.lang.Integer validationUI)
Sets the value of the ValidationUI option, which specifies how errors are displayed. |
void |
setXCI(java.lang.String xCI)
Sets XCI run-time options that are executed when processFormSubmission() or
one of the form rendering methods are invoked. |
void |
setXCIURI(java.lang.String xCIURI)
Sets the URI location of the XCI file used for rendering. |
void |
setXDCURI(java.lang.String xDCURI)
Sets the URI location of an alternative XDC file that is used for rendering. |
void |
setXMLData(boolean xMLData)
Sets the xmlData option that instructs the PDF forms service to produce
the form's XML data based on its current processing state. |
java.lang.String |
For internal use only. |
void |
updateOptionsBean(java.lang.String options)
For internal purposes only. |
void |
updateOptionsBean(java.lang.String key,
java.lang.String value)
For internal purposes only. |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait |
Constructor Detail |
public RenderOptionsSpec()
public RenderOptionsSpec(java.lang.String sOptions) throws FormServerException
public RenderOptionsSpec(OutputType outputType, java.lang.String charset, java.lang.String locale, int pageNumber, java.lang.Boolean cacheEnabled, java.lang.Integer validationUI, java.lang.Integer validationReporting, java.lang.String validationBorder, java.lang.String acrobatVersion, java.lang.String pDFVersion, boolean xMLData, boolean taggedPDF, boolean linearizedPDF, boolean pDF2XDP, java.lang.String seedPDF, java.lang.String renderAtClient, java.lang.String clientFrame, java.lang.String imageURL, boolean clientCache, java.lang.String exportDataFormat, boolean standAlone, java.lang.String formModel, java.lang.String xDCURI, java.lang.String xCIURI, java.lang.String fontMapURI, java.lang.String xCI, java.lang.String serviceId, java.lang.String rootLocale, java.lang.String digSigCSSURI, java.lang.String toolbarMenu, boolean debugEnabled, java.lang.String ifModifiedSince, java.lang.String guideName, boolean guideRSL, boolean guidePDF, boolean guideAccessible, java.lang.String guideCBURL, boolean cB, java.lang.String guideStyle, boolean guideSubmitAll, boolean injectFormBridge, java.lang.String reCredentialAlias, java.lang.String reCredentialPassword, java.lang.String reReaderMessage, boolean re2DBarcode, boolean reCommenting, boolean reCreatePages, boolean reDigSig, boolean reEmbeddedAttachments, boolean reExpImp, boolean reFillIn, boolean reFormFieldMod, boolean reOnlineCommenting, boolean reOnlineForms, boolean reStandaloneSubmit)
Method Detail |
public java.lang.String getAcrobatVersion()
public void setAcrobatVersion(java.lang.String acrobatVersion)
- The PDF version to set and must be one of the following values:
public java.lang.Boolean isCacheEnabled()
means that the form is cached.
public java.lang.Boolean getCacheEnabled()
means that the form is cached.
public void setCacheEnabled(java.lang.Boolean cacheEnabled)
- A Boolean value that specifies whether to cache a form. The value true
means that a form is cached.public java.lang.String getCharset()
package for HTML transformations.
public void setCharset(java.lang.String charset)
package for HTML transformations.
- The character set used to encode the output byte stream.public boolean isClientCache()
public void setClientCache(boolean clientCache)
- A Boolean value that specifies whether the form is cached on the client.public boolean isEnableViewerPreferences()
public void setEnableViewerPreferences(boolean enableViewerPreferences)
- public java.lang.String getClientFrame()
public void setClientFrame(java.lang.String clientFrame)
- The client frame to use.public boolean isDebugEnabled()
option is enabled.
option is enabled.public void setDebugEnabled(boolean debugEnabled)
Pass the value true
to enable debug logging, which provides more
information in the J2EE application server's log file.
- A Boolean value that sets the debugEnabled
option.public java.lang.String getExportDataFormat()
- returns the data with xdp packaging.XDP.toXFAData
- returns the data with xdp packaging and data in the xfa:datasets packet (xfdf is converted to xfa data).XDP.DataOnly
- xdp format but without embedded PDF or XFA template packet.XMLData
- returns the data without XDP or xfa:datasets packaging.Auto
- automatically determines the format based on the submitted data.
public void setExportDataFormat(java.lang.String exportDataFormat)
- returns the data with xdp packaging. XDP.toXFAData
- returns the data with xdp packaging and data in the xfa:datasets packet (xfdf is converted to xfa data).XDP.DataOnly
- xdp format but without embedded PDF or XFA template packet.XMLData
- returns the data without XDP or xfa:datasets packaging. Auto
- automatically determines the format based on the submitted data. If XDP is submitted, then XDP.toXFAData is returned. If XMLData is submitted, then XMLData is returned. If URL encoded data is submitted, then XMLData is returned.
