Interface | Description |
Block<T> |
An interface for applying some logic against the given parameter.
Cursor |
Interface for providing consistent behaviour between different Cursor implementations.
DBCallback |
The DB callback interface.
DBCallbackFactory |
Factory for creating concrete implementations of DBCallback.
DBDecoder |
An interface for decoders of BSON into instances of DBObject that belong to a DBCollection.
DBDecoderFactory |
Creates concrete DBDecoder instances.
DBEncoder |
An interface for encoders of BSONObject to BSON.
DBEncoderFactory |
Creates concrete DBEncoder instances.
DBObject |
This interface adds some specific behaviour to
BSONObject for MongoDB documents. |
Function<T,R> |
Apply a function to the input object yielding an appropriate result object.
Class | Description |
AggregationOptions |
The options to apply to an aggregate operation.
AggregationOptions.Builder |
Builder for creating
AggregationOptions . |
AggregationOutput | Deprecated
Replace with use of aggregate methods in
DBCollection that return instances of Cursor . |
BasicDBList |
An implementation of List that reflects the way BSON lists work.
BasicDBObject |
A basic implementation of BSON object that is MongoDB specific.
BasicDBObjectBuilder |
Utility for building complex objects.
BSONTimestampCodec |
Knows how to encode and decode BSON timestamps.
BulkUpdateRequestBuilder |
A builder for a single update request.
BulkWriteError |
Represents an error for an item included in a bulk write operation, e.g.
BulkWriteOperation |
A bulk write operation.
BulkWriteRequestBuilder |
A builder for a single write request.
BulkWriteResult |
The result of a successful bulk write operation.
BulkWriteUpsert |
Represents an upsert request in a bulk write operation that resulted in an insert.
Bytes |
Class that hold definitions of the wire protocol
ClientSessionOptions |
The options to apply to a
ClientSession . |
ClientSessionOptions.Builder |
A builder for instances of
ClientSession |
CommandResult |
A simple wrapper to hold the result of a command.
ConnectionString |
Represents a Connection String.
DB |
A thread-safe client view of a logical database in a MongoDB cluster.
DBAddress | Deprecated
This class is no longer needed, as the driver does not rely on it for anything anymore.
DBCollection |
Implementation of a database collection.
DBCursor |
An iterator over database results.
DBObjectCodec |
A collectible codec for a DBObject.
DBObjectCodecProvider |
A provider for a DBObjectCodec.
DBRef |
A representation of a database reference.
DBRefCodec |
A Codec for DBRef instances.
DBRefCodecProvider |
A codec provider for DBRef.
DefaultDBCallback |
An implementation of DBCallback that decodes into a DBObject.
DefaultDBDecoder |
An implementation of DBDecoder
DefaultDBEncoder |
The default BSON encoder for BSONObject instances.
DocumentToDBRefTransformer |
A Document to DBRef Transformer.
GroupCommand |
This class groups the argument for a group operation and can build the underlying command object
InsertOptions |
Options related to insertion of documents into MongoDB.
LazyDBCallback |
BSONCallback for the creation of LazyDBObject and LazyDBList instances. |
LazyDBDecoder |
A decoder for
LazyDBObject instances. |
LazyDBEncoder |
Encoder that only knows how to encode BSONObject instances of type LazyDBObject.
LazyDBList |
LazyDBObject representing a BSON array. |
LazyDBObject |
An immutable
DBObject backed by a byte buffer that lazily provides keys and values on request. |
MapReduceCommand |
This class groups the argument for a map/reduce operation and can build the underlying command object
MapReduceOutput |
Represents the result of a map/reduce operation.
Mongo |
A database connection with internal connection pooling.
Mongo.Holder |
Mongo.Holder can be used as a static place to hold several instances of Mongo.
MongoClient |
A MongoDB client with internal connection pooling.
MongoClientOptions |
Various settings to control the behavior of a
MongoClient . |
MongoClientOptions.Builder |
A builder for MongoClientOptions so that MongoClientOptions can be immutable, and to support easier construction through chaining.
MongoClientSettings |
Various settings to control the behavior of a
MongoClient . |
MongoClientSettings.Builder |
A builder for
MongoClientSettings so that MongoClientSettings can be immutable, and to support easier construction
through chaining. |
MongoClientURI |
Represents a URI
which can be used to create a MongoClient instance.
MongoCompressor |
Metadata describing a compressor to use for sending and receiving messages to a MongoDB server.
MongoCredential |
Represents credentials to authenticate to a mongo server,as well as the source of the credentials and the authentication mechanism to
MongoDriverInformation |
The MongoDriverInformation class allows driver and library authors to add extra information about their library.
MongoDriverInformation.Builder | |
MongoNamespace |
A MongoDB namespace, which includes a database name and collection name.
MongoOptions | Deprecated
Please use
MongoClientOptions instead. |
MongoURI | Deprecated
Replaced by
MongoClientURI |
ParallelScanOptions |
The options to use for a parallel collection scan.
