public class DefaultProgressiveOrderingGenerator
extends java.lang.Object
Generates the progressive order for an adaptive forms as per following rules:
1. In adaptive forms node structure, for each panel having fields there would be one section. The direct fields of that panel (fields in nested panel not included) would appear as section fields
2. Title of section is taken from panel title or panel name if title is missing
3. For repeatable panel, the generated repeating section would have additional property called repeatablePanelPath. For repeating section would hold the fields for entire
repeatable panel hierarchy including fields in nested panel. Additionally, we do not support repeatable panel, inside another repeatable panel.
4. The sections are in flat hierarchy. The panel hierarchy is traversed in DFS order for generating flat sections hierarchy except for repeatable panels where no section is generated for
child panels of repeatable panel.
5. Progressive Ordering additionally contains information for completion section which is final section in node hierarchy