- The export data format value to set.public java.lang.String getFontMapURI()
public void setFontMapURI(java.lang.String fontMapURI)
- The URI location of the font mapping file to use.public java.lang.String getFormModel()
public void setFormModel(java.lang.String formModel)
, the form is passed to the client device without processing.
The following values are supported:
- The location to where the form is processed.public java.lang.String getImageURL()
is combined with this value to construct an absolute URL.
public void setImageURL(java.lang.String imageURL)
value is combined with this value to construct
an absolute URL.
- The URL that receives image requests from the target device.public boolean isLinearizedPDF()
public void setLinearizedPDF(boolean linearizedPDF)
property that results in the PDF forms service
producing a linearized PDF form. A linearized PDF document is
organized to enable incremental access in a network
environment. For example, a linearized PDF document can be displayed
in a web browser before the entire PDF document is downloaded.
For more information about a linearized PDF document, see the PDF Reference guide.
- A Boolean value that when set to true, results in the PDF forms service producing a linearized PDF form.public java.lang.String getLocale()
public void setLocale(java.lang.String locale)
- The locale value to set. The following table lists valid values:
Locale | Description |
zh_CN | Chinese, Simplified (P.R.C.) |
zh_TW | Chinese, Traditional (Taiwan |
zh_HK | Chinese, Traditional with HKSCS-2001 Extensions (Hong Kong) |
hr_HR | Croatian (Republic of Croatia) |
cs_CZ | Czech (Czech Republic) |
da_DK | Danish (Denmark) |
nl_BE | Dutch (Belgium) |
nl_NL | Dutch (Netherlands) |
en_AU | English (Australia) |
en_CA | English (Canada) |
en_IN | English (India) |
en_IE | English (Ireland) |
en_NZ | English (New Zealand) |
en_ZA | English (South Africa) |
en_GB | English (United Kingdom) |
en_EN | English (United Kingdom, Euro Currency) |
en_US | English (United States) |
fi_FI | Finnish (Finland) |
fr_BE | French (Belgium) |
fr_CA | French (Canada) |
fr_FR | French (France) |
fr_LU | French (Luxembourg) |
fr_CH | French (Switzerland) |
de_AT | German (Austria) |
de_DE | German (Germany) |
de_LU | German (Luxembourg) |
de_CH | German (Switzerland) |
el_GR | Greek (Greece) |
hu_HU | Hungarian (Hungary) |
it_IT | Italian (Italy) |
it_CH | Italian (Switzerland) |
ja_JP | Japanese (Japan) |
ko_KR | Korean (Korea) |
no_NO | Norwegian (Norway) |
no_NO_NY | Norwegian (Norway, Nynorsk) |
pl_PL | Polish (Poland) |
pt_BR | Portuguese (Brazil) |
pt_PT | Portuguese (Portugal) |
ro_RO | Romanian (Romania) |
sh_BA | Serbo-Croatian (Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
sh_HR | Serbo-Croatian (Croatia) |
sh_CS | Serbo-Croatian (Republic of Serbia and Montenegro) |
sk_SK | Slovak (Slovak Republic) |
es_AR | Spanish (Argentina) |
da_DK | Spanish (Bolivia) |
es_CL | Spanish (Chile) |
es_CO | Spanish (Costa Rica) |
es_DO | Spanish (Dominican Republic) |
es_EC | Spanish (Ecuador) |
es_SV | Spanish (El Salvador) |
es_GT | Spanish (Guatemala) |
es_HN | Spanish (Honduras) |
es_MX | Spanish (Mexico) |
es_NI | Spanish (Nicaragua) |
es_PA | Spanish (Panama) |
es_PY | Spanish (Paraguay) |
es_PE | Spanish (Peru) |
es_PR | Spanish (Puerto Rico) |
es_ES | Spanish (Spain) |
es_UY | Spanish (Uruguay |
es_VE | Spanish (Venezuela) |
sv_SE | Swedish (Sweden) |
tr_TR | Turkish (Turkey) |
public OutputType getOutputType()
- The form is rendered within full HTML tags (a complete HTML page).1
- The form is rendered within body tags (not a complete HTML page).
public void setOutputType(OutputType outputType)
- The form is rendered within full HTML tags (a complete HTML page). 1
- The form is rendered within body tags (not a complete HTML page).
- The output type value to set.public int getPageNumber()
public void setPageNumber(int pageNumber)
- The page number value to set.public boolean isPDF2XDP()
value. This value instructs
the PDF forms service to produce XDP output from submitted PDF content.