ParallelScanOptions.Builder |
A builder for the options
QueryBuilder |
Utility for creating DBObject queries
QueryOperators |
MongoDB keywords for various query operations.
ReadConcern |
A read concern allows clients to choose a level of isolation for their reads.
ReadPreference |
A class that represents preferred replica set members to which a query or command can be sent.
ReflectionDBObject |
This class enables to map simple Class fields to a BSON object fields
ReflectionDBObject.JavaWrapper |
Represents a wrapper around the DBObject to interface with the Class fields
ReplicaSetStatus |
Keeps replica set status.
ServerAddress |
Represents the location of a Mongo server - i.e.
ServerCursor |
A class representing a cursor id associated with a server address (host/port) Since cursor ids are only useful in the context of a single
MongoDB server process, you need both values to do a getMore on the cursor.
Tag |
A replica set tag.
TaggableReadPreference |
Abstract class for all preference which can be combined with tags
TagSet |
An immutable set of tags, used to select members of a replica set to use for read operations.
TransactionOptions |
Options to apply to transactions.
TransactionOptions.Builder |
The builder for transaction options
UnixServerAddress |
Represents the location of a MongoD unix domain socket.
WriteConcern |
Controls the acknowledgment of write operations with various options.
WriteConcern.Majority | Deprecated |
WriteConcernError |
An error representing a failure by the server to apply the requested write concern to the bulk operation.
WriteConcernResult |
The result of a successful write operation.
WriteError |
Represents the details of a write error , e.g.
WriteResult |
This class lets you access the results of the previous acknowledged write.
Enum | Description |
AggregationOptions.OutputMode | Deprecated
There is no replacement for this.
AuthenticationMechanism |
An enumeration of the MongodDB-supported authentication mechanisms.
CursorType |
An enumeration of cursor types.
ErrorCategory |
A categorization of errors returned by a MongoDB server command.
ExplainVerbosity |
An enumeration of the verbosity levels available for explaining query execution.
MapReduceCommand.OutputType |
Represents the different options available for outputting the results of a map-reduce operation.
ReadConcernLevel |
A read concern level allows clients to choose a level of isolation for their reads.
Exception | Description |
BulkWriteException |
An exception that represents all errors associated with a bulk write operation.
DuplicateKeyException |
Subclass of
WriteConcernException representing a duplicate key exception |
MongoBulkWriteException |
An exception that represents all errors associated with a bulk write operation.
MongoChangeStreamException |
An exception indicating that a failure occurred when running a
$changeStream . |
MongoClientException |
A base class for exceptions indicating a failure condition with the MongoClient.
MongoCommandException |
An exception indicating that a command sent to a MongoDB server returned a failure.
MongoConfigurationException |
An exception indicating a configuration error in the client.
MongoCursorNotFoundException |
Subclass of
MongoException representing a cursor-not-found exception. |
MongoException |
Top level Exception for all Exceptions, server-side or client-side, that come from the driver.
MongoExecutionTimeoutException |
Exception indicating that the execution of the current operation timed out as a result of the maximum operation time being exceeded.
MongoGridFSException |
An exception indicating that a failure occurred in GridFS.
MongoIncompatibleDriverException |
An exception indicating that this version of the driver is not compatible with at least one of the servers that it is currently
connected to.
MongoInternalException |
A Mongo exception internal to the driver, not carrying any error code.
MongoInterruptedException |
A non-checked exception indicating that the driver has been interrupted by a call to Thread.interrupt.
MongoNodeIsRecoveringException |
An exception indicating that the server is a member of a replica set but is in recovery mode, and therefore refused to execute
the operation.
MongoNotPrimaryException |
An exception indicating that the server is a member of a replica set but is not the primary, and therefore refused to execute either a
write operation or a read operation that required a primary.
MongoQueryException |
An exception indicating that a query operation failed on the server.
MongoSecurityException |
This exception is thrown when there is an error reported by the underlying client authentication mechanism.
MongoServerException |
An exception indicating that some error has been raised by a MongoDB server in response to an operation.
MongoSocketClosedException |
This exception is thrown when trying to read or write from a closed socket.
MongoSocketException |
Subclass of
MongoException representing a network-related exception |
MongoSocketOpenException |
This exception is thrown when there is an exception opening a Socket.
MongoSocketReadException |
This exception is thrown when there is an exception reading a response from a Socket.
MongoSocketReadTimeoutException |
This exception is thrown when there is a timeout reading a response from the socket.
MongoSocketWriteException |
This exception is thrown when there is an exception writing a response to a Socket.
MongoTimeoutException |
An exception indicating that the driver has timed out waiting for either a server or a connection to become available.
MongoWaitQueueFullException |
An exception indicating that the queue for waiting for a pooled connection is full.
MongoWriteConcernException |
An exception indicating a failure to apply the write concern to the requested write operation
MongoWriteException |
An exception indicating the failure of a write operation.
WriteConcernException |
An exception representing an error reported due to a write failure.
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