By default, the PDF forms service returns the PDF that is submited.
The XDP will contain a PDF packet (base64-encoded).
A datasets packet contains form data if the PDF is XFA-based.
An XFDF packet stores annotations (annots).
The XFDF packet contains (fields) elements if the PDF is an Acrobat form.
public void setPDF2XDP(boolean pDF2XDP)
value. Setting this value to true
instructs the PDF forms service to produce XDP output from submitted PDF content.
By default, the PDF forms service returns the PDF that is submited.
The XDP will contain a PDF packet (base64-encoded).
A datasets packet contains form data if the PDF is XFA-based.
An XFDF packet stores annotations (annots).
The XFDF packet contains (fields) elements if the PDF is an Acrobat form.
- A Boolean value that sets the setPDF2XDP
value.public java.lang.String getPDFVersion()
public void setPDFVersion(java.lang.String pDFVersion)
- The PDF version value.public java.lang.String getRenderAtClient()
or PDFMerge
The following renderAtClient
values are valid:
- Instructs the PDF forms service to observe the form design's dynamicRender
configuration value.true
- Client-side rendering occurs within Acrobat 7.0 or later. false
- Client-side rendering is not enabled.
public void setRenderAtClient(java.lang.String renderAtClient)
or PDFMerge
transformations. When set to auto
and AcrobatVersion
is set to acrobat7.0.5
(or later),
then a form is rendered to a client once,
which improves the performance of the PDF forms service.
The rendered form behaves as a non-interactive form.
The following renderAtClient
values are valid:
- Instructs the PDF forms service to observe the form design's dynamicRender configuration value.true
- Client-side rendering occurs within Acrobat 7.0 or later. false
- Client-side rendering is not enabled.
- The renderAtClient
value to set.public java.lang.String getSeedPDF()
public void setSeedPDF(java.lang.String seedPDF)
- The name and location of the PDF document that represents the seed PDF document.public boolean isStandAlone()
option is set to true
, which results in a
form being rendered without state information.
State information is used to render an interactive form to an end user who then enters
information into the form and submits the form back to the PDF forms service.
The PDF forms service then performs
a calculation operation and renders the form back to the user with the results
displayed in the form.
In an HTML transformation, javascript is embedded instead of linked content so that it can be used
while disconnected from the PDF forms service. Set this option to true
if you are using the PDF forms service for
rendering purposes and are running scripts that are located within the form
while disconnected from the PDF forms service.
public void setStandAlone(boolean standAlone)
option. If set to true
, a
form is rendered without state information.
State information is used to render an interactive form to an end user who then enters
information into the form and submits the form back to the PDF forms service. The PDF forms service then performs
a calculation operation and renders the form back to the user with the results displayed in the form.
In an HTML transformation, javascript is embedded instead of linked content so that it can be used while
disconnected from the PDF forms service. Set this option to true
if you are using the PDF forms service for
rendering purposes and are running scripts that are located within the form while disconnected from the
PDF forms service.
- The value of standAlone
option.public boolean isTaggedPDF()
option, which specifies the use of tagged PDF files to output forms
to make them
accessible with the help of screen readers.
Tagged PDF files are not supported in PDF versions prior to version 1.4. The following values are valid:
- false1
- true
public void setTaggedPDF(boolean taggedPDF)
option that results in the
PDF forms service creating a tagged PDF form. A tagged PDF form
defines a set of standard structure types and attributes that allow page content
(text, graphics, and images) to be extracted and reused for other purposes.
It is intended for use by tools that perform the following types of operations:
Tagged PDF files are not supported in PDF versions prior to version 1.4. For more information about tagged PDF documents, see the PDF Reference guide.
- A Boolean value that when set to true
, results in the Forms
service producing a tagged PDF form.public java.lang.String getValidationBorder()
public void setValidationBorder(java.lang.String validationBorder)
- The validation border size in pixels.public java.lang.Integer getValidationReporting()
option is 0 (list). The following values are supported:
- FrameLeft 1
- FrameRight 2
- FrameTop 3
- FrameBottom 4
- NoFrameLeft 5
- NoFrameRight 6
- NoFrameTop 7
- NoFrameBottom 8
- None 9
- NoUI 10
public void setValidationReporting(java.lang.Integer validationReporting)
option is 0 (list).
By setting this value, you specify whether the list appears within a frame, and the location of the list relative to the form.
This option is valid for forms that are rendered as HTML.
The following values are valid:
- FrameLeft 1
- FrameRight 2
- FrameTop 3
- FrameBottom 4
- NoFrameLeft 5
- NoFrameRight 6
- NoFrameTop 7
- NoFrameBottom 8
- None 9
- NoUI 10
- The position within the frame where validation reporting is displayed.public java.lang.Integer getValidationUI()
option, which specifies how errors are displayed.
These values are valid:
option.public void setValidationUI(java.lang.Integer validationUI)
option, which specifies how errors are displayed.
These values are valid:
- The value of the ValidationUI
option.public java.lang.String getXCI()
public void setXCI(java.lang.String xCI)
one of the form rendering methods are invoked. By setting XCI run-time options,
you can change configuration values that are located within the XCI configuration file that
the PDF forms service uses. The ability to set XCI run-time options is optional.
You define XCI run-time options by passing the following string value to this method:
is an XPath expression that is
relative to the configuration root element representing the element to update, and
is the value to assign to the path expression.
If the value is omitted, the element is cleared.
Only simple XPath expressions that contain "/"
and "@"
characters are supported.
The following example changes the default typeface to MyriadPro:
Setting XCI options can affect the resulting PDF form. For example, consider the following XCI options:
The size of the resulting files is different. When you set the PDF version to 1.6, the PDF forms service embeds the fonts as a subset. When you do not set the PDF version, the PDF forms service fully embeds the font. The one that contains the fully embedded font is at least twice as large as the file that has the fonts embedded as subset. Specify the PDF version to embed the font as a subset.
- The XCI run-time value to set. The following table lists XCI run-time options.
XCI Expression | Element Name | Description |
acrobat.acrobat7.dynamicRender |
dynamicRender |
Specifies whether the form can be dynamically rendered in Acrobat. Valid values are required or forbidden . |
data.outputXSL.uri |
uri (child of outputXSL element) |
Specifies the fully qualified path or URL of an XSLT script.
When specified, this option invokes an XSLT interpreter to process
the supplied data before loading it into the XML Forms Architecture Data DOM.
For example: data.outputXSL.uri=http://www.mysite.com/xsl/data/loan.xsl
data.range |
range |
Controls which records are processed. The range option specifies the records that are to be processed.
The value of range is a comma-separated list of one or more record numbers and/or record number ranges.
A record number is a non-negative decimal integer, where 0 (zero) indicates the first record.
A record number range is a record number, followed by a dash (- ) character,
followed by another record number which is numerically equal to or greater than the other record number.
Record number ranges and record numbers can overlap, as in the following example:
This causes records 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9 to be processed, and all other records to be ignored.
data.record |
record |
Controls the division of the document into records. Records are processed sequentially as separate documents.
The value of record is either an integer or a tag name. If the value of record is an integer,
it specifies the level in the tree at which the Adobe Experience Manager forms PDF forms treats each node as the root of a record.
0 represents the root of the whole XML Data DOM. For example, if the value is 2 ,
each element that is two levels in from the outermost element is considered as enclosing a record.
If the value of record is not an integer, it is interpreted as a tag name.
The first element in the XML data file with a tag matching the value of record
determines the level of a record within the tree. Adobe Experience Manager forms PDF forms processes nodes as records in the
XML Forms Architecture Data DOM that correspond to the same level and have a name matching the value of record as root nodes.
By default, Adobe Experience Manager forms PDF forms considers the document range to enclose one record of data represented by the
first (top-level) data group within the document range. For example, the following XML data file contains a single record,
which is the element <order>, and represents the top-level data group within the document range:
To nominate the item elements as records, specify |
data.startNode |
startNode |
Identifies the root of the subtree that is processed. Adobe Experience Manager forms does not process any data outside the subtree.
The expression in the startNode element is restricted to a fully qualified path of element types (tag names),
starting with the root of the XML data document and referring to a single element. This option affects processing during every phase.
For example, consider this XML data file:
To process only the first item, specify |
data.xsl.debug.uri |
uri (child of debug element; descendant of data element) |
Specifies the fully qualified path or URL where Adobe Experience Manager forms saves a copy of the preprocessed XML data
after the XSLT interpreter has created it. It is intended for debugging the XSLT script.
This option takes effect during the data loading phase. For example:
data.xsl.debug.uri=http://www.mysite.com/xsl/debug/loan.xdp .
data.xsl.uri |
uri (child of xsl element; descendant of data element) |
Specifies the fully qualified path or URL of an XSLT script. When specified, this option invokes an
XSLT interpreter to process the supplied XML data before loading it into the XML Forms Architecture Data DOM.
This option takes effect during the data loading phase. For example: data.xsl.uri=http://www.mysite.com/xsl/loan.xsl .
destination |
destination |
Specifies the output format when rendering documents. |
fontInfo.defaultTypeface |
defaultTypeface |
Sets a default font to use when the font is not available. |
locale |
locale |
Specifies the locale to use when rendering documents. For a listing, see Developing Applications Using Adobe Experience Manager forms APIs. |
pdf.compression.compressLogicalStructure |
compressLogicalStructure |
Used to generate PDF documents with the logical structure compressed. Normally, the structure is not compressed
and therefore increases the size of the document. This feature was introduced by Acrobat 6.
The default value is off (0 ) for Adobe Experience Manager forms, but it is defaulted to on (1 )
when a form author saves a PDF from Designer. If you use this option to compress the logical structure,
that logical structure cannot be used by Acrobat 5 or earlier versions. The PDF will still open in Acrobat 5;
however, to users, it will look as if the document has no logical structure (used for accessibility and tabbing order).
These values are acceptable:
pdf.compression.level |
level |
When destination is pdf , it specifies the degree of compression to use when generating a file.
These values are acceptable:
pdf.compression.type |
type |
When destination is pdf , it specifies the type of compression to apply to a file.
The following values are valid:
pdf.encryption.encrypt |
encrypt |
Determines whether the output document is encrypted. The following values are valid:
pdf.encryption.encryptionLevel |
encryptionLevel |
Specifies the length of the encryption key to use. The default and only acceptable value is 40bit . |
pdf.encryption.masterPassword |
masterPassword |
Specifies the password (as a string) required to open an encrypted PDF document that has unlimited access rights. |
pdf.encryption.permissions.accessibleContent |
accessibleContent |
Controls the ability of accessibility aids to copy text or graphics from the document.
Accessibility aids such as screen readers need to copy text from the document into their own buffers.
This options sets a permission flag that controls the ability of programs to extract text or graphics from the document.
Once extracted, the data may be used for any purpose.
This permission flag applies only when an encrypted PDF document is opened using the user password.
No restrictions apply if the document is not encrypted or if it is opened using the master password.
The following values are valid:
pdf.encryption.permissions.contentCopy |
contentCopy |
Enables or disables the user's ability to copy text or graphics from the document.
This option applies only when an encrypted PDF document is opened using the user password.
No restrictions apply if the document is not encrypted or if it is opened using the master password.
These values are acceptable:
pdf.encryption.permissions.documentAssembly |
documentAssembly |
Controls the user's ability to reassemble the PDF document.
This option controls whether the user has the right to insert, delete, or rotate pages,
and create navigation elements such as bookmarks and thumbnail images.
If permission is granted, the user has these rights, even if the document is encrypted
or if it is opened using the master password.
These values are acceptable:
pdf.encryption.permissions.formFieldFilling |
formFieldFilling |
Controls the user's ability to enter data into existing form fields. This option sets a permission flag
that controls the user's ability to fill in form fields, including signature fields.
If permission is granted, the user can fill in fields regardless of the content of the
pdf.encryption.permissions.modifyAnnots option.
This permission flag applies only when an encrypted PDF document is opened using the user password.
No restrictions apply if the document is not encrypted or if it is opened using the master password.
The following values are valid:
pdf.encryption.permissions.modifyAnnots |
modifyAnnots |
Controls the user's ability to modify the annotation layer of the document.
This option sets a permission flag that grants the user the ability to add or modify text annotations and,
if the change option grants permission, to create or modify interactive form fields (including signature fields).
This option can also grant the user the ability to fill in existing fields of a form, but that permission
can also be granted independently by the pdf.encryption.permissions.formFieldFilling option.
The following values are valid:
pdf.encryption.permissions.plaintextMetadata |
plaintextMetadata |
Decrypts the metadata in the output PDF document. Document metadata is represented by an XML stream
contained within the output PDF document. However, if the document is encrypted, the metadata is also encrypted by default.
This option decrypts the metadata stream even if the rest of the document is encrypted.
The following values are valid:
pdf.encryption.permissions.print |
print |
Controls the user's ability to print the PDF document. The printed copy may be degraded
in appearance compared to the original, depending on the content of the pdf.encryption.permissions.printHighQuality option.
This permission flag applies only when an encrypted PDF document is opened using the user password.
No restrictions apply if the document is not encrypted or if it is opened using the master password.
The following values are valid:
pdf.encryption.permissions.printHighQuality |
printHighQuality |
Controls the user's ability to print the PDF document with high fidelity and as much detail as the original document.
This permission flag applies only when an encrypted PDF document is opened using the user password.
No restrictions apply if the document is not encrypted or if it is opened using the master password.
The following values are valid:
pdf.encryption.permissions.change |
change |
Controls the user's ability to make changes to the PDF document. This option controls the permission flag
that grants the user permission to modify the contents of the document by any means not controlled by the
pdf.encryption.permissions.modifyAnnots option, the pdf.encryption.permissions.formFieldFilling option,
or the pdf.encryption.permissions.documentAssembly option.
For example, this option controls the user's ability to edit the boilerplate.
The following values are valid:
pdf.encryption.userPassword |
userPassword |
Specifies the password (as a string) required to open an encrypted PDF document that has user access rights. |
pdf.fontInfo.embed |
embed |
Controls the embedding of fonts in the output document. If the fonts are not embedded,
the client computer or printer may not be able to reproduce the text properly.
Particular fonts may have license restrictions that prohibit embedding.
The following values are valid:
pdf.fontInfo.encodingSupport |
encodingSupport |
Specifies a list of non-Unicode character encodings. Defining the list in advance may improve performance. When not specified, encoding tables are initialized when first encountering a non-Unicode encoding. For a complete list, see Developing Applications Using Adobe Experience Manager forms APIs. |
pdf.fontInfo.map.equate |
equate |
Supplies mappings from one specified typeface to another during the rendering of a document.
Use this option to deal with typefaces specified in the XDC file that are not available on the
printer or display device, as in the following example:
<equate from="Arial_normal_normal", to="Arial_bold_italic">
The example changes the font for text that is specified as plain Arial to bold, italicized Arial in the generated output.
pdf.fontInfo.subsetBelow |
subsetBelow |
Specifies a usage threshold below which an embedded font is reduced to the subset of symbols that are actually used.
A font is sometimes used only for a few characters in a document. It is not necessary to embed the entire font if
only a portion of it is used. This option sets a usage threshold below which only the used subset is embedded.
Above the threshold, the entire font is embedded, if possible.
This option has no effect for fonts that are used in data entry fields. If the font is embedded, it is embedded in its entirety.
This option does not apply to fonts that are not embedded. Embedded fonts are controlled by the
pdf.fontInfo.embed and alwaysEmbed options.
This option has no effect for fonts that are used in data entry fields. If the font is embedded, it is embedded in its entirety.
The value is a positive integer from 0 to 100 , inclusive.
The default value for this option is 100 , which subsets all embedded fonts that are not used in data entry fields.
pdf.interactive |
interactive |
Specifies whether a PDF form should be generated as a flat form for printing or as an interactive form for online use.
There are two ways to use a PDF document. One is to print it. The other is to use client software with a user interface that
enables interaction with the document. The content of this option indicates which way the output document is used.
The following values are valid:
pdf.openAction.destination |
destination |
Specifies the action to be performed when opening the document in an interactive client.
The following values are valid:
pdf.submitFormat |
submitFormat |
Specifies the format in which the form data is sent to the server. This option applies only to interactive PDF documents.
The content of the submitFormat element determines the settings for bits 3 (ExportFormat),
9 (SubmitPDF), and 6 (XFDF) in the submit-form action as described in the PDF 1.5 specification.
The following values are valid:
pdf.tagged |
tagged |
Controls whether tags are included in the output PDF document. Tags, in the context of PDF,
are additional information included in a document to expose the logical structure of the document.
Tags assist accessibility aids and reformatting. For example, a page number may be tagged as an
"artifact" so that a screen reader does not enunciate it in the middle of the text.
Although tags make a document more useful, they also increase the size of the document and the processing time to create it.
The following values are valid:
pdf.xdc.uri |
uri |
Specifies the path of the XDC file, acrobat7.xdc , which is deployed in the same directory
as the Adobe Experience Manager forms during the installation. The XDC file contains information such as the available fonts.
Adobe Experience Manager forms uses the device control information in the current directory to render PDF documents,
as in the following example:
form.setConfigValue("pdf.xdc.uri", "acrobat7.xdc")
present.pdf.linearized |
linearized |
Allows the PDF to be linearized which means it's saved for faster web viewing. |
present.pdf.renderPolicy |
renderPolicy |
Indicates whether the form is to be rendered on the server or on the client. Valid values are server and client . |
temp.uri |
uri (descendant of pdf element) |
Specifies the location of temporary files. When specified, it overrides the system default location for temporary files. |
template.base |
base (descendant of temp element) |
Specifies the base location for URIs in the form design. When this option is not specified, the location of the form design is used as the base. The value is a URI that specifies the fully qualified path pointing to the location of include files. This option can be set by a separate document (or even a script). |
public java.lang.String getXCIURI()
public void setXCIURI(java.lang.String xCIURI)
- The URI location of the XCI file.public java.lang.String getXDCURI()
public void setXDCURI(java.lang.String xDCURI)
- The URI location of an alternative XDC file.public boolean isXMLData()
option that
specifies whether the PDF forms service produces the form's XML data based on its current
processing state.
option is set.setXMLData()
public void setXMLData(boolean xMLData)
option that instructs the PDF forms service to produce
the form's XML data based on its current processing state.
- A Boolean value that represents the xmlData
option.public java.lang.String getServiceId()
public void setServiceId(java.lang.String serviceId)
public java.lang.String getRootLocale()
public void setRootLocale(java.lang.String rootLocale)
public java.lang.String getDigSigCSSURI()
value. This value specifies a custom stylesheet for
a digital signature user interface in HTML forms.
value.public void setDigSigCSSURI(java.lang.String digSigCSSURI)
value. This value specifies a custom stylesheet for
a digital signature user interface in HTML forms.
- A string value that represents the digSigCSSURI
value.public java.lang.String getToolbarMenu()
public void setToolbarMenu(java.lang.String toolbarMenu)
public java.lang.String getIfModifiedSince()
public void setIfModifiedSince(java.lang.String ifModifiedSince)
public java.lang.String getGuideName()
public void setGuideName(java.lang.String guideName)
- The name of the specific guide within a guided forms definition.public boolean isGuideRSL()
option that specifies to use run-time
shared libraries when compiling guided forms.
The following values are valid:
- false1
- true
option.public void setGuideRSL(boolean guideRSL)
option that specifies to use run-time
shared libraries when compiling guided forms.
The following values are valid:
- false1
- true
- A Boolean value that specifies the value of the guideRSL
option.public boolean isGuidePDF()
option, which
specifies that the PDF forms service data output is rendered in both Flash and PDF.
The following values are valid:
public void setGuidePDF(boolean guidePDF)
option, which
specifies that the output is rendered in both Flash and PDF format.
The following values are valid:
- A Boolean value that specifies the value of the guidePDF
option.public boolean isGuideAccessible()
option, which specifies whether guided forms compilation is accessible.
The following values are valid:
public void setGuideAccessible(boolean guideAccessible)
option, which specifies whether guided forms compilation is accessible.
The following values are valid:
- The value of the guideAccessible
option.public java.lang.String getGuideCBURL()
option, which specifies a custom override implementation of a callback servlet.
option.public void setGuideCBURL(java.lang.String guideCBURL)
option, which specifies a custom override implementation of a callback servlet.
- The guideCBURL
option.public boolean isCB()
which specifies the generation of HTML-template initiating content,
or guided forms content. The following values are valid:
option.public void setCB(boolean cB)
which specifies the generation of HTML-template initiating content,
or guided forms content. The following values are valid:
- The value of the Cb
option.public java.lang.String getGuideStyle()
public void setGuideStyle(java.lang.String guideStyle)
- The name of the style sheet used by guided forms.public boolean isGuideSubmitAll()
which specifies whether guided forms submit all data including hidden panels.
public void setGuideSubmitAll(boolean guideSubmitAll)
which specifies whether guided forms submit all data including hidden panels.
The followiing values are valid:
- The value of the GuideSubmitAll
option.public boolean getInjectFormBridge()
option is set.
This option specifies whether the PDF forms service
inserts special javascript code into a PDF form that performs operations
on a PDF form when rendering guided forms.
option is set. The value true
means that this option is set.setInjectFormBridge()
public void setInjectFormBridge(boolean injectFormBridge)
option that specifies whether the PDF forms service
inserts special javascript code into a PDF form. The javascript performs operations
on a PDF form when rendering guided forms. This value is set to
true when you set the guidePDF
option to true
For information about rendering guided forms, see Rendering Forms.
- A Boolean value that sets the injectFormBridge
public java.util.HashMap getPropertyMap()
public java.util.HashMap getInternalOptionMap()
public boolean isRe2DBarcode()
option is set.
option is set.setRe2DBarcode()
public void setRe2DBarcode(boolean re2DBarcode)
option that enables the PDF forms service to render forms that
contain 2D barcodes and enables a user to fill in the form using Adobe Reader.
When a user fills in an interactive form that contains a barcoded,
the barcode is updated automatically to encode the
user-supplied data. For information, see Working With the Barcoded Forms service.
In order to set this option, you must have the Acrobat Reader DC Extensions service and invoke both the
and setReCredentialPassword
- A Boolean value that sets the re2DBarcode
public boolean isReCommenting()
option is set.
option is set.setReCommenting()
public void setReCommenting(boolean reCommenting)
option that enables the PDF forms service to render forms that
allow users to add comments to the PDF form using Adobe Reader.
In order to set this option, you must have the Acrobat Reader DC Extensions service and invoke both the
and setReCredentialPassword
- A Boolean value that sets the reCommenting
public boolean isReCreatePages()
option is set.
option is set.setReCreatePages()
public void setReCreatePages(boolean reCreatePages)
option that enables the PDF forms service to render forms that
allow users to dynamically add pages within Adobe Reader.
In order to set this option, you must have the Acrobat Reader DC Extensions service and invoke both the
and setReCredentialPassword
- A Boolean value that sets the reCreatePages
public java.lang.String getReCredentialAlias()
public void setReCredentialAlias(java.lang.String reCredentialAlias)
- A string value that specifies the alias value of the credential that grants usage rights.public java.lang.String getReCredentialPassword()
public void setReCredentialPassword(java.lang.String reCredentialPassword)
- A string value that specifies a valid credential password value.public boolean isReDigSig()
option is set.
option is set.setReDigSig()
public void setReDigSig(boolean reDigSig)
option that enables the PDF forms service to render PDF forms that
allow users to digitally sign the form using Adobe Reader.
In order to set this option, you must have the Acrobat Reader DC Extensions service and invoke both the
and setReCredentialPassword
- A Boolean value that sets the reDigSig
public boolean isReEmbeddedAttachments()
option is set.
option is set.setReEmbeddedAttachments()
public void setReEmbeddedAttachments(boolean reEmbeddedAttachments)
option that enables the PDF forms service to render PDF forms that
allow users to add attachments to the form using Adobe Reader.
In order to set this option, you must have the Acrobat Reader DC Extensions service and invoke both the
and setReCredentialPassword
- A Boolean value that sets the reEmbeddedAttachments
public boolean isReExpImp()
option is set.
option is set.setReExpImp()
public void setReExpImp(boolean reExpImp)
option that enables the PDF forms service to render PDF forms that
allow users to import and
export form data using Adobe Reader.
In order to set this option, you must have the Acrobat Reader DC Extensions service and invoke both the
and setReCredentialPassword
- A Boolean value that sets the reExpImp
public boolean isReFillIn()
option is set.
option is set.setReFillIn()
public void setReFillIn(boolean reFillIn)
option that enables the PDF forms service to render PDF forms that
allow users to fill in form fields and save the PDF form from within Adobe Reader.
In order to set this option, you must have the Acrobat Reader DC Extensions service and invoke both the
and setReCredentialPassword
- A Boolean value that sets the reFillIn
public boolean isReFormFieldMod()
option is set.
option is set.setReFormFieldMod()
public void setReFormFieldMod(boolean reFormFieldMod)
option that enables the PDF forms service to render PDF forms that
allow users to modify form fields and save the PDF form from within Adobe Reader.
In order to set this option, you must have the Acrobat Reader DC Extensions service and invoke both the
and setReCredentialPassword
- A Boolean value that sets the reFormFieldMod
public boolean isReOnlineCommenting()
option is set.
option is set.setReOnlineCommenting()
public void setReOnlineCommenting(boolean reOnlineCommenting)
option that enables the PDF forms service to render PDF forms that
allow users to add comments within Adobe Reader while online.
In order to set this option, you must have the Acrobat Reader DC Extensions service and invoke both the
and setReCredentialPassword
- A Boolean value that sets the reOnlineCommenting
public boolean isReOnlineForms()
option is set.
option is set.setReOnlineForms()
public void setReOnlineForms(boolean reOnlineForms)
option that enables the PDF forms service to render PDF forms that
allow users to interact with a form while online from within Adobe Reader.
In order to set this option, you must have the Acrobat Reader DC Extensions service and invoke both the
and setReCredentialPassword
- A Boolean value that sets the reOnlineForms
public java.lang.String getReReaderMessage()
public void setReReaderMessage(java.lang.String reReaderMessage)
- A string value that represents the message that is displayed within Adobe Reader.public boolean isReStandaloneSubmit()
option is set.
option is set.setReStandaloneSubmit()
public void setReStandaloneSubmit(boolean reStandaloneSubmit)
option that enables the PDF forms service to render PDF forms that
allows users to submit information from within Adobe Reader.
In order to set this option, you must have the Acrobat Reader DC Extensions service and invoke both the
and setReCredentialPassword
- A Boolean value that sets the reStandaloneSubmit
public java.lang.String getOptions()
public java.lang.String getOptionsBean(java.lang.String key)
public void updateOptionsBean(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value) throws FormServerException
public void updateOptionsBean(java.lang.String options) throws FormServerException
public java.lang.String toString()
in class java.lang.Object
public java.lang.String getInternalOption(java.lang.String key)
public void setInternalOption(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String val)
public int getAuditLog()
public void setAuditLog(int auditLog)
- An integer that specifies the audit log configurationpublic java.lang.Object clone()
in class java.lang.Object